Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 907: feasibility

Qian Cangyi has watched the brief introductions of these four movies.

Next to the introduction on each page, there is a poster corresponding to the introduction.

As for the promotional video, it may not be provided until the actor has confirmed the movie he will be participating in.

The poster of "The Last Passenger" depicts a car with lights on, but there is no one on the 118 road.

The perspective is the perspective of passers-by, sideways, looking up.

Whether or not someone is lying under the seat, it cannot change the fact that there is no one in the driver's seat.

The style of the whole painting is rather dark, and the only place that makes people feel slightly warm is near the interior lights.

No one knows where this bus came from and where it is going.

"In the movie "The Last Passenger", do we play the role of a passenger who wants to ride in this car, a reporter who wants to have something to write about, or a fan of supernatural events?" Qiancang One raised this question.

Of course, no one can answer.

At least from the information provided by Hell Movies, no definite conclusion can be drawn.

Different identities may have different requirements for the completion of the film.

If it's just a passenger, then it's enough to survive, and it's basically impossible not to get on the bus, so there's no need to think about it in this respect.

And if it is a reporter, perhaps the condition for the film's finalization is to uncover the mystery in this unmanned bus.

"The four of us participated in the performance together, and it is more likely to be biased towards passengers." Qian Jiangyue gave his own answer.

"Fans of supernatural events cannot be ruled out, and compared to passengers, fans of supernatural events are more likely to act collectively." The shadow puppet also spoke.

Qian Jiangyue did not care.

"What did the young lady say?" Qiancang asked.

Because Xiaotai provided suggestions in the last movie, maybe the same pattern can be replicated this time.

As an agent, making personal suggestions for the film can also make sense logically.

Qian Jiangyue's right elbow was on the table, her right palm propped her cheek, "He, there is a charge."

"Huh?" Qian Cangyi expressed doubts.

"He said that his kind reminder caused trouble for himself. Therefore, in order to be fair and reasonable to the rest of the actors, he will charge a certain fee when making suggestions."

"This time it's 100 pieces, will you give it?" When Qian Jiangyue spoke, a little wife appeared in her mind.

How can Cang Yi stand it?

Qian Jiangyue thought.

"Yes, but I suggest that we each take out a certain amount of salary as team funds." Qiancang nodded.

Even if he managed to survive till now, Qian Cangyi still did not forget his original intention of remuneration.

There is no doubt that remuneration is not only a reward for actors after participating in a movie, but also a resource that can improve the survival rate of actors.

It is completely acceptable to use film pay to exchange information.

Although the information that may be obtained does not have much effect, at least in this regard, there is an attempt to increase the possibility of survival.

"200 per person is more reasonable." Hawkeye gave a specific amount.

No one opposed his proposal.

Soon, the words 800 piece remuneration appeared in the team's funds.

"Then I'm going to buy information, waiting for me." Qian Jiangyue immediately sat upright, rubbing his hands at the same time.

Seeing that there was no objection, Qian Jiangyue immediately left the meeting room.

At this moment, an idea suddenly appeared in the shadow play's mind.

She said: "Do you think it is possible for such a team to exist."

"It keeps attracting newcomers, and the senior actors in the team use their status to collect protection fees from the newcomers."

"As long as the number of newcomers is sufficient, even if the proportion of passing movies is low, they can still charge a lot of money."

After speaking, the shadow play looked at Qian Cangyi.

"The possibility is very low." Qian Cang said as he looked into the eyes of the shadow puppet show.

He did not continue to say downwards for the time being, but lowered his head and thought for two seconds.

"We first assume that this kind of transaction is established, and there is no coercion between the two parties, that is to say, the senior actors are not threatening to force the newcomer to pay protection fees."

"After a movie, consider that for every newcomer alive, the senior actor will get a protection fee."

"Because senior actors have an interest relationship with newcomers, senior actors will pay more attention to the lives of newcomers."

"However, there is a problem here."

"Hell movies have a scoring mechanism, so you can't get the basic pay if you survive."

"The new actor's score will be very low when there is no or very little effort. Relatively, the pay will be very low."

"It's impossible for a senior actor not to know this, so it can be inferred that the protection fee is a fixed amount."

"In other words, the income of the newcomer actor who adopts this method to pass a movie is negative."

"In this way, the transaction cannot be maintained forever."

"The result is still the same. For new actors, even if they have a certain amount of remuneration deposits, they can't do it a few times. In the end, they still have to choose to participate in the film alone, or not to participate in the way of paying protection fees."

"Of course, in addition to the remuneration, there are rights and **** transactions, etc., this, the probability is very low, and it has no reference value, and it is impossible to form a certain scale."

"Shadow puppetry, the situation you said ~lightnovelpub.net~, in essence, does not go against the tendency of **** movies."

"Using the pay to increase the possibility of one's survival naturally also includes using the pay to find a strong teammate for oneself."

Qiancang looked at the two after speaking.

He waited for their response.

"That's what I said." The shadow play nodded thoughtfully.

"Perhaps we can carry out this service?" Hawkeye asked.

"Occasionally helping the rest of the actors is indeed feasible, but it is purely for the pay...I think it's fine." Qian Cang smiled.

He doesn't think he can be so strong.

Hell movies are not online games.

In online games, players with high levels or skills can slaughter low-level monsters at will.

Hell movies are different. Even if a senior actor returns to a movie he has acted in, he still has to do his best if he wants to survive.

The behavior of ‘scoring points’ cannot exist!

"I think this might happen in large-scale team films." The shadow puppet theater thought of another point.

"Bring it once?" Qiancang asked.

"Yes, large-scale team movies are highly profitable and difficult. Skills and equipment can be obtained. If I let someone bring them, I will definitely let him lead me in large-scale team movies." The shadow play said and nodded.

"Well, this is indeed very likely to happen." Hawkeye agreed.

Just when the three of them were about to continue their in-depth discussion, Qian Jiangyue opened the door of the meeting room and walked in.

"It's easy to have money." He sat in his seat.

"Then, what good news did you bring?" Qiancang put his hands and fingers crossed on the table.

"It's not good news, just learn more." Qian Jiangyue took a sip of tea. (https://)

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