Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 891: main body

Although Qian Cangyi was trying his best to explain, whether it was Hawkeye, shadow puppets, or everyone from the Polaris team, there was an expression of'you look like you are sick, hurry up and get treatment'.

"I got the inspiration from Qian Jiangyue." Qian Cang coughed.

"The most important part is my concept. As I think, this special virus that can affect personality corresponds to my personality with my real name as the subject."

"In this case, no matter what I do, I am centered on myself and then extended to new concepts."

"What I ask for to survive, or to get anything, is centered on my real name."

"If I change this and focus on'Cang Yi', then the virus-infected personality will not work on me. At least, I will still be in a normal state before being re-infected."

Qiancangyi continued to explain.

He needs to let the actor in front of him know to believe in himself.

In any case, there can no longer be cannibalism.

Because the return from **** team can no longer withstand new losses.

"According to your computer example, are you now equivalent to switching to another user? Or are you entering the safe mode?" Hawkeye asked along with Qiancang.

"It is equivalent to a special security mode, because I found that the personality virus cannot know about the **** movie."

"From what I understand, the personality virus can explore my memory, so it is impossible to miss this point. The only possibility is that the **** movie has moved my memory. It is providing protection." Qiancang Yichang Take a sigh of relief.

"The disadvantage is that I have lost a large part of my knowledge and skills, which may or may not affect my next actions." Qiancangyi's gaze was on Hawkeye.

There are some things he didn't say.

Now, the strongest combat power on the way back from **** is likely to be Hawkeye, even if he has lost his skills.

"Then, how did you do this?" The expression on Proverbs's face was a little curious.

What she was curious about was not why Qiancangyi could think of this method, but how he implemented it.

"You originally had two personalities?" Jiu Xiang said in a questioning tone.

Qiancang hesitated and continued to speak, "It's not as exaggerated as you think."

"In fact, when I was a child, I imagined a brand new identity, a new name, location, parents, life experience, etc., the more detailed the better. In short, a new identity is constructed in your mind. character."

"Of course, I am not mentally ill. I know that these characters are conceived. Even if they interact, they can only be imagined."

"It's like a simple thinking game."

"With this kind of foundation, I can do the opposite. Instead of constructing a new character, I will change the experience of my real name to be part of the **** movie. In this way, the concept of'I' The subject becomes Cang Yi."

"In my original understanding, I was chosen by the **** movie from the world where I live to become an actor. For me, it is the world where I live, which is the real world."

"Now, I regard the real world I live in as a world in a **** movie. In fact, it is like this. The only difference is that the timing of the adjustment has been advanced."

"Because **** movies need to select'Cang Yi', so in the original world, I was born and then I was selected by the **** movies as an adult."

"In this way, my identity has been transferred."

Qiancangyi said with some regret.

If it hadn't happened, he would not do it.

Because once you modify your cognition in this way, it is very likely that you will have a sense of illusion.

A similar situation is that of many conspiracy theorists in the real world.

"You did it?" Gu Fang then asked, "Is it the same with shadow puppets?"

"Yes." Qian Cangyi said, "but I'm not sure if she can successfully get out of control. This solution is actually quite a trick. I believe there are other ways."

"Your method is not good." Hawkeye's low voice sounded.

"There is no other way, otherwise you will all have to die." Qian Cang sighed.

With eagle-eyed observation, this point is indeed not overlooked. If I am acting as a ‘Cang Yi’, then my goal will naturally change.

Qiancangyi had to admit this.

At least in terms of survival, he is not as strong as before.

The reason is simple. The real world that Qiancangyi used to think was his own home, but now the real world that Cangyi thinks is just a rest stop in the middle.

The only difference from the rest of the movie world is that no ghosts will come to you.

"Are you so confident? Okay, for the time being, have you controlled the personality virus?" Jiuxiang didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"The current situation is that I can't threaten it, and it can't manipulate me, so I'm thinking about exchanging information with it. It provides suggestions and we do it." Qiancangyi answered.

Although he used this trick to get himself out of control, he didn’t have any “anti-virus software” and he didn’t know which “file” had a problem. Therefore, both sides could only temporarily be at peace~lightnovelpub.net~ Actually , Qiancangyi already had a guess where the problem was.

That is the route from the black tower with five eyeballs to the black tower No. 1. What he saw, did or encountered, once he could remember, he might have unexpected discoveries.

"What's the result?" Gu Fang asked.

[You will all die here. 】

[Damn, there must be something else on you helping you. 】

[I can't be stumbling on the hands of a creature like you. 】

[I only need to wait to get back everything that belongs to me. 】

These words came to Qian Cangyi's mind.

It's like someone is having a heart-to-heart communication with him.

Compared with before, my own thoughts are very different from the feelings of other people's thoughts.

"It refuses to cooperate, we can now get Translucent Eye first." Qiancangyi had to give up temporarily.

Even for sales, you need to pick people and opportunities.

When the person being promoted will not pay anyway, continuing to persuade is just a waste of words.

"Or one of us?" Hawkeye pointed to Jiuxiang and said, the person he looked at was Qian Cangyi.

"Well, it's because you all have a certain degree of assimilation. I said that in the first place, there will be danger." Qian Cangyi directly expressed his worries.

It is still possible to see each other in the future. Rather than cover up, it is better to show the interests.

In this way, even if there is an accident later, we can't blame him for harming anyone specifically.

"Is it true that the deeper the assimilation, the less harm you will receive?" Jiu Xiang asked this question.

His expression at this time was very solemn.

"I don't know, but it's possible." Qiancangyi could only give such an ambiguous answer. (https://)

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