How Can I Get Confused with the Top?

v3 Chapter 522: strange invitation

Half an hour before arriving in New York, the flight attendant woke up Chu Zhi and wanted to put away the seat and the small table. When she was woken up, she was a bit sleepy, so she took out a blind box to comfort herself. Chu Zhi saw the balance from 39 to 34, and her heart ached.

It would be great if the lottery increased by 5 personality coins instead. Inform the system to draw a lottery and check the blind box of the prize pool.

【Tearing Wind Little Donkey】

【Unlimited refill drinks】

[Wonderful Item: Quanshen Chicken Soup]

【Voice of Honeypot】

【Title: Awardee】

【New Century Music Package】

"The prize pool format this time is a bit different from the previous format." Chu Zhi yawned.

Quanshen Chicken Soup, the full name should be "Concentrated Chicken Soup". After taking it, as long as you think about it, you can devote your energy to one thing at any time, without being affected by time and emotions.

Chu Zhi felt very powerful. You must know that most people can't concentrate for more than 50 minutes...but it's not necessary to play the emperor beast, he can fool himself to gain a huge amount of concentration. "Nice wonder, but I don't need it."

He thought that Brother System's voice buff had already been figured out by him, but he never thought that there would be a new buff today.

The sound of the honey pot, the honey badger is known as the flat-headed brother who refuses to accept, and the sound of the honey pot can be understood as "the sound of resistance", "the sound of restlessness", and "the sound of resistance".

It is somewhat similar to the sound of angry motorcycles, they both sing rock and roll, but the focus of the latter is anger, while the former is a fearless struggle.

"Okay, brother, but... what is a little wind-tearing donkey?" Chu Zhi examined it carefully, and found that it was really a donkey. If he was drawn, he would get a donkey that was faster than a sweaty BMW.

The donkey runs so fast, is its meat delicious? Needless to say, this prize is not in line with Chu Zhi's wishes.

[Unlimited Refill Drinks] It looks like an ordinary wine glass, but you can refill any drink you have drunk indefinitely.

"This stuff is all science fiction." Chu Zhi thought about it, he even won the double salamander, which is quite normal.

The items in the prize pool this time were weird, but there were also things that made Chu Zhi's eyes greedy. The legendary title [Awarder], the attribute effect is easy to get the favor of various professional awards.

It is definitely not the effect of winning an award without the ability, but that it is easier to be selected by the judges when the strengths in all aspects are similar. "Brother System, I want this, maybe I can rely on "Unsinkable" to win an Oscar for Best Actor or something." Chu Zhi's eyes lit up.

The new century music gift pack is also good, including masterpieces of Enya, Sojiro, Sakamoto Ryuichi, Hisaishi Joe, Bandari Orchestra and others on the earth.

Even though she is an adult, Chu Zhi has no choice but to want both, so angry!

"Anyway, it will be mine sooner or later." Chu Zhi muttered inwardly, and then began to choose the blind box, and Fu Zhixin chose the box on the far right. Open - Sound of Honey Pot

Huh... Brother System didn't bless him this time.

The Charming Voice and the Angelic Gospel can be used to preach, and then the Honeypot Voice plus the Charming Voice, Chu Zhi is sure, can also launch a ZB.

"Brother, you are really punished. I feel like I will go in sooner or later."

Chu Zhi, who already has five voice buffs, is already good at infusing emotions into songs, especially the charming voice, which Chu Zhi doesn't use much at all.

"There are so many invincibles, how lonely, and so many invincibles... But since I got the voice of the honey pot, I suddenly have an idea." Chu Zhi thought of a good job.

When I arrived in New York, there was no one to pick me up at the airport, because the preparations for this internal movie viewing were sudden, and the president of FOX Group made an impromptu decision.

The viewing location was chosen at the Lion Entertainment Theater on Wall Street No. 2. Director Cameron Cameron was present, and Fox was high-level. Except for Chu Zhi and Cameron Cameron, there was no crew.

Chu Zhi was not invited as a lead actor, but as a film producer.

There was no need to socialize before the opening, Chu Zhi received a lot of business cards, and no one in Hollywood could ignore an artist whose album sales exceeded 15 million copies.

Two-hour screening of "Unsinkable"

time, literally

Chu Zhi breathed a sigh of relief both physically and mentally, holding back her desire to go to the bathroom. Cameron lived up to the investment cost, and the film was grand and exciting.

The cruise ship directed by Cameron has become a microcosm of the world, with touching love and descriptions of humanity. The key is that Cameron's camera sense has depth, even a layman like Chu Zhi can see it.

The Fox executives also nodded in satisfaction. After spending so much money, there are still a lot of blisters. At least the shock brought by the real model sinking into the bottom of the sea cannot be displayed even with the best special effects.

"A good movie, Mr. Cameron, congratulations on making it happen." Chu Zhi said.

"I also want to thank you for your soundtrack, which fully interprets the emotions I want to express." Cameron said, "It's you who made me realize that when a person is talented enough, there is no obstacle between the soundtrack and pop music."

"I'm also doing my best." Chu Zhi said.

"This is genius." Cameron said, "I have a friend who couldn't find a suitable soundtrack. Chu, do you have time to try it? Just do me a favor."

Why did the words turn to this?

"What movie?" Chu Zhi didn't rush to agree, he had the soundtrack of Earth, but he couldn't waste the classics.

"That's Mo Kang." Cameron said, "It takes four or five years to shoot a movie. His movie "The Grand Canyon of the West" was shelved for half a year in post because he couldn't find a satisfactory soundtrack."

Shelved for half a year, as the boss, Chu Zhi's first reaction was that the investment company was miserable.

Then the director Na Mokang, known as the actor of the Emperor Beast, is a well-known slow shooter in the world. He made his first movie at the age of 25 and has been in the industry for more than 30 years. He has only shot seven movies in total, but five of them All of them have a double harvest of word of mouth and box office.

"The production company gave him an ultimatum. If there is no result within a month, then the post-production rights will be withdrawn." Cameron frowned here: "Short-sighted companies, outsiders will ruin the film."

"For western movies, I can give it a try. I really like this genre." Chu Zhi said, he owns a series of classic soundtracks of western movies such as "The Good, the Ugly, and the Ugly" and "Titoli" and "Ride". The familiar whistle.

Ke Meilun gave Chu Zhi a hug. He was very moved. Chu always helps when he is in trouble. This is what a good friend is.

How could Chu Zhi refuse to gain the favor of a great director on the one hand, and develop a soundtrack approach on the other hand, killing two birds with one stone.

Chu Zhi politely declined a party held by the Fox executives because there was a video morning meeting. The night in the United States is the morning in China. Why is eating and drinking more important than work?

"Sister Niu, change tomorrow's itinerary." During the meeting, Chu Zhi first told Niu Jiangxue that she would return to Los Angeles instead of going back to China for the air ticket tomorrow morning.

You said that this matter caused a lot of running back and forth, and all the time was delayed in the transportation. Chu Zhi explained to try to dub Na Mokang's new movie "The Grand Canyon of the West".

"I arrange."

Of course, Niu Jiangxue raised her hand in agreement. Then Mokang's status in Hollywood is not low, especially if the artist becomes a famous Hollywood soundtrack composer, it will greatly improve the company.

"The China Charity Federation organized a charity fundraising party and sent an invitation." Niu Jiangxue reported in an orderly manner that the artists needed to make up their minds.

"Charity fundraising party, what's the name?" Chu Zhi asked. "Caring for rural children." Niu Jiangxue said, "It's also a bit strange. The singers invited by the Charity Federation are all senior singers at the age of 40. Only you, Brother Chu, were invited."

If the charity dinner is to raise donations for the general public, it is normal to invite Chu Zhi, because he is extremely popular and can raise a lot of money.

But this time the fundraising targets are corporate companies, and they are all seniors in the music industry. To put it bluntly, it is a formality, because the amount of donations for each company has been determined long ago, so what should Chu Zhi do?

Out of place.

Chu Zhi also understood Niu Niu's doubts, he thought for a while, and he probably understood.

The Huaxia Charity Federation has granted him the permission to donate large amounts anonymously. How could he not know his true identity? With this invitation...

... Could it be that the Huaxia Charity Federation wants to overthrow his identity? Hey, don't you just donated less than 400 million Ruanmei coins, how can you happily complete the achievement now that Chu Zhi has been overthrown?

"For charity, you can go." Chu Zhi said. "Okay." Niu Jiangxue didn't have any objections, just let the itinerary be arranged.

"Second thing..."

Chu Zhi worked hard to work overtime, and some people also worked hard to work overtime. Fox TV, the program group of the American version of "The Masked Singer", comes from Mei Zong who likes to record one episode and broadcast one episode, only one week in advance, and then determine the theme of the next episode according to the audience's adjustments. So on the night when the first episode of the seven episodes ended, the behind-the-scenes team started working overtime. Don’t believe that Free America doesn’t work overtime.

There are still five days before the broadcast, whether it is editing or publicity direction, it needs to be planned overnight.

"This issue of Azalez definitely needs to be the first in the promotion, so who is the second?" Chief Director Lujinsky asked. "Red Lion, although she was defeated, we can promote the direction of the two-strong duel."

"Two-strong matchup? What are you talking about? The Red Lion's performance is vulnerable to Azarez. I propose Himalayas, his stage has no shortcomings."

"Is our thinking limited to the bakery, and Navis, who has revealed his face, can also be promoted."

"Is it necessary to choose the second place to promote? Azarez's stage ".Me", even if you look for it from the previous six seasons, you can't find any comparable stage. Surprising performance] is even better with a title like that."

There were many discussions, but the last sentence moved Lujinski a little.

The ratings of the program have dropped for two consecutive The fourth and fifth are also criticized by many viewers as being uninspiring.

The seventh season returns, if it is not a big one, it is indeed difficult to increase the ratings.

Luginsky went a step further: "Gentlemen, I already know what you think, what do you think of [Best Performance in ''] as a promotional headline?"

Hey, the chief director is courageous.

The champions of the first six seasons are: Grammy singers, singers with cumulative record sales of more than 50 million, Mexican national treasure singers, British rose queens, old rock demons, and the champions of "Pretty Idol" with super physical functions .

Fox always hires ruthless people. In this case, the most outstanding performance is also marked. What kind of discussions will be triggered on the Internet, the staff can figure it out just by thinking about it.

Isn't it a little bad?

Although no one said that, the meaning was revealed in the eyes of many people.

"Gentlemen, think about the .Me stage. Isn't that true?" Luginsky asked rhetorically.

No one can refute the thought of the performance like an angel descending.

"Mr. Luginsky, who is Azarez?" "I also want to know, he should not be an American singer, I can't find the corresponding one."

"This is the first time I'm so curious about the identity of the masked singer."

A lot of staff asked, since FOX TV station uses the inference of the singer's identity as the point of ratings, it must guard the identity of the contestant, and only the stylist, chief director, and chief producer know the identity of the masked singer.

The whole team of stylists signed a high-value non-disclosure agreement, and Lujinski would definitely not say it, so he used another work topic to bring it over.

Chu Zhi, who was being discussed, rushed to Los Angeles early the next morning...

Please pay attention to the latest chapters of How Can I Be Misunderstood?