Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 977: promise

In addition to knowing the reason, Qian Cangyi also knew another point, that is, Ning Yang would not avoid the attacks of the shadows at all. He was still indulged in the surprise of gaining a new body, and had no energy to pay attention to what was happening around him.

No, no!

Qian Cangyi can even imagine the picture of his chest being pierced. Even in the cartoon, it is a fatal penetrating injury. Once it happens, the result is self-evident.

Can you use the guide of Time Tomb?

He no longer has the energy to calculate the gains and losses of the benefits. Once he dies, everything will return to nothingness. After a period of time, even the memory will not be left.

The vitality suddenly decreased, but Qiancang Yi in the state of soul did not feel any change, as if his vitality had been stolen by something.

There was no change in the black shadow's movements, and he came behind Ning Yang in less than a second.

Suddenly, everything around was still.

It works!

Qian Cangyi found that something was wrong, and his body was still moving.

"Junliang Pei, did this...Did you do it?" Ning Yang couldn't believe what was happening around him. He even looked back at the dark shadow. "He turned me into a half-corpse?" Ning Yang continued to ask. At the same time stepped back.

Seeing this scene, Qian Cangyi didn't speak, he wasn't sure if what he said now would stimulate Ning Yang to make any radical behavior.

"Come here..." Qiancang waved to Ning Yang, because he exchanged the gift from the devil, so even though Ning Yang had already occupied Qiancangyi's body, Ning Yang could still see Qiancangyi's soul.

Hearing Qian Cangyi's words, Ning Yang just stared blankly, even during this period of time, Qian Cangyi had already taken the opportunity to close the distance by nearly a third.

The effect of the leader of the Time Tomb is over, and everything around it continues to run.

After the skill effect ended, Qiancang found that his soul was a little weaker.

Different from Qiancangyi's feelings, in the eyes of others, Qiancangyi's body suddenly moved a short distance. Although this distance would not prevent the black shadow from attacking, it could effectively avoid the vital parts.

Ning Yang was blown out by the black shadow, but he would not die. However, the crisis did not end there.

Lying on the ground, Ning Yang felt the pain in his body. The pain almost made him unable to think, but he was very happy and satisfied, because he could feel the world again, the ups and downs.

"Come here..." As soon as Qian Cang tried to maintain the distance between his soul and his body, the surrounding souls were still squeezing him out after discovering that he was close to his body. After all, even though Ning Yang now occupies his body, the rest of the soul still has Opportunity, because Qian Cangyi's soul was pulled out of his body before.

Facing Qian Cangyi's words, Ning Yang chose to be silent, he hesitated.

At this time, a weak voice came into Ning Yang's ears, "Run, no matter who you are, don't die..."

Ning Yang looked in the direction of the sound, he saw Qian Jiangyue who was pale and bloodless, and Qian Jiangyue who was lying on the ground could only say such a sentence with his remaining strength.

"Lin Bing, take Pei Junliang away!" shouted the shadow play.

"I, I don't dare..." Lin Bing hid on the side of the wooden house. She poked her head and looked at what was happening in the center of the nameless village, without any thought of joining.

The stalemate situation does not exist for Sombra, and he rushed towards Qian Cangyi's body again. The cunning he naturally understood what Hawkeye said just now, and the previous relationship between Hawkeye and Qian Cangyi proved again. They will not deliberately frame each other, which means that Sombra believes in Hawkeye's judgment of the situation, Qiancangyi can give Sombra a fatal blow.

Ning Yang stood up swayingly, his eyes were very confused, and everything around him suddenly changed from familiar to unfamiliar.

Sombra's attack came again, but Xu Cheng did not give Sombra a chance to go further, even though Xu Cheng was now covered with scars.

"I can't hold it, there is no way, everyone just flee!" Xu Cheng shouted, this is his judgment.

The threat of actors is not only the shadows, but also the army of corpses that gradually surrounds them. By virtue of the crowd tactics, the corpses can easily take all the actors down.

In the next second, as soon as Qian Cang saw what he wanted to see, Ning Yang ran towards the direction of his soul.

Even if the speed is not fast, such a distance will not take a few seconds at all.

I'm coming……

As soon as Qian Cang watched his body crash into his soul, he felt a heavy weight on his shoulders. In addition, there was endless exhaustion and faint pain in his back.

After returning to his body, Qian Cangyi made a fist with his right hand and found a familiar feeling.

"Promise me one thing, okay?" Ning Yang's voice came to Qian Cangyi's ear, saying it was a voice, but it was more like a way of communication between souls.

Qiancang thought for a while, and said, "You said." Then he looked back at Ning Yang, which was different from what he thought. Now Ning Yang was held tightly by the soul around him, as if he was dealing with a traitor. .

"End all this! No matter what the **** of the dead or what **** movie, I believe you can do it, promise me, end all this!" Ning Yang's voice was full of pleading.

"Talk to you!" Ning Yang raised his head and shouted, but was immediately pressed to the ground by the surrounding souls.

"Please, please..."

"Even if you lie to me..."


There was a cry, Qiancang ignored him, he straightened the sleeve of his right hand with his left hand, and continued to walk forward.

"Mom, mom! I don't want to die! I want to go home!" Ning Yang's crying sound turned into a howl, maybe his cry was too heartbreaking, and the soul who originally pressed him on the ground couldn't help it. Let go of their hands~lightnovelpub.net~the center of the unnamed village, everyone is looking at Qian Cangyi, especially the people from the Hell Return team, they can feel that the person they have been in contact with before has returned, this person Successfully survived the crisis.

Qiancang turned his head to look at Ning Yang who was crying, with a smile on his face, "You asked me to promise you something I'm already doing, don't you feel very disadvantaged?" After saying this, Qiancang stretched out his hand. In the pocket, he then took out a pebble-sized pearl, which he had taken from the bottom of the well before.

Under the broken moon, the pearl glowed with a warm and hazy white light. Then, the pearl drew a parabola and fell into the well.

"Wang Che!" Qian Cangyi pointed his right finger into the well, then he looked at Xu Cheng, "Throw him in, and I will settle the rest."

"Can you do it?" Xu Cheng frowned.

"Ten, nine..." Qiancang began to count down.

After feeling Qian Cangyi's confidence, Xu Cheng stopped asking. He seized the opportunity to hug the black shadow and rushed towards the well. At the same time, Qian Cangyi also accelerated, even though he was very tired.