Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 892: Obtain

Qiancangyi has already recorded the route to the Translucent Eye in his notebook.

Not only left and right, but even down, exploring this path in the previous state can even be regarded as a constant swing.

"Who is going?" Qiancang asked.

Yingyan and Jiuxiang looked at each other.

When no one noticed, Proverbs took Jiuxiang's hand.

However, Jiuxiang ignored it.

"If it really means that the deeper the assimilation, the less harm you will suffer, then it is more appropriate for me to go." Jiuxiang said.

He walked to Qiancang.

"Why don't I go?" Proverbs said.

"If you can go, then I have already got the Translucent Eye before." Qiancang Yi did not break.

Proverbs gritted her teeth, and she wanted to say something, but she couldn't find a suitable reason for a while.

"Don't worry, I have survived such difficult times before. This is nothing at all." Jiu Xiang stretched his brows, and he smiled at Proverbs.

Of course the proverb knows what the nine elements said.

But she had a bad premonition, especially when she remembered the words of the previous nine phases.

The feeling of sadness is not like pretending at all.

When Jiuxiang passed by Proverbs, Proverbs grabbed Jiuxiang's palm.

"Be careful." Proverbs said softly.

"Don't worry." Jiuxiang continued to move forward.

He quickly arrived before the Qiancang entered the position.

After having a clear route, I did not encounter any difficulties in moving forward.

About thirty seconds later, Jiuxiang stood in front of the revolving transparent eyes.

His eyes reflect the pattern of transparent eyes.

At this moment, not only Jiuxiang, but Qiancang and others standing outside watching also held their breath.

What will be born?

Qiancang thought.

Finally, Jiuxiang stretched out his right hand and firmly grasped the transparent eye.

After shaking slightly, Transparent Eye stayed quietly on Jiu Xiang's right hand.

Everyone is full of energy and dare not miss a single detail.

Suddenly, Jiuxiangyan showed an expression of pain, his face almost distorted.

His body was lit up with blood red light.

These lights appeared from the cracks, and then, the red light became brighter and brighter, and you could not even look directly at it.

this is……

Qiancangyi's left arm blocked his eyes.

He can't do anything now, so he can only wait for the situation to unfold.

The red light came quickly and dissipated quickly.

After the dazzling light disappeared, Qian Cangyi set his eyes on the heart between the four pillars.

It is also where Jiuxiang is now.

He saw that the symptoms of the assimilation of the nine-phase body were more serious, and obvious cracks appeared on the face.

"Nine phases!" Proverbs ran directly.

"Wait..." Gu Fang wanted to remind the Proverbs that there is a force field between the pillars, but he didn't expect Proverbs to run directly in.

"It may be the reason why Transparent Eye was taken." Qiancang said.

At this time, the Proverbs has come before the nine phases.

She found that the eyes of Jiuxiang are also the pattern of transparent eyes.

The nine phases standing in front of her now, perhaps less than half of the human part.

"How are you doing now?" Proverb asked.

She did not dare to contact Jiu.

"I can still... live for an hour." Jiuxiang replied.

"What?" Proverbs was full of disbelief.

"I have seen a lot of things. Now, I don’t know if it’s too late. I already know the way out, but we can’t meet the requirement to leave. I think we have to open the door of erudition." Jiu Xiang’s face is gone. expression.

Even if there is an expression, the rest of the people can't see clearly.

The people standing outside could also hear his words clearly.

Qiancang's face was cold, and the things he didn't want to see were still in front of him.

"Then you are not leaving?" Qiancang said to the nines.

He believes that **** movies can save the nine phases in this state, after all, he could survive only his head.

"How to open? Qian Jiangyue climbed the sanjí steps crazy, and..." Proverbs' inner emotions are quite complicated.

She wants to say a lot, but now she can't say anything.

"I can't move." Jiuxiang said helplessly, "I can see a lot, but my body no longer supports my actions."

[Well, it seems that you and I are much more vulnerable. 】

[Fortunately, I reminded you before, otherwise you will be finished now. 】

Personality Virus once again talked to Qian Cangyi.

Qian Cangyi didn't intend to pay attention to it, but it is very likely that the personality virus knew how to save it, so he chose to take the call.

What is the solution?

Qiancangyi asked in his heart.

[He has seen a lot, if there are other solutions, he will tell you. 】

【understand? This is the function of the transparent eye. 】

[Only transparent eyes can see the true evolutionary path. 】

Qiancangyi didn't answer the call again.

"I'll carry you!" Proverbs picked up Jiuxiang.

"I'm coming." Gu Fang walked forward.

"No, you follow me first, and you will take over when I'm weak." Proverbs shook his head.

Then she ran out.

The speed is fast, not as fast as normal people.

Even when running past Qiancang, the Proverbs didn't waste time to read it.

She just wants to save the nine phases now.

Qiancangyi also followed.

"You take care of them," said to Hawkeye when Qiancang left.

He is unhappy and always hangs behind Gu Fang~lightnovelpub.net~ Proverbs, he can't follow.

The reason is simple. Proverbs uses skills.

Because I didn't leave for long when searching for the transparent eye, so one hour is enough to go to the gate of erudition.

The only question is, can the nine elements really be saved by opening the door of erudition?

Qiancang Yi didn't know.

Proverbs and Jiuxiang don't know either, but they will definitely try.

After a while, Proverbs could no longer continue to run. She slowed down, and after Gu Fang followed, she speeded up.

The special buildings on both sides can no longer arouse the kindness of actors.

The Jiuxiang on Gu Fang's back said at this time, "Don't blame Cang Yi, he doesn't know either."

Jiuxiang knows that Proverbs and Gu Fang are likely to make some extreme behaviors after his death. He is unwilling to have such a thing. More importantly, he knows that Proverbs and Gu Fang can't deal with Qian Cang Yi together.

At least in this movie world, the two can't help it.

"I know." Gu Fang gritted his teeth and said.

He understands the mind of Jiuxiang, but his psychology is still difficult to accept.

For him, Qian Qiancang is a murderer, he doesn’t care, as long as the person being killed is not someone he cares about, but if there is someone he cares about, then, even if it is accidental or a simple accident, he Can not let go.

He is such a person.

Unlike the ancients, Proverbs does not answer.

"Promise me." Jiuxiang continued.

At this time, Jiuxiang's voice was very weak.

"I don't agree, because I don't know what I will do later." Proverbs gave his own answer.

She couldn't accept it.

She thought she could bear it, but when the incident was born, she realized that she overestimated her ability to bear it. 14(https://)

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