Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 893: evolution

"Why don't you always listen to me? I don't want you to die!" Jiu Xiang was a little angry.

Especially at this time.

If it is in a safe period, he has every intention to persuade.

But now, his life has entered the countdown.

The symptoms of assimilation become more obvious.

"I don't want you to die either." Proverbs was expressionless.

She didn't say much.

Facing the quarrel between Jiuxiang and Proverbs at this moment, Gu Fang spoke.

"Jiuxiang, we are not robots, it is impossible to have no emotions."

"Don't talk about it anymore. As long as you survive, I can assume that nothing happened."

"If you don't survive, the days to come will be our own way."

After speaking, Gu Jian kept silent and focused on moving forward.

The speed is increasing in stability.

Hearing what Gu Fang said, Jiuxiang hesitated for a long time, and finally, he made up his mind and spoke again.

"Cang Yi..." Jiu Xiang swallowed. He now feels a sense of alienation in his body, "We can't fight his skills, no, it should be you can't fight."

"Huh?" Gu Fang was a little curious.

"What are his skills?" Proverbs asked.

"Based on what I saw, I guess it should be related to time." Jiuxiang said.

"Time?" Gu Fang took a deep breath.

"Time stops." Jiuxiang's tone was a little helpless.

"Why would he have..." Proverbs reconsidered Jiuxiang's words.

Before, Qian Cangyi's words also appeared in her mind.

She always thought that this was nothing but Qiancang's words.

After all, everyone has crawled out of the ghost gate, who is really worse than whom?

"Not as strong as you think, but with Cang Yi's observation and ability to seize opportunities, combined with all these, you must not be his opponent." Jiu Xiang shook his head.

"Not necessarily." Gu Fang disagreed with Jiu Xiang's point of view. "If what you said is true, he is better than us. The problem is that we are now in the Ruins of Ques, and here, there are countless traps that can be taken away. The lives of any of us."

"Don't talk." Proverbs said to Jiuxiang, "No one knows what's going on in the future."

She pulled the subject back.

Because Jiuxiang is not dead yet, there is no need to discuss this issue at all.

The nine elements really did not speak any more as the proverb required.

At this time, Qiancangyi's distance with the three people gradually narrowed, and it was already at a distance where they could talk to and hear the content of the three.

"Jiuxiang, you can't move your body, how can you open the door to erudition?" Qian Cang asked loudly.

After asking, Qiancang speeded up.

After a while, he came to Gu Fang and walked side by side with the three of them.

"You don't need to go to the door of erudition at all." Jiuxiang gave this answer.

After turning the corner, Qiancang saw a large circular scorched ground in front of him.

In the very center of the land, it is the gate of erudition that the previous nine phases said.

A mysterious door.

"Send me over." Jiu said to the ancient party.

Gu Fang came to the stairs with Jiuxiang on his back.

His movements are very light, every step is very careful, very cautious.

Afterwards, he placed Jiuxiang on the steps.

"You leave first, the farther the better." Jiu Tong said to Gu Fang.

At this moment, Jiu Xiang's tone was inexplicably sad.

Gu Fang turned his head and glanced at Jiu Xiang, he wanted to say something, but he swallowed when the words reached his lips.

The cold wind blew across the cheeks of the two of them, and Gu Fang stopped staying, leaving the scope of the gate of knowledge.

When Gu Fang left the scorched earth, Jiuxiang placed the transparent eye he held in his right hand on top of his head.

Something strange happened.

The Transparent Eye did not fall on the stairs, but floated on top of Jiuxiang at a constant distance.

Although it is still spinning, the speed is very slow, almost negligible.

Beyond the scorched earth, Qian Cangyi's gaze was fixed on Jiuxiang.

He did not stand with Proverbs and Gu Fang.

Although the two men did not show any intentions now, he had to beware.

Qiancangyi will naturally not ignore things that can be prevented through low cost.

On the stairs ahead, the cracked Jiuxiang moved, and the red light began to shine in the cracks.

First, second, third...

The nine phases gradually walked like a high place.

Even if he knew what Jiuxiang was about to do, Qian Cangyi still didn't have any envy.

The ultimate in life.

Can it really be reached by this means?

Qiancangyi has a big question mark in his heart.

Compared with lucky, Qian Cangyi thinks that the door of knowledge is more like a trap.

A trap that drove countless lives.

The reason he made this conjecture is simple, because the whole process is not unique.

Infer the conditions from the results.

If it is said that gaining a transparent eye can successfully open the door of erudition, it is a valid thing.

Then, the method of obtaining transparent eyes has become a very important step.

Find the location of the transparent eye, discover the invisible conditions for obtaining the transparent eye, and have been assimilated by the mysterious creature.

These three points are not too difficult.

"Why can he be so relaxed?" Proverbs said softly.

Gu Fang, who was standing next to her, turned his head to look at her, with doubts in his eyes.

"Qian Jiangyue stays for a long time every time he climbs the first step of the ladder. He sees what we can’t see~lightnovelpub.net~Why Jiuxiang didn’t stay at all? Isn’t he who has transparent eyes? Ordinary human?"

The proverb continued.

In this short minute, Jiuxiang has already traveled half the distance.

He has read everything Qian Jiangyue has read.

The only difference is that the transparent eyes above his head help him point out the way forward.

It's like a beacon to show the way.

When Jiuxiang stepped onto a new level, they all began to become unusual together.

Qian Cangyi was sure that he could see the nine phases, but he could not feel the existence of the nine phases.

It seems that the nine phases standing on the stairs at this time are nothing but phantoms.

At the same time, the red light on Jiuxiang also began to change, no longer a single color, but became colorful.

Jiuxiang also discovered this point.

He also noticed changes in the rest of his body.

Many places have changed.

Jiuxiang doesn't care about these changes.

He continued upward.

However, he found that he had nowhere to stay.

He can see the path pointed by the transparent eye, and in countless illusions, that path is so obvious that it doesn't even need to be found.

The problem is that he can't get up.

The flaws in the life level have now become irreparable gaps.

Faced with this situation, Jiuxiang closed his eyes.

A decision has been made in his mind.

When he opened his eyes again, the skill Dust Sand had been activated.

The body began to turn into bits of gravel.

After reuniting, Jiu Xiang's body has appeared in front of the gate of scholarship.

Now, Jiuxiang only needs to reach out to open the door of erudition.

What is on the other side of the door of erudition? (https://)

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