How Can I Get Confused with the Top?

v3 Chapter 496: Sudden inspirational acting

Time: early in the morning

Location: A small filming location rented by Confucius Temple, including a small building called Ruyi Hotel.

Characters: the entire crew

"Uncle Wang, Uncle Zhao, Uncle Sun, Uncle Feng, long time no see. The last time we met, I'm afraid it was the last time." Chu Zhi started with Lin Feifei's words, and felt more and more that nonsense is easy to use and can quickly Bring people closer.

"It's the same as if you didn't say the little words." Wang Anyi went to that stop, the black boss with a good appearance and temperament.

"In the past two months, there have been news related to you everywhere. My little grandson stamped his feet and patted the table at home." Art director Lao Feng said: "Imagination with a creative foundation is productivity. can become music."

"Old Feng, do you watch football too?" Lao Sun, the person in charge of the props team, is characterized by a receding hairline and a big forehead.

"The doctor with high blood pressure advised me to watch less stimulating videos, so I quit playing football." Lao Feng is overweight, with high blood sugar and blood pressure.

"I prefer Xiao Chu's National Day song, [I would like to live your wish], what a beautiful lyrics." Old Sun said.

The music scene throughout October was indeed dominated by Chu Zhi. The two songs at the end of the month and the beginning of the month were airborne to the top of the charts with an absolutely domineering attitude, which confirmed the legend of "Chu Dan is not alone", that is, every single released by Chu Zhi not simple.

The main creators of the crew are all in their fifties, and they are not very interested in the World Cup. They are more interested in the Long March.

"It's almost enough." Wang Anyi ended the chat with a straight face, and the chat was endless.

"It seems that I am in good health. I came to the film crew so early. I got up early in the morning to board the plane. I don't have to rush for a few minutes of guest appearances." He said, "You don't pay attention to your own health? Don't always think about pleasing yourself. Your body is more important than others.”

The words are a bit heavy, but the elders are sincerely caring, not preaching for the sake of preaching, so there is no need to refute at all. Playing the Emperor Beast is just an emoji, cats and cats are cute.jpg.

"I won't say much, I'll introduce you to some senior actors."

Same as when parading the floats on the National Day, Director Wang is still helping Chu Zhi expand his network. Even if Chu Zhi is not in the film and television industry, he has many friends and many paths.

Having said that, which of the actors who collaborated with Wang Anyi, or the participants who could be invited by him, is not a drama player in the circle? Even the little child star Huhu, at the age of nine, has the experience of appearing in seven or eight films.

"I know Brother Chu." Huhu said, "Brother Chu is my mother's little fruit."

Huhu has a doll's head tied with a bow. When the little head shakes, the bow bounces up and down as if it is flapping its wings.

She raised her head and asked, "Brother Chu, am I right?"

"That's right, I'm your mother's little fruit." Chu Zhi replied.

Xiaohuhu was very happy when her words were affirmed, and clamored to tell her mother later.

The big director chooses the actors for the film, and the drama also chooses the script. The entertainment circle is mutual. It just so happens that Wang Anyi is the partner that all actors dream of cooperating with. one.

Gao Tan is the most popular actor among the 80 students. He has superb acting skills and is also favored by film critics. He thinks that he will be the first Xiaosheng to soar (to win the title of actor with gold content). He never thought that when his career was booming, he suddenly The reason behind the announcement of the suspension of filming is heart-warming, and the investment made a lot of money.

"No matter what time of day you drive, your song will appear on the radio, and you can't hide it." Gao Tan said, "But fortunately, the song is good, and I love to listen to it too."

"Just close your ears." Chu Zhi said, "This way the radio plays more, and you don't have to bother to find songs."

Radio stations also need copyright fees to play songs. According to the broadcast time and the advertising fees earned by the radio station, they can get a lot of small money every year.

Chu Zhi came early, and the props team was still checking the layout. It happened that everyone didn't have breakfast, so they bought some steamed buns to eat.

The crew didn’t pay much attention to it. Using boxes, horizontal ladders, props and other objects as temporary stools, Chu Zhi carefully moved a plastic fire hydrant.

The red paint and old marks have dried, but the smell has not completely dissipated, which affects eating, so it has to be put aside.

"I'll do it, I'll do it, how can Mr. Chu do such a thing." The field manager hurried over to take over, how could he let the big star do his job.

"No no no no, bro, eat your steamed stuffed buns well. Anyway, I've moved, so I'll wash my hands before eating." Chu Zhi said, "It's not efficient for one more person to wash their hands."

The field manager is in his thirties. Although Chu Zhi doesn't know his name, it's okay to call him brother.

But this title flattered the field staff, and the actor who pays great attention to the emotions of the people around him also felt it. He only felt that today's public praises stars too much.

Hey, he is also a star, Chu Zhi came back to his senses, did he count as a betrayal of his own class?

The breakfast was a bit sloppy, the actors had to spare time for makeup, there was a detail, the scene manager used up the breakfast in a hurry, and quickly moved the props back, as if afraid of Chu Zhi doing it again.

Chu Zhi's cameo role is schizophrenic, and the stylist's design image is rather sloppy. He raised a question:

"Uncle Wang, this character is designed according to the script. Is the character's mental state serious or mild?"

Hearing this, Mr. Wang Anyi was silent for a while, and then explained: "Moderate! Moderate is a state that is neither light nor heavy."

"If it's moderate, according to the overall disease's damage to people's social abilities, they won't dress like a homeless man. Although patients at this stage are in a daze when they are awake, many of them can maintain basic self-hygiene and cleanliness. "Chu Zhi went on to say: "Let's expand a little bit, schizophrenia is a disease that is not easy to understand, so the family either tolerates and cooperates with the hospital unconditionally, or wants to detain the patient, whether it is out of safety considerations or to avoid unnecessary Trouble......"

The Emperor Beast paused, "It wouldn't look like this under either situation." He took the initiative to avoid the possibility that the patient was abandoned by his family, or his family was no longer alive. asphyxia.

"You're right." Wang Anyi looked at the young man in front of him in surprise.

Good boy, it's been a few months since I've become able to collect character prototypes and analyze scripts? Very good talent almost but can make up for with attitude.

The stylist got the director's permission, and then modified the makeup according to the actor's opinion. The messy afro turned into an ordinary hairstyle, but a little oily. The clothes were changed into ordinary T-shirts and jeans, and the makeup was a bit haggard. Chu Zhi looked at the mirror and nodded with satisfaction.

The actor was satisfied with the effect, but the director frowned. To be precise, Wang Anyi is satisfied and worried. From the perspective of reality and rationality, the appearance is reasonable, but without communication or lines, how to perform schizophrenia?

This silent performance was extremely difficult, not to mention Chu Zhi, Wang Anyi reckoned that even an actor at the actor level would find it difficult to complete.

The young man is a bit flustered, and Wang Anyi's eyebrows are stretched again. If the effect is not achieved, it will be restored through post-production editing and soundtrack. Movies are a multi-faceted art.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the camera position, lighting, and photography were all adjusted, and the group performances and safety measures were in place. Wang Anyi said "move", and the filming officially started.

Zhang Li, who plays opposite Chu Zhi, is the leading actor in "Normal Alienation", with thick eyebrows and big eyes, holding two A-category film festival winners, but Zhang Li's smile is very low, and he often says "yeah" during the conversation laugh.

According to the script, the character "Blooming Blossom" he played can't even be attributed to being a normal person or an abnormal person. When he appears on the stage, he can make people feel mournful. The legs are walking, reaching the empty and old top floor rooftop.

I didn't intend to commit suicide when I stepped over the iron fence on the edge, but I just wanted to stand on a high place and look down.

Zhang Li performed the feeling of emptiness very well. He decided in his heart that although there was no dialogue, eye contact and small movements for a while guided the performance a little and could not be suppressed.

This acting, tsk tsk! The other leading actors, Gao Tan and others, will watch beside them when there is no play. When a group of people are savoring carefully, Chu Zhi appears—

Chu Zhi opened a sick person in advance, and asked the system to block some things, so that the effect of the title will not feel that it is a filming on the way

, Brother System agrees to charge 1 personality coin.

moment! That illogical thinking came back, crushing all emotions and occupying the brain. He felt that there was a high-tech surveillance ship hidden in the sky, watching him all the time, with the purpose of arresting him and taking away the system. No wonder the system obeyed everything, because he was just an experimental subject.

The entire parallel world is just a testing ground, and the current world's technology will definitely not be able to discover it. The top floor we came to at this time is temporarily a blind spot for surveillance.


Is someone sent to guard the dead corner of the surveillance?

So the parallel world is completely controlled. If this is the case, the fish will die and the net will be broken. It is impossible for this group of high-latitude life forms to easily achieve their goals. He glared at the monitor viciously.

It’s an old drama, but in the face of the sudden killing intent that seemed to turn into reality, Zhang Li still almost collapsed. The director continued without stopping. His rich experience allowed him to quickly face the drama, the hatred for a stranger It is definitely necessary to show confusion and fear, but the character of the male protagonist Blooming has no fear, so Zhang Li only showed surprise.

The emotional dimensions felt by the two actors on the scene were not at the same level at all. Chu Zhi’s emotions changed very quickly, because there was a "woo-woo-ming" in his ears, like the sound of a machine tool, but he knew it was the surveillance ship in the air that was about to land .


So desperate!

Is it the signal from the monitor in front of me? Destroy and get the system back?

Chu Zhi looked up at the sky, he could vaguely see the silhouette of the empty ship hidden by the clouds in the sky.

For the longing for life, the thought of "running quickly" resounded in Chu Zhi's mind, but just after running for two steps, she stopped again.

Hehe, in front of this level of technology, is there any point in escaping? Chu Zhi raised her head and stood on the spot.

"Okay, stop!" Director Wang Anyi called to stop.

At the same time, the reliable Brother System immediately relieved Chu Zhi of his role as a sick dummy.

But the audience was completely silent, because just now Chu Zhi's eyes were too contagious, to be precise, it was called aura.

Everyone has an aura. This thing is mysterious and mysterious. It is difficult to describe it in words, but it exists clearly. At least Gao Tan and other actors can feel it. At a glance, you will notice.

"With such acting skills, why do you still want to sing." Gao Tan touched his chin and thought to himself.

The two film kings and one queen present were all full of praise for this performance.

Wang Anyi said: "The paragraph just now was very good, strange hostility, strange killing intent, and unknown despair."

When the effect reached 200%, Wang Anyi was so happy that he stood up from the pony, and he even created a picture in his mind.

"Are you all right?" Seeing that Chu Zhi still stayed where he was after calling a stop, Zhang Li thought it was difficult to play, so he asked softly.

"It's okay, it's just that my mood fluctuated a bit just now, so take it slow." Chu Zhi explained.

"Chew a piece of chewing gum." Zhang Li handed it over to him. The life assistant gave it to him just now. His habit of acting is to chew Green Arrow. It's a pity that Wrigley didn't pay him for the advertisement.

"An instant emotional outburst is equivalent to sprinting 400 meters at full speed. It must be very tiring." While sharing his experience, Zhang Li also praised himself in his words: "Brother, I still want to take you during the acting, so as not to have no lines , There is a problem with the interaction, I didn’t expect that I almost didn’t take the show, but fortunately it’s me, it’s difficult to replace someone.”

Wang Anyi called the two downstairs, and they walked to the director's booth.

Before Chu Zhi could speak, there was applause.

"I thought I was dazzled by the contagious power of my eyes. I have made great progress." Assistant Director Zhao Yusheng said: "If the first "Eleven Lang" can maintain this level, what's the matter with Berg Oondo?"

Which Venice Film Festival winner is Oondo?

When Zhao Yusheng said this, he looked at the director next to him, his expression seemed to say, look, this is no talent?

The director also recovered from the excitement, looked at Chu Zhi suspiciously, and didn't see why for a long time, so he could only say: "Although

Although it is different from the script, the performance is really very aura, at least fully expressing that you are mentally abnormal.

"The mental disorder I said is just an adjective, not a curse." Wang Anyi added.

Chu Zhi nodded: "I know, schizophrenia is just abnormal sensory and emotional behavior."

Director Wang was sure that Chu Zhi was able to perform such a superb performance because he visited the patient. A friendly cameo who helped out was afraid that he would not be able to perform well, so he put in enough hard work and was very moved.

"The gait is more normal and steady than Zhang Li's, but it further shows the character's pathology, especially at the beginning, the eyes are full of guard. I saw the last look in a park, and the stray cat mother stared at him. Watch out for all the passers-by who pass by the kitty." Art director Lao Feng said.

"My great-aunt is schizophrenic, it's a family inheritance." Lao Sun, the person in charge of the props group, said, "A lot of her expressions are indeed similar to my grandmother's. If she can do this, she can definitely be called a good actor, especially the one who just looks so good. A sense of hopelessness that fills my chest.”

"It's just that I know a little bit better. My acting skills are still far behind." Chu Zhi replied.

The filming was over once, Wang Anyi didn't expect it, so Chu Zhi was fine next time, he played with Huhu, because Huhu's mother had to take care of her sick mother-in-law, and Huhu's father was an armed border policeman, so she didn't have time to come to the set Accompany Xiaohu.

But he is still sensible at such a young age, sitting on the sidelines without crying or making trouble, and watching the adults act with peace of mind.

Chu Zhi was helping with chores and accompanying Huhu on the set. At six o'clock in the evening, Huhu's mother came to pick her up, and Chu Zhi sent her out of the set holding her little hand.

"There is one thing I want to ask Brother Chu, Brother Chu, can you say it is Xiaoguo in front of my mother." Huhu suddenly raised her head and said to Chu Zhi.

Chu Zhi squatted down so that the children didn't have to look up, and the two heads, one big and one small, communicated with each other at eye level.

"Because my mother said that there are three of his greatest prides in this life." Huhu stretched out a foolish finger: "The first is to have a smart and cute baby, and that is me. The second is to find A good husband is my father."

Huhu stretched out four fingers, because the hand was raised too close to the face, and the raised index finger almost reached into the mouth: "The third one has a small fruit."

"No problem." Chu Zhi agreed.

After waiting on the curb for about ten minutes, Hu Ma ran over, wearing a thin gray-brown windbreaker, dusty.

"Thank you, I've been waiting for a long time, Master." Hu Ma subconsciously apologized, not recognizing Chu Zhi.

The main reason is that the brim of Chu Zhi's hat was too low, and she lowered her head a little, so she couldn't see most of her face clearly.

"Hello, I'm your little fruit." Chu Zhi greeted with a smile, and said according to Huhu's request.

The familiar voice, my mother looked carefully, it was her idol? She froze in place.

"Mom, Huhu found your little fruit." Huhu asked for credit.

"Little fruit?" Hu Ma was puzzled for a moment and realized that it was her daughter who misremembered her own words, but the greeting "I am your little fruit" and the idol's doting eyes on Hu Hu. Huhu doting on her daughter.

Ah, that's great too.

"Nine...Hello Brother Nine." Hu Ma said hello, and then happily took a photo with the idol, not to be precise, it was a group photo of three people, and there was also an autograph.

Hu Ma and Hu Hu went home happily, many people were happy tonight, Chu Zhi invited everyone to dinner, and they were also happy during the dinner.

Time passed in joy and joy.

"It's been a long time getting together, brother Ma, tell us, what was it like when you performed at the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Hall more than a month ago?" Bald Qiang asked curiously.

A few friends around also booed and wanted to know, they were all in the music circle, saying that they were indifferent to fame and fortune, that they only wanted to write the music in their hearts, but it didn't matter if they were envious or not.

Thinking of his small mistakes in the first sentence, Ma Qi sighed in his heart. In most cases, the priority of dance integrity is higher.

"Teacher Chu is very strong." Ma Qi answered his friend's question with his true feelings.

A group of friends are puzzled, this is not the answer to the question.

Bald Qiang asked, "Is Teacher Chu Chu Zhi?"

After getting the affirmative nod from the other party, Bald Qiang wondered, "Chu Zhi went to the forum again this year?"

"I didn't participate, it's just that Mr. Chu is younger than me..." Ma Qi wanted to say something, but then remembered the bragging with his friends before, so he changed his tone: "We all said that Mr. Chu's strength is creation. ability, in fact, his singing skills are also outrageous.”

"How outrageous can it be even more outrageous than a hexagonal songwriting warrior?" The bald head said strongly.

Why is his friend nicknamed Bald Qiang? Because he has a bald head and is very strong, he once set a record for giving a wreath in Sanlitun when he was stationed in a bar, and to put it bluntly, he feels that he is not weak when he is strong with a bald head.

"Ms. Chu is definitely a double strength, with the same creativity and singing skills." Ma Qi said: "I was in Mao Xiongguo, and I saw the live stage where Mr. Chu sang "Opera 2" in previous sessions. Let's put it this way, I will participate in the discovery I’m just a small party dish, basically everyone on stage is a big guy who has been immersed in vocal music for 10 to 20 years, and they are all at the professor level of the vocal music school, but in this case, Teacher Chu went on stage and killed a lot.”

The facial expressions of Bald Qiang and his friends can be translated into common internet emoji packs [without pictorials.

"Hey, what kind of look, what am I lying to you for? You search the Internet yourself, and it was also on the hot search in China at that time." Ma Qi said: "I watched the stage of "Opera 2", don't talk about thoughts and feelings, and don't say anything The connotation is pure showmanship, which makes one's scalp tingle."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about the World Cup, this year we must find a place to watch the World Cup." Bald Qiang said. A group of them are old fans.

Chu Zhi, who is not a fan, came to Qatar again, and the opening ceremony of the World Cup is approaching.

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