Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 925: Hell of the dead

"Wang Qi is right, we'd better be more careful." Qian Cangyi looked at Qian Jiangyue and said.

"All right, I don't care." Qian Jiangyue spread out his hands.

The four are out again.

They walked to the hill bag, to the cemetery.

After the distance approached, with the help of the light of the mobile phone, they could clearly see the words written on the tombstone.

As the script says, all of them are names of people.

And there is only one name, without any title.

Hao Guohao, Ren Yunhan, Wei Hai, Lu Bing, Wei Zhaoxu...

The material used for the tombstone is natural stone, about 5o cm long, 3o cm wide, and 3 cm thick.

The color is pale white, and the text on the tombstone is dark red.

Each tombstone is separated by a distance of 1 meter to 2 meters, and there are at least hundreds of such tombstones on a small hill. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

The whole hill is bare, and it is full of loess, giving people a sense of desolation.

The moonlight blocked by the dark clouds in the night sky again sprinkled on the earth, and the stars also reappeared with a pale yellow gleam.

With moonlight, the vision is much better.

"It's strange, why are there so many tombstones here?" The shadow play said a line belonging to Cao Ya.

She looked left and right, puzzled.

Not only Cao Ya, but she also has such doubts.

At this moment, there is no need to act specifically, she and Cao Ya have exactly the same views.

"Yeah, it's weird, what exactly is this place?" Qian Cang fixed his eyes on the name on the tombstone. At the same time, he inserted his right hand into his tip, and then stroked the black back, sliding his hand to the back of his head before drawing again. from. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

There is no special place in the name.

Qiancangyi's eyes were extremely clear.

Taking advantage of the script's request, he scanned the tombstone that he could see.

The name above is probably remembered by him.

These names have nothing in common, except that they are all Chinese characters, and there is no name related to the script of this movie world.

"Don't worry about this, let's continue walking." Qian Jiangyue's tone was a little anxious.

The four continued on.

Qian Jiangyue was at the forefront, then Qian Cangyi, then shadow puppetry, and finally Hawkeye.

They passed through one tombstone after another, and walked to the top of the hill.

The vision suddenly opened up.

Looking around, there are endless small hills in front of them, and each small hill is filled with tombstones, giving the four a strong sense of visual impact. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

A sense of contradiction arises in the bottom of my heart, the road ahead is empty but dense.

The empty space is because you can't see the end at a glance; the denseness is because of the dense tombstones.

Among the countless tombstones, some names, taken apart and combined, are the names of the four.

This may also herald the end of the four.

For a while, no one spoke.

As soon as Qiancang was looking, he was looking for the place mentioned in the script.

An open space without tombstones.

There, even if there is nothing, there must be a script for the next act hidden.

The sights were swept one by one.

Finally, Qiancangyi saw the unique open space.

"Let's go over there." He stretched out his right hand and pointed in the direction of the clearing. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

The eyes of the other three people all looked in the direction pointed by Qiancangyi.

In the clearing under the moonlight, there seemed to be people walking in it.

"Are you sure you want to go there? Do you know what it is?" Qian Jiangyue said to Qiancang's face.

His eyes were full of doubt.

Lan Jing is a person who doesn't trust others.

"I don't know, but we don't have any other places to go. Since nothing is found, we might as well go to the most special place." Qian Cangyi said confidently.

He believes that along the way to the present, Pei Junliang has gradually begun to adapt to the current situation.

Although it still looks a little cowardly, it is much better than when the movie first started.

This also provided help for Qiancangyi's actions in the future. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Beside the tombstone behind the four, a green hand suddenly stretched out from the ground.

The sound is not loud, but there is still.

There is a script in the front and a sound in the back, it is impossible for Qian Cang Yi to ignore this vision.

He turned his head and looked at the iron cyan hand.

"Look at..." Qiancang's pupils contracted, his lips opened slightly, and the sound of inhalation increased.

Before the four of them could make a new response, more and more hands stretched out from the ground.

The originally peaceful cemetery suddenly became lively and extraordinary, but it was not the liveliness of the living, but the carnival of the dead.

"Run!" Qiancang took the lead and ran to the open space that was previously present.

After the iron-blue hand stretched out, the head stretched out soon, and the half-rotten head could even see the skull.

Under the bright moonlight, the four people ran wildly in the graveyard with tombstones everywhere, and behind them were countless dead bodies crawling out of the ground. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

After leaving the way too self-reliant, they came to a more terrifying place.

The new script appeared in my mind.

[Act 5: I just want to lose weight]

[When I was watching a horror movie, Pei Junliang thought about what he would do in such a situation. 】

[He thinks that the people in the film are too stupid, and they don't have the agility of human beings when they are in danger. 】

[Until now, he really realized that he also encountered the situation in the horror movie, and it was even more terrifying. 】

[Because he doesn't have any tools, the only thing that can survive him is his lack of exercise legs. 】

[In the cemetery under the moonlight, countless dead corpses crawled out of the ground, as if ten thousand corpses came out of the cage. 】

[Junliang Pei believes that these dead bodies cannot be called zombies at all, and it is more appropriate to call them zombies. 】&1t;i>&1t;/i>

[At this critical moment of escape, Cao Ya accidentally tripped on a tombstone and fell to the ground. This fall caused her to temporarily lose the ability to move. 】

[Cao Ya, crying, she yelled while crying. 】

[She originally came to participate in the night run with the idea of ​​making the male **** regret after losing weight, but she never expected that things would turn out to be where it is now. 】

[Running is no longer to lose weight, but to survive! 】

[If you want to survive, you can't stop. 】

[Pei Junliang (turns his head to look at Cao Ya's direction and roars): Get up! You have to run if you can't run, are you going to die? 】

[Pei Junliang (looking at Lan Jing and Wang Qi): Hey, we...]

[He thought that the two had the same ideas as his own, but he did not expect that Lan Jing and Wang Qi directly rejected his request. 】

[Junliang Bae (very surprised): You guys...]

[There is not much time for Bae Junliang to think, it took him half a second to make a decision. 】

[He ~lightnovelpub.net~ decided to help Cao Ya, not only to save others, but also to save herself. 】

[Pei Junliang turned around and ran to Cao Ya. In the voice of Cao Ya's gratitude, he pulled Cao Ya up, and then helped Cao Ya to run to the open space pointed out earlier. 】

[Lan Jing and Wang Qi have moved further and further apart. 】

[Pei Junliang (heartache): Don't thank me, everyone will do this, of course, except for Lan Jing and Wang Qi! 】

[Pei Junliang (angry): Wang Qi, a brute, I helped him just now, but I didn't expect to turn my face and deny him now! 】(Https:)

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