Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 976: Seize

"Ning Yang?" Qiancang Yi was somewhat surprised, "Are you...the same as me?"

After seeing Qian Cangyi, Ning Yang smiled, but a green face smiled towards him, which made Qian Cangyi feel very strange.

"It's actually you, are you dead too?" Ning Yang asked.

"My soul was pulled out of the body by these guys." Qian Cangyi told the facts.

"That's right... How could you possibly die if you are so powerful." Ning Yang's eyes dimmed.

"You're dead? But..." Qiancang frowned, "I saw you turned into a half-corpse body, you should not be dead, as long as they survive the attack of the shadows, they can save you. , In the third round we have two converter cards and one warlock card."

"I didn't become a half-corpse in the last round." Ning Yang said in a calm tone, "So after the second round, my soul was taken away from the body by the devil. In simpler terms, I was dead. Up."

"I didn't find you later." Qiancang replied.

"Yeah." Ning Yang didn't seem to care much. Then, his eyes lit up, "These souls around are also fighting for your body? In other words, why is your soul being dragged out? The rest of the people have never encountered such a situation. Happening."

"It's a long story. The direct reason is that I redeemed the gift from the devil. Now, I want to go back to my body and help me." Qian Cangyi can only ask Ning Yang for help, or he needs to catch it now. Live at any opportunity to bring your soul back into your body.

"Okay!" Ning Yang said with a smile, his eyes narrowed into two slits.

As soon as Qian Cang looked at this smile, he felt a little hairy in his heart for some reason. He glanced at the soul around him again, and a bad premonition emerged from his heart.

Does Ning Yang have the same thoughts as the souls around him?

He thought to himself.

When he hesitated, Ning Yang had already begun to charge inside. Compared with Qiancang’s soul situation, Ning Yang’s soul was much better, because the rest of the souls would not work together to guard against Ning Yang, but they would work together to guard against money. Kuraichi.

In this way, Ning Yang pulled away from Qiancangyi bit by bit, and gradually approached Qiancangyi's body.


Xu Cheng, who was fighting with the black shadow, was already covered with scars, but this scar not only did not make him retreat, but made him more brave as he fought, and his actions became more fierce.

Suddenly, the clothes on Sombra's body danced, covering Xu Cheng's line of sight. In the next second, Xu Cheng crossed his arms with his forearms and blocked his chest. His defensive action just blocked Sombra’s foot, but Sombra was preparing for it. This attack had been in preparation for a long time, so Xu Cheng still couldn't fully withstand the strength of the shadows. He flew to the rear, fell beside Yingyan, and had two rolls when he landed.

"I said, are you watching the show?" Xu Cheng said to Yingyan after getting up.

"I'll help you." Yingyan looked at Xu Cheng with a deep gaze, and then took out his own charm.

Soi Ying originally wanted to kill one or two people while Xu Cheng was opened by him, but he didn't expect to be blocked by the charm. A second later, Xu Cheng fought with Soi Ying again, but this time Xu Cheng was different from the previous one. The difference is that there are two spells in his pocket, two spells that have been infused with vitality by Hawkeye's spell control skills.

"Try my fist again? The previous one doesn't seem to be very painful." After Xu Cheng flashed the claws of the black shadow sideways, he slammed his right fist violently, and at the same time there was a spell on his fist.

"Familiar... burnt smell." Hawkeye's mouth was slightly raised.

The chick sounded from the black shadow's chest.


Qiancang in the state of soul watched Ning Yang gradually approaching his body, drawing closer by one meter by one meter.

I remember I asked you to help me...

Qiancangyi kicked his soul away again, but the situation was the same as before. Just kicked one away, and another one came immediately.

Soon, Ning Yang touched Qian Cangyi's body.

Seeing this scene, Qian Cangyi stunned.

In the next second, Ning Yang began to compete with the rest of the souls for the body. In Qian Cangyi’s eyes, his body had four or five souls squeezed into it at this time, but only part of it was squeezed in, and the rest was still there. Stay out of the body.

Now Qian Cang Yi doesn’t know whether he should help Ning Yang or not. After all, many things will change. Ning Yang, who may be alive, is happy to help Qian Cang Yi, but now Ning Yang is dead, even he himself knows. He was already dead. Under this circumstance, could Ning Yang still maintain his original kindness? Qiancang Yi didn't know.

The situation of fighting each other for the body may never end, but maybe Ning Yang is lucky, or his luck has used the wrong place. When he was fighting for the control of the upper body with another soul, the other soul happened to be behind him. The soul of Ning Yang pulled out of the body, but the soul of Ning Yang's soul did not do so, but competed with other souls for the lower body of Qiancang One. In this way, Ning Yang inexplicably occupied the upper body of Qiancang One.

The upper half of the body is used as a base, and Ning Yang began to compete for the remaining parts. After occupying the upper body, his competitiveness has become stronger. In addition, perhaps because he has only recently died, it seems that his abilities in all aspects are stronger than the surrounding souls. There are a lot of things, and the same is true for Qiancangyi, except that he is not dead.

After a lot of hard work, Ning Yang finally occupied Qian Cangyi's body, and he stood up while controlling his body.


Hawkeye keenly noticed this. He saw Qiancang, whose eyes had been closed, suddenly opened his eyes and stood up, "Junliang Pei, only you can give him a fatal blow." The'him' in this sentence, It refers to the dark shadows. Soon, Hawkeye noticed that there was something wrong with the money bank in front of him. Both the temperament and the reaction were quite abnormal.

Ning Yang looked down at his hands that did not belong to him. He could clearly feel the world around him~lightnovelpub.net~ everything was the same as when he was alive.

He took a step, and the cells all over his body began to work at the same time. This feeling made Ning Yang smile, which corresponded to Qian Cangyi's body with a rather strange smile.

When seeing this smile, Qian Cangyi's heart was cold. Because of that smile, he had seen it many times in movies before. It was the smile of the big villain. It was only when the villain got what he dreamed of. Can't help but smile.

Thinking of this, Qiancang Yi accelerated his speed.

Ning Yang felt that his soul was being pulled by the surrounding souls, but he didn't care. He enjoyed the feeling now, and he also cherished the current time. He didn't care about everything around him. He just wanted to use this body To feel.

"Junliang Pei, be careful." The shadow play shouted.

The black shadow on the side suddenly seized an opportunity to attack Ning Yang.

The Qiancang who was watching all this by the side naturally knew why, everything was because of what Hawkeye said. .