How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 159: practise

Lu Ping's life has gained a short period of peace.

He even felt that these three days were a bit short.

"Yo, are you painting again?"

"Well, practice."

"...let me take a look, uh, it's a little subtle."

"Haha, practice."

After the funding came to an end, he set up an easel and began to practice sketching and painting on the street, on the rooftop, and near the intersection.

The painting skills shared by Senior Brother Guan have reached level 4, but if you really want to turn them into your own skills, and you can draw something at will, you still need to really get started.

With just a little grasp of it, Lu Ping'an realized that messy skills can be used in everything, but when used, they can't do anything.

When I was drawing the lines, if I was not careful, it floated an arc and drew it in vain.

When I was adjusting the colors, I had a good idea in my head, and I drew it like a clown with only half of the makeup on, or an eight-year-old child's scribbles.

After only a few hours of getting started, Lu Ping'an was sure that even if he really had the so-called "painting lv4", it was probably random lv0 to lv2.

"If you go on like this, you won't be able to come up with a decent work..."

Lu Ping'an, when other conditions were gradually ready, he had already started to prepare his "art test works" to complete his second-order advanced ceremony.

However, progress has been rather subtle.

Lu Ping'an also knows how to make up for it. He only needs to take a professional training class and walk through it from beginning to end. The scattered experience points, insights, and techniques will gradually become his own.

But he has no time.

"Then, let's paint some Impressionism, I'm in style."

Placed next to the easel are the discarded "paintings".

Lu Ping An directly used color painting similar to oil painting...or to be more precise, holding an oil paintbrush and pouring paint and colors on it at will.

From the looks of it, this method is completely the worst kind of graffiti, with unstable lines and poor brushwork.

If you only look at the too greasy colors, it means that the teachers of the children's art class will not give qualified, too many bright colors, and do not pay attention to the combination of skills at all.


But for some reason, those gangsters, profiteers, and even petty thieves who pass by will stop and take a look.

Color expresses mood.

Red is for killing, but with some black and gray, the wreckage struggling in the pool of blood is more vivid.

Gray, representing human beings, the blood-red pupil of the thief screamed and had his arm chopped off, and the gray-white eyes of bystanders only made people see indifference.

Black, representing death, is everywhere, the sky, the ground, the human body, and the empty spots that are left blank are very few.

Yellow represents struggle and survival. The yellow blocks on the trailer seem to be no different from the workers in yellow jackets below.

Every painting, with poor brushwork, is painful, but everyone who lives here can see at a glance that this is the painting themselves.

Although the technique is still a beginner, the emotional resonance expressed by this expression has vaguely reached the transcendence... In fact, this is transcendence.

[Creator (universal): I express, I transform, I create....]

Obviously, this is the ability to awaken after "writing (pollution lv7, the advancement of the previously vague humanism.

But after I got used to it, I realized that the passive ability it provides is probably necessary for all occupations such as painters, chess players, contract players, and craftsmen.

It allows your "creation" to exist independently. In a utilitarian way, it allows "pollution" to stay in your "creation" for a longer and more stable period.

To put it more bluntly, the existence of pollution sources alone is a prerequisite for the manufacture of polluted and taboo items.

Lu Ping'an used this ability, combined with the ability of "Pollution Pen", to naturally pour his "pollution", "emotions" and "thoughts" into it.

This is still not a quasi-polluted item, but it is extraordinary.

Bystanders are simply witnessing, and they are aroused by the emotional resonance.

Very shallow and inoffensive, but this is beyond the lifelong pursuit of most mortal painters.

He vaguely understands his "Second-Order Exam", so I'm afraid there is no need to come up with "artwork that normal human beings understand", what is needed is still to prove your ability to the gods...

"I like this one, how much is it?"

"You can do whatever you want."

After taking the 10 door nails in his hand, Lu Ping'an was a little stunned. He really didn't expect that he actually made money, it was still a thousand yuan.

The painting that Lu Ping An sold was a figure of a candle melting under the sun. A lot of white was used to build up the melted wax. The color was bright and white, but the theme was despair...cough, hope.

Don't ask him why he draws all such things, he seems to want to draw some positive energy, and there are no suitable models for this street.

Uh, Lu Ping An tried to use his imagination to draw something that could see (normal) people, but what came out had no emotional resonance, and pollution could not be attached to it. It was a real graffiti.

It is the paintings with negative content such as sin, crime, despair, etc., which Lu Pingan picked up at random, one by one. He has already decided to seal these things up after returning to avoid causing any new troubles.

The person who buys the painting doesn't know any art, let alone appreciate it. He just feels that the painting is comfortable for him to see and wants to put it in his room.

Forgive the head, Lu Ping'an continued to be busy.

One pair or two, anyway, it's just graffiti, and the sketches are directly colored without any sketches. Lu Ping'an is very efficient.

[Gain a small amount of general skills, experience in painting. 】

[Gain a small amount of professional skills, writing (pollution) experience. 】

In the process, his painting experience and professional skills increased rapidly.

Under normal circumstances, it is unlikely for him to enter the industry so soon... But the "savvy" that the silver-level blessing has improved is the source of him clarifying his creative thinking so quickly, and the experience value has soared all the way. .

The silver-level blessing, the blessing of the fourth-level and above, comes from the incomplete Sphinx, which is the most powerful tool for the "newbie killer".

By the way, Lu Ping'an didn't kill the little elf who pitted him, just because he couldn't beat him... Yes, that's right, he couldn't beat him. That gadget was at least a Tier 4 combat power.

The water in this factory is actually quite deep, but as long as you don't go too far, it's still relatively safe.

The blessing of the Sphinx is only once and cannot be prepared in advance. It can be regarded as a big bargain for Lu Ping'an.

But even so, Lu Pingan only looked at the basic teaching materials of painting, and had no plans to further improve his painting skills.

After all, the material he will really use for "painting" in the future is not serious paint...



[‘Reading (taboo)’ enters the advanced stage, and the advanced level is completed by itself. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the resident blessing of 'Learn (Passive)'. 】

[Scholar (General): Reading a lot of books is only a prerequisite. A true scholar can turn any "knowledge" into his own power. It is a very simple description to increase the learning speed of professional skills, professional abilities, and the probability of awakening, but I am afraid that no professional can refuse this gift.

"Scholar, is the strongest way..." Lu Ping'an murmured subconsciously, but was ridiculed by a certain cat.

"The strongest? Let's not mention how to define the strongest, but a scholar is just a tool profession. What matters is what you get with it. Being obsessed with the path of a scholar is similar to that of a writer who is obsessed with word games and regards it as the only main path. Seventy percent are crazy, and twenty percent join a cult."

"One more percent?"

"The strongest human being is a pure scholar."

Although the answer was not what was asked, Lu Ping'an understood.


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