How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 225: Court of Life

The Mother Tree of Life, or the Mother Goddess, is the "truth" of the quasi-god Kirdales and her belief.

Today, the "concept" of nothingness, under the auspices of Kirdales, has gradually become a reality.

In the center of this sanctuary, the "Mother Goddess" has turned into a child of the "Mother Tree of Life". One by one, the "losers" are either dragged or "moved by themselves", returning to the great Goddess.

The "big tree" is getting bigger and bigger, and the beam of light leading to the sky is getting brighter and brighter.

This area has been "sacred", the land of rules is slowly unfolding, and more survivors and hunters are involved.

If all goes well, all the victims here will become the "flesh" of the new God, and all the land here will become the new "Earth Kingdom of God".

"Wow, it's really tall." Lu Ping'an praised the "big tree" in the distance in a calm tone.

And the big cat who has cast the secret realm and watched all this, has a more complicated mood.

Her own "Ritual of Ascension to God" was aborted in advance before this moment, and this "fake" went so smoothly.

According to the current situation, the big cat also gave first-hand opinions... Even she has only one chance to ascend to the gods. Many design ideas and adjustment plans need to be adjusted according to the current feedback from the front line. .

"This area has become a garden for cultivating the tree of the mother goddess. All the overflowing vitality will be poured into the leylines and then absorbed by it. This is the cycle of the forest..."

After the animal dies, its organic matter is decomposed into the earth and water cycle, which ultimately nourishes the forest.

"All the 'animals' that enter the forest are in the food chain, they hunt each other, and then become bait for higher hunters..."

The "higher hunter" that the big cat was referring to was very clear, that false Kirdales.

She doesn't even have to go out to hunt in person, she just needs to wait on the throne and wait for the "prey" to come to the door automatically... and the poison baits on the outside will put the "prey" in a dilemma.

don't eat? Directly in this state, go to the core to challenge the quasi-god?

binge eating? That's just slow death.

But a slow death is better than a violent death. In the end, they will endure it and send themselves to the quasi-god.

"...Isn't it possible to escape? After winning a life contest, you can leave the Sanctuary."

"Escape? Where can you escape? In fact, that rule is also a trap." The designer of the trap himself revealed to Lu Ping'an the insidiousness of it.

"The sanctuary is constantly expanding, and after being "lit the holy fire" here, the perimeter of the entire ancient city has actually been linked, and the outer barriers will become more and more strict. In the end, the sanctuary will eat the entire ancient city, and everything will become The 'material' of the new kingdom of God on earth."

This trick, this trick makes all the heroes in the world enter my heart... Since the "cage" is closed, no matter how to escape, how many can escape? Change what?

A fugitive who wins one life competition does not mean that he will not be drawn into the second life competition. When everyone finds that they are already in the "Colosseum", they are only fighting for survival. The entire city has become a purgatory on earth... and all of this will become the nourishment for the new **** to break out of the shell.

Giving the other party the hope of escaping is actually a psychological trap... It is what the host of the ceremony wants to see from a long-term plan or a temporary retreat. The longer the delay, the more unmanageable it is.

"Is there really no way?"

"Theoretically, when the situation develops to this point, unless a being stronger than the 'quasi-god' jumps out, there is no solution. And as the ritual goes on, the 'I' will become stronger and stronger, As long as one-tenth of the population of the ancient city is eaten, there is no solution in theory."

Lu Ping'an was a little silent, this guy is really more dangerous than he thought.

"...So, you were slapped to death by someone at the beginning of the ceremony, before entering the stage of no solution cycle?"

"I have taken precautions, something happened..." The pain has been repeatedly mentioned too many times, and the big cat is also used to it.

She even knew that the more upset and irritable she was, the happier this wicked **** would be.

The big cat's bland response did make Lu Ping'an a little bored.

He looked at the "mother tree of life" that was already visible to the naked eye, and carefully planned the next calculations.

"Fortunately, it's not a real rite of passage..."

This is the only thing that can be fortunate, whether it is the balance beast who presides over the ceremony, or the "tree of the mother god" behind it, it is not the real thing.

They have limits, and the sanctuary is destined to be impossible to expand to the whole city... but just continuing to develop is the pain that the whole city cannot bear.

"...I sacrifice a day of life, uh, one life point, to gain power..."

Lu Ping's "attempt" did not get a response.

The current "mother tree rule" is just a fake, it cannot interfere with Lu Ping, who has a bank of life.

Lu Ping's teasing the cat before that "our ability is invincible" is actually true. He and she are two sides of the same coin, and they are like two people climbing on different sides of the same ladder. If you want to continue walking, naturally only One person has everything... The road that took away everything from the big cat is safe, and it is no wonder that she directly broke the defense when she said such rude words.

The sacrifice was ineffective, which made Lu Ping'an sigh helplessly. Sure enough, the disadvantages could not be avoided, but only the advantages could be obtained.

If he can gain power by exchanging life points, then he can instantly transform into a killing machine, instantly kill all the crazy harvesting life points, and form a kind of perpetual motion.

"Forget it, keep hunting, there is only one chance like this..."

Killing all the way, Lu Ping'an has collected "more than 300" life points, which is a miracle... Big Cat's "hunting rules" and Lu Ping's "trading rules" are actually different branches of the same origin .

"I'll go, Chimera...Big cat, what's the strength of this one?"

"Anguier, about sixth-order, double-headed evolution. But now it most third-order, its weakness is the low curse resistance of the right head, you can try to age it, weaken it first The chimera's speed is generally not fast, by the way, her brain is in the depression under the neck." There are big cats who personally describe the weaknesses of "pets", and hunting has become very difficult. easy.

Most of the monsters that appear here are "herds" that were once raised by big cats.

According to the "plan", after the plan went smoothly, she would send her own "herd" to hunt, drag more sacrifices into the sanctuary, and at the same time, eliminate some unstable factors... . For example, "Road Ping An".

"Where's your herd? I mean the real version?" Lu Ping'an was still looking forward to the cat's legacy.

"I have a 'garden', which is naturally placed in a 'zoo'."

Well, there is no need to ask the rest. Lu Ping'an took over a new dead place, and probably became the nutrition for the new "Life Bank" and "Legacy Garden".

[Congratulations to the host, get 37 health points. UU reading]

The Chimera, who was betrayed by the "master", soon fell into the hands of Lu Ping'an.

"Next, that one over there, a green giraffe-like thing, what's up..."

"Four dissimilarities... Although it is a patchwork mythical species that I cultivated, it is also very dangerous. The prototype is also above the seventh order, and it has mastered the rules of manipulating celestial phenomena. Don't approach, even if it is an illusion that is forcibly pressed extremely difficult to deal with.”

With the guidance of the big cat, Lu Ping An took the opportunity to collect more points.

If there is no wrong guess, such an opportunity may only be once in this life.

He is also waiting, waiting for other "targets" to sink deeper and deeper, waiting for them to become the first birds to challenge the true God..."Warriors".

"Let the bullets fly a little more, and let these unlucky **** lick the poison on the dagger..."
