Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 954: Shadow of horror

The group, led by Qian Cangyi, went to the cave where Luzijin was hiding.

On the way, Qian Jiangyue and Yingyan had turned from half-corpses to humans, but Luo He was still unconscious, and his condition was getting worse and worse. If he did not get treatment in time, it would not last long.

"You mean, you found a cave where you can hide from dead bodies?" Gu Mu was taken aback by the news.

"I didn't find it." Qian Cangyi corrected the slight error in Gu Mu's words. "And that can't be regarded as a cave. At best, it can only be regarded as the junction between two unnamed villages."

"I really didn't expect this." Wu Chuchu had a feeling of thinking being impacted by new discoveries.

No matter how slow the thinking speed is, one can easily discover that, except for the unknown villages in the Haoyue period, the safest place in the **** of the dead is definitely where Lu Zijin hid.

Ordinary dead corpses don't seem to be a big threat. That's because the number hasn't increased. As time goes by, there will be more and more dead corpses near unknown villages, and they may fill up every place in the end.

"Is Luzijin reliable?" The point of Yingyan's inquiry was not the cave where he could hide, but the people hiding in the cave.

"I don't know, I don't know if what he said is true or false." Qiancang shook his head, "but it doesn't matter if it is true or not, as long as we can leave the **** of the dead alive."

"Your words sound like cheating or not, as long as you pass the exam." Qian Jiangyue replied.


Ahead, the familiar Taizi Road could already see a trace. When he got here, Qiancang first paid attention to the name on the tombstone, and soon he determined the exact location of the cave.

"Come with me." Qiancang said, and he quickened his pace.

The outside of the cave was still as desolate as before, and the tombstones on the ground blocked the entrance of the cave tightly.

"That's it!" Qiancang pointed at the tombstone on the ground, and then he tapped the tombstone three times, "Lu Zijin, it's me, Pei Junliang." After speaking, Qiancang waited quietly.

"Will Lu Zijin be eaten by a dead body on the road?" Qian Jiangyue said.

"Can it be opened from the outside?" Wu Chuchu asked.

"Yes." Qiancang nodded, but his expression was very solemn, "You stand up a bit." After speaking, Qiancang's hands found a suitable point for exerting force and pulled up the tombstone at the entrance of the cave.

In the next second, Qian Jiangyue squatted at the entrance of the cave, and with the help of the light of the broken moon in the night sky, Qian Jiangyue had a clear view of the situation inside.

Dong**, a flesh and blood female corpse was lying on the ground. Next to the corpse, a black-haired man was constantly crawling on the flesh of the corpse with his hands, and there was a swallowing noise in his mouth.

"That, Pei Junliang, does Lu Zijin have a hobby of eating dead human flesh?" Qian Jiangyue raised her head and asked Qian Cangyi.

"...No." Qiancangyi opened the tombstone completely.

At this moment, the man in the cave who was eating Gong Ping's corpse turned his head. It was Lu Zijin, but at this moment, Lu Zijin's face was stained red with blood, and his black eyes, which were full of spiritual energy, had lost their former luster. There was still a piece of meat in his mouth that had not been chewed. The blood on the meat slowly flowed from the corners of his mouth and flowed into the collar along his neck. From the outside of the cave, Lu Zijin at this time looked more like a perverted bloodthirsty demon.

The yellow spell flew into the cave and stayed on Lu Zijin's forehead without error. Suddenly, Lu Zijin remained motionless as if he had been cast by a body spell.

"Wu Chuchu." Qian Cang glanced at the only person in the team who could use the half-corpse conversion skill.

"I'm afraid he will eat me suddenly." Wu Chuchu glanced into the cave, "Speaking of which, you really hid here before? I don't feel like a hiding place here, but more like a perverted hiding place. Baodong."

"I'll go down first, and you'll jump down again." Qiancang took out the 9 cards in his pocket and shook it in front of Wu Chuchu's eyes.

After the empty cards and identity cards appeared, Wu Chuchu's gaze followed Qian Cangyi's hand, and finally stopped in his pocket, "I'm so hard, you give me one, don't you?"

"You ask them." Qian Cang pointed at Qian Jiangyue and the others before jumping into the cave. Only Wu Chuchu and Qian Jiangyue were left looking at each other. Seeing the slightly threatening eyes of the three, Wu Chuchu would like to say immediately. The words swallowed back.

After jumping into the cave, Qian Cang took out the piece of meat from Lu Zijin's mouth and stuffed it in with a charm. Then, he began to examine the wound on Lu Zijin's body. He thought it was not as simple as he thought.

There are bite marks on the back of the neck, just like Ning Yang's bite marks at the time, it can now be 100% confirmed that there are ghosts peeping at us in the dark of the dead.

Qiancang keenly discovered this.

At this time, Wu Chuchu also jumped out of the cave, "It's so dark." After speaking, Wu Chuchu grabbed Qian Cangyi's right arm with both hands, and gradually leaned forward.

"Are you sure you don't choose him?" Qian Cangyi wiped the blood off Lu Zijin's face.

Damn, so handsome?

Wu Chuchu subconsciously let go of the hand that grabbed Qiancangyi.

"Go ahead, I have a question to ask him." Qian Cangyi gave up his position to Wu Chuchu.

During the subsequent conversion time, the rest of the people also hid in the cave, because the space of the cave was not large, so the rest of the people hid in the passage.

Wu Chuchu felt a little dizzy after the conversion. She shook her head, trying to clear herself up, "So tired..." Wu Chuchu said softly.

"You can sleep leaning on his shoulder." Qian Cangyi motioned with his eyes.

"This is a good suggestion." Wu Chuchu's eyes lit up, but immediately dimmed again, "Forget it, I don't want to be eaten like this." When he said this, Wu Chuchu glanced at the corpse that was eaten full of holes. Gong Ping.

Qiancang awakened Lu Zijin.


Lu Zijin opened his eyes and roared at the same time, his whole body trembled, and then quickly shrank in the corner of the cave.

"Don't worry, no one here will **** you. What happened?" Qiancangyi's magnetic voice sounded.

"Junliang Pei?" Lu Zi Jin headed forward.

"It's me, what bit you?" Qiancang chose to get straight to the point.

"Bite? You mean that Luzijin's situation is the same as Ning Yang's situation at that time?" A shadow puppet suddenly thought of a person~lightnovelpub.net~ Speaking of it, Ning Yang seemed to be separated from us, and now I don’t know where it is . "

Hearing Qian Cangyi’s words, Lu Zijin folded his arms around his chest and curled up like a child who has been deeply hurt by society. He waited for two seconds, and then said, "I didn’t see it clearly, but it’s definitely not a human, nor is it. Ordinary corpses and half corpses."

"Interesting, do you mean that in addition to playing games with the devil, we also have to beware of monsters that will attack us at any time and still don't know what kind of monsters they look like?" Qian Jiangyue squeezed over.

"Obviously." Hawkeye interjected.

Suddenly, Lu Zijin thought of Gong Ping, "Gong Ping's corpse..." He glanced around, and quickly saw what Gong Ping looked like at this time.

"Don't vomit!" Qiancang glanced quickly and pressed Lu Zijin's mouth. "If you don't mind, please swallow it back. The place is small. If you vomit it, the taste here will become the same as the toilet in the countryside Internet cafe. ."

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