Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 905: Promote

It stands to reason that when he was first selected by the **** movie, it was when the actors were short of money.

On the one hand, we must exercise and improve our physical fitness.

Of course, money and time are indispensable.

On the other hand, because of their own physical deficiencies, in all likelihood, they cannot overcome them with their own strength when encountering dangerous situations. Therefore, special props that can be exchanged for remuneration are needed to save the field.

Both the real world and the movie world need remuneration to survive. Naturally, it is the time when money is most scarce.

Although the real world may choose actors with better family backgrounds, they are only a minority after all.

The analogy is to travel back and become a nobleman.

As for why this is the case, Qiancangyi also has a guess.

Newcomers, many.

Their value is far from that of senior actors.

Both popularity and strength take a long time to accumulate and grow.

Under harsh conditions, actors who can take their own path from it also have their own characteristics and abilities.

Therefore, the reasons why **** movies do not provide generous conditions for new actors are also apparent.


People who can quickly recognize their environment and change themselves to adapt are easier to survive.

This point corresponds to the rapid adaptation to identity after entering the movie.

Regardless of whether they are a noble son or a poor second generation in the real world, they cannot bring their original interpersonal relationships and family conditions into the movie world.

From a ‘fair’ point of view, the casting of **** movies is treated equally.

Of course, after returning to the real world, people with abundant material conditions can more easily devote their energy to improving their own strength.

And this is also because of their own efforts, which has no direct relationship with funds.

Assuming that as long as you have money, you can be full of tendons, I believe that the classic image of a rich man will no longer be an overweight person, but a coveted bodybuilding body of all kinds.

"Speaking of which, whether in the real world or in the movie world, the situation of the fat house is not so good."

Suddenly, Qiancang thought of a class of people whose proportions were gradually expanding.

"Pure theoretical learning is of little significance, and various tall concepts are of little use."

"On the contrary, some side-by-side but practical skills and skills have a greater effect."

"According to previous movies, I basically deal with people."

"Even if there are no plot characters in the movie world, there are other actors. Therefore, people-oriented skills are usually more effective."

"On the other hand, music, I dabble less on this point."

"At least you have to be able to use one common instrument, just a piano."

"For people, you can choose magic, or pickpockets. In short, it is a non-visual blind zone."

After determining the direction, the Qiancang began to execute.

Now he still has some surplus money, and he can choose to find an instructor for piano studies.

The level of the teacher does not have to be high, but it will definitely allow him to get started quickly.

For the latter, it is impossible to find an instructor, and it is of little significance.

The focus of his learning of this skill is different from that of pickpockets, he is just to allow himself to use this skill to do something at a critical time, not intending to commit illegal or criminal acts.

"In fact, the most important thing is to practice with the dummy first."

"In terms of actual combat, it is impossible to really use it in the real world. Then, wait for the opportunity to practice with them."

Qiancang took a deep breath.

He opened the shopping website and started to buy the items and courses he needed, and by the way contacted the teacher who taught piano lessons.

Because it is a separate course, the price is high, but it is still within the acceptable range.

On the other side, he bought a dummy and some cameras.

"In terms of craftsmanship, practice makes perfect, and the most important thing in application is how to divert people's attention."

"The dummy can't be trained in this aspect, so you can only analyze it afterwards."

After everything was prepared, Qiancang tried for the first time at first.

He placed the dummy in the center of the living room. Around it, there were eight cameras facing the dummy.

All eight directions are diagonally opposite, four are taken from diagonally upward and diagonally downward, and the other four are taken from diagonally downward and diagonally upward.

Two dummies were bought, namely men with a height of 175 of medium build and a woman with height of 165 of medium build.

And all of them are equipped with three sets of common clothes, one for summer and two for winter.

Standing in the corner of the room, Qiancang looked at the dummy that had been prepared, then turned his head and glanced at the surveillance screen on the laptop.

"Nowadays, cashless payment is quite developed. Many people don't bring a wallet, but only a mobile phone."

"Speaking of it, maybe the reason why pickpockets are getting harder and harder to survive is not because of the increase in people's vigilance, but because of the development of technology."

"Compared with going out with a wallet and mobile phone, mobile phones have a disadvantage that is often criticized, that is, there will be insufficient battery."

"Considering this point, there will be some people who still maintain the original way."

"Men, the wallet is usually placed in the pocket of the trousers and in the middle of the jacket."

"Compared to trouser pockets, the pockets in the jacket are more secure."

At this time, Qiancang Yi appeared from the left and rear of the dummy in the camera. Then, he stretched out his right hand and used his index and middle fingers to clip out the not too thick wallet.

Put the wallet in your hand in your pocket and walk all the way to the end.

"The strength of the index finger and **** must be sufficient ~lightnovelpub.net~ otherwise it will not be able to be fixed at all, let alone complete this action quickly."

"In order to divert the target's attention, the pickpocket usually hits it. However, today when the anti-pickup point is popular, it will immediately cause the target to alert, so this action is not necessary."

As soon as Qiancang sat at the table, he began to watch the video of himself just now.

The eight cameras were frozen at the moment he took the wallet.

Looking at the picture on the screen, Qiancang frowned.

"Although this has been taken into account, when you take it, you still unconsciously look at the pocket where the wallet is located. Logically speaking, this action should have been completed during the previous observation."

"The time is probably...two seconds."

"I have skills in the movie world. If it can be shortened to one second, then I can complete this action seamlessly."

"Even if the camera can't find it..."

When saying this, Qian Cangyi suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"Speaking of actual combat, it may not be impossible."

"If you don't steal something, it will naturally not constitute a crime."

"What if I put things in? For example, a one-dollar bill, with no special slogan on it, so even if it is caught by plain clothes... etc., it may still be taken back to the police for investigation?"

Qiancangyi rethinked his own ideas.

He decided to abandon actual combat for the time being.

At least not in the real world.

At this moment, his phone rang, and the call was from an unfamiliar number.

"Excuse me, is it Mr. Qian? This is..." A sweet female voice came across.

"Yes." Qiancang nodded.

The caller was the one who talked to Qiancang about piano lessons. (https://)

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