Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 812: The main world is determined

It's really simple.

Qiancang thought when he saw the news from Hawkeye.

He recalled what Hawkeye said, that the world where Hawkeye's character was located seemed to be in a mine. What's more funny was that his pet happened to be a bald eagle.

[Cang Yi: Well, your side is really not suitable, but after all this matter is related to the team development afterwards, I think it is better for the four of us to find time to discuss it in the conference room. 】

[Hawkeye: Yes, just notify me in advance, I'm not busy lately. 】

After the negotiation was made here, Qian Cangyi also left a message to the shadow puppet show by the way. As for Qian Jiangyue, he can only pray that this guy will not die in the small movie now.

Although the sparrow is small and complete, although the team has only four people, each function needs to be guaranteed.

In terms of treatment, none of the four have the corresponding skills and equipment, and can only rely on special props to survive this period.

Originally, Jing Huashui was a very good candidate, but unfortunately he was too lucky to survive the death caused by the sudden increase in difficulty.

When thinking of Jing Huashui, Qian Cangyi also thought of the black dragon.

Pure power is like a landslide.

If he hadn't had a tough psychological quality, he would be frightened and stand on the spot if he changed to an ordinary actor.

The first aid spray only requires 200 pieces of pay, which does not seem to be much. However, if four people exchange one before each movie, a total of 800 pieces of pay are required.

The upper part of the movie is desperate, and even an actor is only paid 750 according to the unpaid pay. If we can find a way to reduce this part of the expenditure, the remaining pay will be able to do more.

This point, Qiancangyi also thought of before.

When the number of special props blows out and can be searched freely, actors will be able to redeem some targeted special props before the film starts.

Take Quanyun Apartment as an example. If the Hell Shop is like it is now before participating in the performance, Qiancangyi will definitely redeem special props that will allow him to land safely.

The date of the meeting is two days later.

Under the bright light, the four people were sitting in four positions.

Qiancang has been rushing to the subject, and didn't waste time talking about any clichés.

"This is the situation in the world where my character is located. You can take a look. I personally think it's good."

"Of course, because the situation is unclear now, the criteria for judging good and bad cannot be set, and can only be judged based on their own experience."

After speaking, Qiancangyi put some photos in the center of the conference table.

The camera function is also a function added in this version update.

Hawkeye stretched out his hand, and he glanced roughly, "Better than my place." Then he put the photo back.

"This is mine." The shadow play put a photo of the world where his character was on the table.

Qiancang once took the photo of the shadow play. It was a small green island. The characters of the shadow play lived on the edge of the island, close to the beach.

The angle of view in the photo is relatively high, and it can be seen that most of the island has not been explored.

"Not bad." Qiancang nodded.

"I think your place is better and more open." The shadow puppet said.

"Well, it looks like this at the moment, what do you think?" Qian Cangyi asked Qian Jiangyue's opinion.

Qian Jiangyue didn't look at it and didn't give a photo. He didn't move, as if he wasn't controlling his character at all.

"He doesn't seem to be here." Hawkeye said.

"Yes." Qian Jiangyue's character moved, "I know the situation, so the world of Cangyi is the main world. Anyway, it can be changed later, but at present, no one's world has better conditions. ."

"Since there is no problem, then vote." Qiancangyi didn't ask much.

Everyone has their own things to deal with, as long as it is not a life-related issue, there is no need to understand it clearly.

The voting method for choosing the main world is the unanimous vote system.

This is the way Qian Jiangyue is set up, and he can also set it up for the other ways. Similarly, the other two, Qian Jiangyue and Hawkeye, who belong to the core team members, can also set up.

The shadow puppet is a formal member, and the authority is not as high as the other three.

Because the rank of the team members is only related to the management status, no matter whether it is core or formal, there is not much difference in fact.

The reason is simple, no matter how strong the team is, it may be destroyed in the next movie.

All four tickets were voted into the world where Qiancang No. 1 is located, and soon the alert sounded.

[The main world has been confirmed, please log off temporarily and log in again in five minutes. 】

The four went offline as instructed.

Five minutes later, Qian Cangyi logged into the Hell Movie again.

He found that the original world had disappeared, and there was a blood-red vortex in front of his character.

He controlled the character to advance, step by step into the whirlpool.

The white light glows on the screen and then gradually darkens.

The original world appeared on the screen, besides that, there were a few more people.

These people are the other three of the Hell Return Team.

Not only people, but their pets also followed.

There is a majestic bald eagle on Hawkeye's right shoulder. The shadow play holds a black cat with green eyes in both hands. As for Qian Jiangyue, his right leg is tightly held by a baby panda.

"I found one more option for real people to enter." The shadow play suddenly said.

At the beginning, Qiancang looked for it on the control panel. Just as the shadow puppet said, there was an additional conspicuous icon on the original icon.

The composition of the icon is that a figure is stepping into a blood-red vortex.

"I will try." Qian Jiangyue said.

Two seconds later, a burst of white light lit up on Qian Jiangyue's character on the screen.

"Well, it's like another reality, it's hard to say, you can try it yourself." He said.

Click on the icon of the money warehouse.

A blood-red vortex appeared on the screen, and there was a very strong suction. Qiancang did not resist or dodge, quietly waiting for himself to be swallowed by the vortex.

When I opened my eyes again, the surrounding scenery completely changed.

He raised his right hand, and all his feelings were no different from reality.

When exploring the surrounding environment before, as soon as a real person entered the Qiancang, the biggest difference compared with that time was that there was no immediate danger after entering.

He can fully focus on appreciating the surrounding environment.

"Are you all here?" he asked. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

"I'm here," said the shadow play.

Hawkeye nodded, Qian Jiangyue did not answer.

At this time, the salted egg yolk ran out of the corner, and then ran to the position of Qiancang No. 1.

However, unlike before, the black cat held by the shadow puppet suddenly jumped out and ran towards the salted egg yolk. The next second, a cat and a dog scuffled into a ball.

"This..." The shadow play stretched out his hand, but didn't know what to say.

"I said before that this place is not absolutely safe. For example, when I entered the village where we are now, the original villagers here, assuming they were villagers, were all gone, very strange."

"In addition, sometimes there are some special situations that need to be avoided with special actions."

Qiancang mentioned this before, but this time it's just a repeat.

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