Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 902: Ma'am

In **** movies, every day you need to think about whether you can see the sun tomorrow.

The idea of ​​talking about love only exists in movies that are shown on the screen.

At least, even if Jiuxiang has a good impression of someone, it will not try this.

Because he knows the consequences and has seen similar consequences.

Especially the newcomers who have just entered the **** movie, some want to keep each other warm, and some want to hug the thighs of senior actors.

During this period, because the Three Views will be greatly impacted, newcomers will basically have the idea of ​​relying on others, and this idea may slowly evolve into other emotions.

Between life and death, this emotion may cause actors to make wrong judgments.

It may also be used.

There are not a few actors who died because of a momentary heartbeat, so Jiu is not optimistic about this.

A sigh came from the mouth of Jiuxiang.

He closed his eyes again.

The scene of meeting Proverbs for the first time slowly came to mind.

At that time, the film in which she participated was called "Finding Her Smile", and the main location was in a relatively remote orphanage.

The role played by Jiu Xiang is a journalist.

One day, the character played by Jiu Xiang received an unsigned blank envelope. The envelope was very clean, as if it was directly folded out of A4 paper.

After opening the envelope, there is a piece of letter paper inside. All the words on the letter paper are cut from books and pasted.

The content of the letter is very simple. The person who wrote the letter stated that he had seen reports about the fight against evil forces played by the reporter played by Jiu Xiang, and hoped that he would come to the orphanage to take a look.

As for the reason, the letter did not mention it.

In fact, the role played by Jiu Xiang has already noticed this orphanage because he once visited this orphanage when he was a volunteer.

The orphanage is managed by a team of husband and wife.

When they went to work as volunteers, the dean and his wife were very enthusiastic and treated others very mildly.

But the children in the orphanage are always stern, looking lifeless, without any child's anger.

Do not play or fight.

When I was playing, I did everything in order, and there was hardly any smile.

After inquiring, the dean and his wife said that they did not know why, but did not say anything about the matter, and suddenly began to see off the guests.

The time period when Jiuxiang entered was when the role he played was temporarily okay, so let it go and start investigating the orphanage.

In addition to him, there are two other newcomers reporters.

These two reporters are the new actors in this movie.

Proverbs are among them.

Another actress, whose code name is Liubai, is a very lively girl.

After telling them some basic information, they led them to the orphanage for investigation.

The reason this time is to volunteer.

The purpose of Jiuxiang is very simple, first step on it in advance, and then visit the orphanage at night at night.

The investigation of volunteering during the day is mainly to confirm the identity of the person sending the letter and to understand the overall structure of the orphanage.

The investigation at night is the focus.

Jiuxiang clearly remembers that in the daytime, the blank space kept tempting the child according to Jiuxiang's statement, but did not say a word, but just sat quietly with the child.

It seems...she was like this.

For this reason, the blank has also complained about this.

However, new clues are obtained from Proverbs.

The reason is simple. The dean of the orphanage will send people to test these children from time to time.

If these children tell what they have experienced, they will be punished.

After doing this a few times, the child naturally distrusts outsiders.

It is precisely because of this that not saying a word of proverbs will allow children to try.

Assuming that Proverbs was sent by the dean, it would certainly not do nothing.

It is with this thinking that the child who wants to tell the truth locks in the motto.

And because the proverbs did not say a word and were not interested in the children at all, the dean and his wife did not stare at the proverbs.

The child in contact with Proverbs is a little girl in a pink dress.

The letter was written by her. The boy who delivered the letter took advantage of the free time after the rounds to deliver the letter, and was later caught. After being caught, the little girl never saw the boy who delivered the letter again.

Knowing this, Proverbs intended to take the little girl away, but was opposed by Jiuxiang.

Moreover, the little girl refused to leave because she knew that she could not escape in this way.

When time is running out, the little girl asks Proverbs to find herself in the middle of the night.

In the middle of the night, people from Jiuquan tried to sneak into the orphanage, met the little girl, and learned from the little girl that children in the orphanage would often be taken to a dark room for experiments.

The child will be covered by a black bag and will be injected with anesthetics after the experiment begins.

During the experiment, the children didn't know at all. When they woke up, they always felt that they were missing something.

The child who returned to the orphanage would let the rest of the children check for themselves, but nothing was missing, and there was nothing more.

The only change is that I don't laugh much when playing.

I don’t have much interest in the games and snacks I am usually interested in.

The whole person has changed.

As time goes by, the children who have done the experiment will see some strange things and hear some strange sounds ~lightnovelpub.net~ At night, they will also suddenly wake up from their sleep, but they can't remember anything.

In the process of questioning, the dean and his wife suddenly rounded the room, and the little girl hurriedly returned to the bedroom.

Jiu Xiangxiang took the little girl straight away, but the little girl said that she couldn't leave. There were still people in the orphanage she wanted to protect.

After understanding the basic situation of the matter, Jiuxiang began to develop a monitoring plan.

The trio watched the orphanage in turn, ready to follow the kid who was taken away at any time.

A week later, Jiuxiang finally found a trace.

At night, a white small truck stopped at the entrance of the orphanage. The two children were taken out by the dean and handed over to the truck driver. Among them, there was a little girl who was talking to Jiuxiang and the others.

The driver put the two children in the cargo box, and then drove to a more remote area.

Jiuxiang drove to keep up, and followed all the way to the mountains.

Because I was afraid of being discovered, I stretched the distance specially.

But I didn't expect to lose the target after turning a turn.

The three of them started searching, and soon found the truck they were following, but they didn't find anyone in it.

Because the little girl is very clever, Jiuxiang guess may have some clues that are easy to track.

As he expected, soon, Jiuxiang smelled a smell of urine.

The smell is not heavy, but as long as you are careful, you can still smell it.

The three followed the taste to find their way, deeper and deeper into the mountains.

After a while, a house hidden in the mountains attracted the attention of the three.

After approaching, Jiuxiang observed it outside first, and after confirming that he had not been found, he would find a way to get in.

In a research room in the house, Jiuxiang saw a lot of research materials.

The content of the data is how to see those ghosts everywhere. (https://)

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