How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 157: study well

[“On the thirty-seventh day of the journey, the supplies of the Holy Order are very few, but we still haven’t found any signs of the next torch...”

"......Aker mutated, right in front of my eyes, he twisted into a mass of meat in an instant, and then was killed on the spot by Lord Knight...... Is it because of the food? Yes There is not enough 'light', it is still pure, and the determination to go on has lost..."

"...Great, we finally found the Promised Land in the ancient books. We got clean water, there are only a few low-level demons outside, it's not too difficult to deal with, and most importantly, It was we who found the 'torch', ah, what a perfect light, I had a good night's sleep last night, I had a dream.... But the thought of going back and walking the painful path again makes me …”

"The leader of the knights said that this is our new territory in the future, he is our new lord, although everyone hesitated, but no one objected... Or, everyone is looking forward to it. ..."]

Lu Pingan put down the notebook in his hand, the "Sphinx's buff" was very effective, when he successfully copied the pollution knowledge for two and a half hours.

At this time, he was reading at night with the lights on.

He didn't leave the "factory" and stayed at a local hotel.

And on his desk, there are already a pile of broken second-hand books and second-hand notes, if observed with spiritual vision, they are more or less contaminated.

This is what he gained from shopping during the day. With the "savvy" buff, he naturally used it to improve his scholar's professional ability. Those two LV7s are always the super threshold for his advancement.

Since he is aiming to improve his "reading and writing" ability, the books he chooses are naturally special... or rather, cost-effective.

"I didn't expect that this kind of pollution-intensive but cheap books would actually be otherworld books and travel notes..."

If you think about it, it is a matter of course. "Travel Notes", "Geography of Another World", etc., sound interesting and interesting to read... At least Lu Ping'an is really fascinated by it.

But they are meaningless.

The content it contains may be precious knowledge for the other world, or the secret of a certain history of a certain god, but for the local people Lu Ping An, it is also a very interesting novel... ...although the protagonists are mostly real people, and few survived to finish writing.

Maybe you can use it on long trips, but you don't know how many zeros after the decimal point.

A pile of books that are polluted by the amount of knowledge is only a few tenths of the price of other "useful books", and most of them are second-hand books, transcripts, and incomplete books, which further reduces their practical value.

After all, incomplete and transcribed means that the knowledge is incomplete and not original, and incomplete or passive "knowledge" is an unexploded mine that may kill the reader at any time.

The bookstore owner was overjoyed when he saw Lu Ping'an "practicing his skills" and took away a bunch of unsold items.

But on the other hand, Lu Ping'an didn't feel that he was at a loss at all.

"...As expected of a consumable buff of the silver rank, it's really powerful."

The elf didn't lie, but he didn't tell the whole story. It's not easy to get this BUFF. The other side of power is high risk.

It is true that the first failure will only lead to the loss of the arm, but the pain and fear will immediately bring the second quiz game, the second failure is the head, and if there is the third time, it is your heart... ..Send you back to the West directly at the rule level.

It was a seemingly harmless gamble, but since Lu Pingan won, he naturally gained a lot.

I have never touched the silver-level BUFF Lu Ping An, and coupled with the limitations of short-term consumption and passive type, which increase the effect, Lu Ping's "comprehension" in the short term is helpful, and reading these books is not tiring, even Even the foreign language has risen a lot... What troubled him the most before was actually the fun of the book.

Now watching each "protagonist" die, he can't stop.

But are these things really meaningless? That's not necessarily. What Lu Ping An saw from it was a completely different worldview, or a bold idea.

"Perhaps, our current civilized society is not the only choice..."

The world of the translated transcript that Lu Ping'an got now is quite delicate.

Humans or creatures similar to humans that can write books live like pets or even bugs... The wild is extremely dangerous, there are all kinds of monsters and even evil gods everywhere, walking alone in the wilderness, counting The day after day has basically changed.

A large number of fortress cities have become the gathering points of human beings. The "torch" of order dispels the surrounding darkness and limits the population limit of the towns. Even if the technological innovation in some places has surpassed the earth, feudalism and theocracy are still society. mainstream, slavery even became a form of redemption in some regions.

"Hehe, the situation in our world has deteriorated again, will it return to such a city-state era?"

Lu Ping'an is not unfounded. Among the recent series of reforms, there is a "relocation of small and medium-sized villages and towns with sparse populations to medium and large cities", which is to reduce the cost of maintaining social stability.

I have to admit that these messy transcripts from different worlds greatly expanded Lu Ping'an's horizons and made him think about his future.

["The new source is not far away, not far away!"

"The first batch of seeds was only two hundred, but two survived! Their mutations...their strength reached the level of 'unicorns', great, when they grow up, we can go Grab another source..."

"...We have to eat more and mutate more to ensure the advantage of our group, those damn, flying beasts..."]

The worldview mentioned in this fragment is exactly the opposite of the previous two.

The main race in the previous world is to actively avoid pollution and avoid unstoppable mutation, which increases the number of ethnic groups.

And the "book scholars" race in the latter world, they are not the only intelligent and civilized race in their own world, they are just a member of the huge competing race.

In their world, the "source of pollution" has instead become a resource, allowing the tribes to mutate more and possess special abilities, which are the advantages of the tribe's competition for living space and resources.

turn into a monster? Who cares, if it is slow, it will become the ration of other ethnic groups.

As for most mutants being irrational or even in shape? It has become the price that the world must pay, and their tolerance for the "strange shape" of the same family is surprisingly high, and even regarded as a kind of beauty and fashion.

The various intelligent races are in a frantic competition, competing for who becomes more insane, who can eat more "pollution" in the upper reaches of the food chain, and obtain more "total pollution ratio"... This number is used for To ensure the overall strength of the group, as well as the overall advantage in the competition for survival.

It is worth mentioning that if Lu Ping'an did not make a mistake in his estimation, considering the mutation speed of the two sides, the "pollution level" of the two worlds is actually similar.

Lu Ping'an silently put the book on his face, "writing" both the system prompts to break through the lv6, so that he can think calmly while slowing down a little...

"These two worlds should be the 'highly polluted' worlds. Fifty years ago, the earth was 'lowly polluted', and now it should be 'medium pollution'..."

The level of pollution between the world and the world, if you use an easy-to-understand analogy, can be seen as a result similar to the difference between "deep water area" and "shallow water area" Summoning", let a The world with low levels of pollution has entered the "moderately polluted area", which has also led to a series of changes.

Each world has completely different attitudes and systems for survival, which makes Lu Ping an a little fascinated, and he understands those "travelling dogs" who have nothing to do.

But among these "stories", what he cares more about is the existence of "gods" and "professionals".

From the beginning to the end, he did not see the Almighty in the biblical story, only a special and powerful existence, a super pollution source at a high point, and the power derived from her.

Similar to the ability system of the human occupation system, other worlds are more or less. There are many worlds with "occupation", but they are exactly the same, and there is no one.

Imitating and marking the path of a high-end creature, engraving and copying the evolutionary path of his growth path, is one of the common ideas for dealing with pollution in the world.

Some are fast, some are slow, some are stable, some are gambling dogs... Lu Ping'an asked the big cat, and there are even human-specific occupations transformed in another world.

Moreover, among many systems, the human occupation system is considered to be growing slowly but more stable, unlike some systems that require a life bet to upgrade one level.

He also guessed that these power systems are also directly related to the pollution level of the world.

In the past, human beings could not produce great gods, maybe it was just because the pollution level was not high enough... Those competing for the "world pollution ratio", the whole family had few powerful races that looked the same, which gave Lu Ping'an a deep impression.

Thinking, thinking, and contemplating, Lu Pingan continued to read at night with the lights on.

"Some plans may have to be rearranged. Since order may not be eternal, I may be too conservative..."