Horror Web

v1 Chapter 669: Iron Horse Glacier Comes to Dream (3)


Time, space, there was a brief stagnation at this time, and waves of waves rippled out, and then, like a stone stirring up thousands of waves, a hurricane-like mental storm blew up layers of whirlpools, and directly blasted away. !

Mental Storm is one of the few skills Zhao Zhu can still use from the beginning to the present. It may not be as mysterious as Yu Lingjue, nor as changeable as Feng Shui pattern, nor the mystery of Buddhism. , it seems rude and even a bit wasteful, but it will increase with the improvement of Zhao Zhu's soul level, and even, if one day, Zhao Zhu's soul power is strong to a level that defies the sky, a spiritual storm , even sweeping all creatures in a plane. Pinshu.com www.vodtw.com

Moreover, it is a good weapon in group battles!


Li Chenzhou only felt that his sea of ​​consciousness began to tremble, and it seemed that he could no longer resist this terrifying mental shock, and even his state of mind was in waves at this time;

Daoist cultivators pay more attention to a Taoist heart, pay attention to a person who can let you roar, my heart is still as stable as a rock, a Taoist heart is the key to changing their lives against the sky, however, in Zhao Zhu's spiritual power Under the wild and raging rage, Li Chenzhou already felt a kind of fear, which is a feeling that is difficult to describe in words.

In the face of the strangulation of many strong men inside and out, this young man still looks rebellious and unruly. This kind of temperament and thoughts, integrated into his spiritual power, create a spiritual oppression, which makes people very uncomfortable. unbearable.

After all, at this moment, Zhao Zhu fought with dignity, and these people who were invited by the old man to participate in the strangulation, regardless of their previous character and so-called blood, at least for now, they do not occupy an upright reason, because , the seven people in the West who participated in the campaign are already on their way to completing their tasks. And they are busy fighting infighting.

Zhang Hanyu's long hair was completely fluttering at this time, and his whole face began to twist due to pain. If Li Chenzhou still has a Dao heart to stick to, he is a strong man who trains his body but does not cultivate his heart. Under the mental storm Even more disadvantaged, at this time, there was already a tear of blood flowing out of his eyes. The consciousness of the whole person is also constantly stirring.

"Give me... get out!"

Feng Shui pattern, thousands of killings!

Take yourself to death. Condensation infinite murder!



Li Chenzhou immediately spit out a mouthful of blood and flew out backwards, as did Zhang Hanyu, with an astonishing blood hole in his chest, which was also swept out.

At this moment, Zhao Zhu alone faced the powerhouses who were almost two administrators, and defeated them in the most direct way!

At this time, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are looking at this scene in the dark and showing shock, now. Some of them understand why the gang of immortals would pay such a price to kill someone.

You must know that this person is not yet an administrator, and the task completion rate is just 10, but he has already been able to defeat the existence of the two major administrators alone. If he is allowed to continue to develop and strengthen, there must be some among the top Eastern existences that belong to him in the future. a place!

People like this don't exist at the top. Who else can?

Even when Beiyue and the others were young, they might not be able to achieve such a level in this period!

However, the difference between the Eastern and Western circles was revealed at this time;

In the West, Bowen is regarded as the future Saint Xi'an, and a leading figure in the Western circle;

And the West is not monolithic in that sense, but also has a mountain of forces and groups. However, all parties have acquiesced in the rise of Bowen. Even the original top existence Alves, when facing Bowen who asked for his heart, finally made a compromise, dug out his heart and gave it to Bowen. arts.

Western circles are restraining themselves, because they know a figure at the level of Saint Xian. It is good for the future development of the whole circle, so although Bowen has always been strong or even tough to not give other people face, but there is no Western force that wants to attack him and make trouble.

However, in the East, the eyes in the darkness naturally saw Zhao Zhu's potential and future development trend, but this did not inspire their love for talents, but inspired a stronger murderous intention. If you can't kill him once, then let him continue to grow, and will you be able to escape from him the next time you face each other?

This is not to say that Westerners are superior to Easterners. In fact, there are very few differences between people. There are also many evil and selfish people in the West, and many people with low morality. This is a universal truth and Phenomenon, the reason for the difference is that the system created by St. Xi'an himself has benefited the vast majority of people in the western circles, whether they are newcomers, seniors or more advanced powerhouses, and they have also enjoyed it. In order to have a life with Saint Xi'an overlooking everything, they instinctively began to maintain the system, looking forward to the rise of a new strong man, and to stabilize the system again.

As for the eastern circle, when it was at its peak, it can even be said that it overwhelmed the western circle. Even the pigeon Morata was turned into a laughing creature by the gou mud and huohuhuo who traveled to Paris. pigeons to tease and play;

However, in the past five or six years, the eastern circles have been fighting each other, intrigue, and there are many hilltops. Ziyue, Beiyue and Wang Jing are not characters of the level of Saint Xi'an. They can only maintain a general framework, like a paste. Papersmith, after these three people also entered the door, the eastern circle has actually been completely messed up.

Zhang Hanyu and Li Chenzhou were repelled by Zhao Zhu, but some people would not allow Zhao Zhu to take advantage of the situation to pursue and kill any of them. They are also a team at this time, and any loss of combat power will be a problem for them. That said, it also adds a great risk.

Because of this, a sword suddenly appeared from the void, and with the momentum of going straight, it rushed directly to Zhao Zhu. The timing of his shot was well controlled, basically when Zhao Zhu just released his breath When it hasn't turned around yet.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of Zhao Zhu's mouth, and he did not resist in the slightest. A needle appeared in the palm of his hand. The silver needle exuded an intimidating breath, and became sharper under the instillation of Zhao Zhu's spiritual power. Being able to pierce a person's soul, Zhao Zhu raised his hand, ignored the opponent's sword, and stabbed upwards.

Come on, trade your life for your life, I'm willing to change it, would you?

This campaign mission, for Zhao Zhu, is a showdown of death and survival. He can risk his life to fight at any time, but those who want to kill themselves, are they willing?

The answer is obvious.

The sword that appeared at the most opportune time was thrown away and staggered from Zhao Zhu's body, and the needle in Zhao Zhu's hand also missed the opponent's forehead. Obviously, the other party also made a choice.

The two figures crossed at an extremely fast speed. Zhao Zhu, who had just walked around in front of the gate of hell, did not have the expression of the rest of his life. He seemed very casual, and there was even a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth.

"How dare you come back." Zhao Zhu said.

Yaochen stroked his sword with one hand, and said in surprise, "Do you think I'll never come back?"

"It's really finished licking the boots of the Westerners, and now I'm running back to be a servant for the Westerners. You, the Eastern administrator, are doing a really **** competent job."

Facing Zhao Zhu's words, Yaochen was not at all annoyed, just sighed,

"What you should do now is to think about what you should do yourself, instead of worrying about me. If you want to worry about me, you can. You will have a lot of time when you are underground, on Huangquan Road."

When Yaochen's voice just fell, a black screen suddenly appeared from Zhao Zhu's feet, directly wrapping Zhao Zhu in it. Then, a man with a pair of wings appeared behind him. He was an administrator from the northeast, Mu Angel. , was once called a bird man by Zhao Hejing, the king of the northeast, and was inextricably linked with the old woman in the village in the old forest in the northeast ~lightnovelpub.net~.

A group of flames burned out from the shady curtain, the shady curtain shattered, revealing Zhao Zhu's figure, but there were also black lines on Zhao Zhu's body, and his aura also seemed sluggish, he was poisoned, and the shady curtain was poisonous.

There were not too many words this time. Yaochen's sword approached again. At the same time, Angel Mu's hands were also pressed down. A black shadow appeared in the sky, which seemed to be the totem of a fallen angel, oppressing Zhao Zhu. past;

Li Chenzhou and Zhang Hanyu, who were already seriously injured but got a chance to breathe because of the help of others, also came back and pressed them together.

This is a wheel battle, a real wheel battle!

No matter what your peers are, you have to fall here today!

Facing the blockades on all sides, Zhao Zhu clenched his fists, and then slowly released them. A moon wheel appeared and flew into the air, like a street light, leading the approaching guests.

Zhao Zhu put his left hand on his chest:

"I, Zhao Zhu, hereby swear that if I don't fall today, the responsibility of guarding the eastern circle in the future will be borne by me!"

These words are grand vows made in the mouth of a Buddha, just like the words of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva: If **** is not empty for a day, you will not become a Buddha. This is Zhao Zhu's promise to the strong group five years ago. , As long as I don't die today, I will protect this eastern circle in the future!

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ...... Buzz!"

More than a dozen phantoms appeared on the sky at the moment of the oath, bringing a shocking momentum one after another. Among them, there are anger, heartache, unwillingness, regret and sadness!

The once prosperous eastern circle has actually fallen to such a level now! (To be continued.)

This book comes from Pin&Book#net