Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 957: Devil's Gift

The flame rushed to the roof, Wu Chuchu hurriedly stepped back a few steps, and then, the little man on the table seemed to be alive and started to walk. In this way, he walked around the flame step by step, as if only in ancient tribes on remote continents The mysterious ceremony held.

The atmosphere in the wooden house suddenly became very weird. At this moment, Qiancang noticed that there were countless pinpoint eyes staring at him around him, some of which were even blinking, as if countless monsters were really peeping at him.

The flame gradually extinguished, leaving only a place of black and gray. Then, the three villains took their hands off the shoulders of the other villains, and the villain's eyes lit up with only an outline. The restless red light.

In the next second, the three villains held hands and slowly bowed to Wu Chuchu.

Wu Chuchu was very surprised, because she had checked the altar the first time she saw it. There were no parts on these little people to move around, and every place had been fixed to death.

Just as Wu Chuchu was at a loss, the gentle-faced villain in the middle of the three villains actually spoke.

"Wow, are you the first person to get three empty cards in this game?" Its voice is very strange, with a rustling sound like a breeze blowing leaves behind every word.

"Yes, it's me." Wu Chuchu stepped forward, and she found her voice trembling.

"Did you not kill people? How boring is this game without killing people? I know that you mortals will suppress your own nature, so I specially set up this game to relax you." The indifferent villain also spoke, and it did. At the same time, there were sounds similar to background sounds, but not the rustling of leaves, but the sound of bursting balloons, densely packed, one after another.

"Don't try the traitor card? You will definitely enjoy this feeling, this feeling is like a big bad wolf hiding in the flock, in control of everything, eat which one you want to eat." The little angry face People are not to be outdone. Unlike the previous two, its background sound is like a scream from far away, just like a passer-by in the next street just saw a serial murderer who was dissecting a young girl.

"No, no." Wu Chuchu shook his head quickly, "I accidentally entered this place by mistake and interrupted your rest. I am very sorry, but now I just want to leave early."

"Hahahaha!" The angry little man let out a crazy laugh, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"You mean by mistake?" The indifferent villain looked at Wu Chuchu with his red eyes.

"Beautiful lady, why do you think that mortals are qualified to enter the devil's territory by mistake?" The gentle-faced villain helped explain the reason.

"No..." Wu Chuchu was taken aback, "The rules written on the slate..."

"The devil's rule." said the indifferent villain.

"Hahahaha!" The angry little man let out a burst of laughter.

"Miss, maybe you have misunderstood something, we are... the devil, the devil in mortal stories, even more cruel and...boring than what you describe." The gentle-faced villain bowed again.

"Are you going to regret it?" Wu Chuchu frowned. She turned her head and glanced at Qian Cang Yi standing not far behind her. She wanted to ask for help, but she found that Qian Cang Yi had disappeared. No sound of opening the door was heard.

In fact, as soon as the Qiancang did not disappear, he stayed in the wooden house, but Wu Chuchu couldn't see him, and he didn't know what happened on the altar. In his eyes, Wu Chuchu was standing blankly. Not moving in front of the altar.

"Repentance, did she mean repentance just now?" The angry villain turned his head and asked the mild-faced villain next to him. Its original angry expression was full of jokes at this time.

"Obviously, with her ability, it is only possible to say such a thing." The indifferent little man still maintained its high coldness.

"Of course, she hasn't dealt with the devil, so it's not surprising that she can ask anything." The gentle-faced villain replied, and then it set its sights on Wu Chuchu again, "Since you have met the requirements, I will naturally get a gift from us."

"You?" Wu Chuchu repeated the word subconsciously.

"Yes." The gentle little man nodded, "Beautiful lady, please stretch out your forehead. I will give you the gift of the devil now. With it, you will be able to leave the **** of the dead and return to your own world."

Wu Chuchu will be suspicious, but she has no other choice now, so she can only do what the gentle villain said. She walked to the altar, slowly bent over, and then stretched out her right hand to lift the hair from her forehead.

The gentle villain stepped forward, stood on tiptoe and kissed Wu Chuchu's forehead. After doing this, the gentle villain returned to his original position.

"It's alright, goodbye!" The gentle villain bowed, and the other two villains did the same. After that, the three villains returned to their original positions.

A sharp pain came from her forehead. Wu Chuchu hurriedly pressed her forehead. After a while, she found that her forehead had an extra eye. She didn't know what this eye looked like, but she had this one. After that, she was able to see many more things, and more importantly, she was able to see the exit of the dead to hell.

"Have you got it?" Qiancang asked softly.

"Yeah." Wu Chuchu turned her head, she pointed her right forehead, "Here, one eye."

"I didn't see anything, are you sure there was an illusion?" Qian Cang glanced at Wu Chuchu's forehead.

"I can see the way out of the dead's **** through the eyes of my forehead. Of course, only those who have this eye can go out. So, thank you for your empty cards, we are destined to see you again, or you can exchange it now, and I will wait for you. "Wu Chuchu waved his hand.

"What else happened?" Qiancang grabbed Wu Chuchu's arm.

"There is more than one devil, and they talked a lot with me. Except for the sculpture of the gentle-faced villain, the other two were mocking me. I don't know if it means anything else. "After hearing this question, Wu Chuchu elaborated. After all, she no longer has to worry about empty cards, so she is naturally in a good mood.

"What?" Qiancang frowned~lightnovelpub.net~ Don't you have extra empty cards? Just try it yourself. "Wu Chuchu smiled and walked out.

Hearing this sentence, Qiancang released his hand, "Well, good luck!"

For some reason, Wu Chuchu suddenly felt cold all over when she heard these words. She touched her arm with both hands, but her body remained warm without any special changes, so she hurried out of the wooden house.

Outside the wooden house, Qian Jiangyue and others have also arrived in the unknown village.

"I'm leaving now, bye!" Wu Chuchu walked to Gu Mu and said.

"Huh? You are not... Could it be that Pei Junliang gave you an empty card?" Gu Mu looked at Wu Chuchu with his eyes straight, "What did you use to seduce him?"

"Hehe, I'll tell you when you go back." Wu Chuchu finished speaking and walked outside the nameless village.

At this moment, Qian Cangyi also walked out of the wooden house, "Are you here?" The moment he greeted him, Qian Jiangyue's eyes were locked in.