Hostess, You’re a Little More Sober

Chapter 31: Taking away the overbearing president wo

In view of someone's extremely shameless behavior, Zhang Xiaoya did not throw her out, but when she went to bed at night, she still felt a little awkward.

The man next to him was wearing her pajamas and the pants she bought back. He fell asleep on his back. The double bed that was originally quite large was occupied by two-thirds.

In fact, Fang Xiao herself did not expect to fall asleep so soon. She originally planned to say a few words to Zhang Xiaoya before going to bed, but after she came out of the bath, she lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

The familiar aura around her also made her feel more at ease. The sweet sleep gave people a peaceful state of mind, and Zhang Xiaoya lay down and fell asleep.

A good night's sleep is not without dreams, but Zhang Xiaoya's unexpected awakening by the smell of food was unexpected. When she got up and went out, she discovered that among the three, she was the latest one, and even the youngest Zhang Xiaobao was helping to clean the table.

Fang Xiao smiled at her, "Hurry up and brush your teeth. You're almost done. After we're full, let's go swimming."

Zhang Xiaoya had already walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Hearing this, he wanted to refute, but thinking that he hadn't brushed his teeth, he silently closed his mouth.

When people came out, there were already three bowls of wontons on the table, with squeezed soy milk next to them. Let a guest cook breakfast, why not make people feel embarrassed, let alone this guest is still smiling invulnerable.

"Oh, why are you looking at me like this? Hurry up and eat small wontons~" Fang Xiao can say that he has taken the shameless state to the extreme, and the whole body is filled with a gentle atmosphere, which makes people unable to refuse.

Even Zhang Xiaoya didn't know what words to use to reply, so she had to eat small wontons silently, but unexpectedly found that the wontons were much better than the ones sold outside.

But after eating, I didn’t forget to talk about the business, “Zhang Xiaobao, didn’t you tell me yesterday that you want to go to the amusement park? What’s the matter with suddenly going to the swimming pool now?”

"Because, because... I suddenly wanted to go swimming!" Zhang Qiangtou Cao Xiaobao absolutely did not admit that he was encouraged.

"But there are a lot of people in the swimming pool in the community," she frowned, and Zhang Xiaoya looked at Fang Xiao again. Obviously, the following sentence was told to Fang Xiao, "and there are everyone."

From Zhang Xiaoya's perspective, Fang Xiao, a person who has been accustomed to the delicate life, probably would not go to the swimming pool where everyone in the community was together, but what she didn't expect was that Fang Xiao just nodded and said. She knows.

Maybe you just want to experience this kind of public place?

Zhang Xiaoya really didn't understand, but originally planned to accompany Zhang Xiaobao to play, so the place is naturally determined by Zhang Xiaobao. Swimming in the community is much closer than going to the playground, and the swimming pool is only open in the afternoon. They still have one morning. You can do other things in your time.

Realizing Zhang Xiaoya's compromise, Fang Xiao was happy. No matter what, swimming in the community at least avoided the two of them from meeting the male lead. It's just that Zhang Xiaoya's attitude towards her still needs time to adjust.

Because of avoiding an important plot, the interaction between the hero and Zhang Xiaoya has become less. On the other hand, Fang Xiao’s "dead skin" behavior all day has caused her to live in Zhang Xiaoya's house within a few short distances, even making the other party refuse to follow There is no chance to adapt.

This kind of good feelings, and the days of being cautious lasted for a little half a year, before Zhang Xiaoya accepted Fang Xiao's existence, although the relationship between the two people was only slightly better, it also made Fang Xiao very excited. After the two sent Zhang Xiaobao to the kindergarten, Fang Xiaocai sent Zhang Xiaoya to the company.

The task of picking up Zhang Xiaobao has also become Fang Xiao. In Zhang Xiaoya’s room, many of Fang Xiao’s things, clothes, pillows, and some things she likes were added to Zhang Xiaoya’s house, all of which were in the past six months. Moved over one after another.

Although it has been so long in advance, what should have happened happened.

When it rained heavily one day, after Fang Xiao sent Zhang Xiaobao home, he asked him to do his homework at home, and he was going to pick up Zhang Xiaoya. But she braved the rain to fetch the car, and then she drove out of the gate of the community, and saw a familiar car, and then two familiar people walked in the familiar car.

When she saw the male protagonist holding an umbrella and sending Zhang Xiaoya into the community, Fang Xiao felt that her whole person was not good. I have worked hard for so long before I have achieved the current results. Isn't the hero easy to embrace the beauty?

This must not work! How could it be possible to give them a chance in the world? What's more, if the hero sees Zhang Xiaobao, then things will happen. Thinking of this one, Fang Xiao gets a little angry again, I really don't know what Zhang Xiaoya thinks!

Fang Xiao hurriedly drove the car back to the parking area of ​​the community, shook his wet hair and ran back. Zhang Xiaobao was still doing his homework in his room. If he returned in time, he might be able to stop them. Meet.

Zhang Xiaoya was actually very nervous. She wanted to refuse An Shengyu's request to come up and sit down, but the other party was her boss, and it was raining so much outside.

After weighing the pros and cons, Zhang Xiaoya still chose to refuse, "Boss, there is no one in my house, so it’s not good to be alone and widow?"

"Oh? What you said makes sense, but between neighbors, it’s always okay to drop by? I bought a house next door to your house, so I just drop by to send you back. Originally, I wanted to buy something to eat. But it’s not convenient to rain such a heavy rain. As an employee and a neighbor, eating a meal at your house is not too much, right?"

Zhang Xiaoya: "..." is also brazen, but this person is unexpectedly annoying. Could it be Fang Xiao and Zhang Xiaobao's bonus?

"No, not too much, I'll send it to you when I'm done." He took out the phone and sent a text message to Fang Xiao, and Zhang Xiaoya had to take the person upstairs.

Then, she really watched An Shengyu take out the key and opened the door next door, "When I take a shower, change my clothes, and come back, so do you, wash well."

Zhang Xiaoya was shocked with goosebumps, always feeling a little unspoken. Can only reluctantly tugged at the corners of his lips and nodded.

Fang Xiao rushed upstairs, da da da da, Zhang Xiaoya's key was inserted into the keyhole when she caught up. When she saw that Zhang Xiaoya was all wet, she was stunned.

Fang Xiao looked from the left to the right, but did not see An Shengyu's person. He was also stunned for a moment, and asked fiercely, "Where is that savage man?"

Zhang Xiaoya: "What wild man?"

Realizing that he had said what was in his heart, Fang Xiao's momentum suddenly weakened, and looked at her with a bit of resentment, "I just saw it all, don't deny it, I just wanted to pick you up. I was too anxious. I didn’t even bring an umbrella, and then I drove out, and I saw you got off another man’s car."

"Who is he, don't you know better than me?" Zhang Xiaoya couldn't help but say when seeing her resentful look.

At the beginning, Fang Xiao was so defensive, because Zhang Xiaoya always thought that Fang Xiao liked An Shengyu, so she carefully rejected it. But after half a year, she finally let go of the rejection. Fang Xiao's question made her puzzled again.

"Then...what about him?" Fang Xiao's arrogance suddenly weakened.

"Go in and talk about it."

I suddenly relaxed, opened the door and went in, pulled a towel to Fang Xiao, Zhang Xiaoya threw it to her and went into the bedroom, found her new clothes, "Go take a shower."

Fang Xiao’s head was wiped dry before she wanted to hear Zhang Xiaoya tell her about those things, so she was pushed into the bathroom. Fang Xiao was angry all over, but Zhang Xiaoya had already snapped and closed the bathroom door. .

"Wash it well, I'll wait for you in the kitchen."