How Can I Get Confused with the Top?

v3 Chapter 585: he is young

Nan Wang is very busy today, because the Prodigal Son Publishing House has republished Huainan's poetry anthology, "Huai Trilogy" and "South Trilogy".

Among them, the Huai trilogy includes: I am a wayward child, Tour, Asuka.

Please come today, a very popular emotional blogger on the Japanese Internet, she recommends "Huai series is a romantic work that women like, dusk is my hometown / you are a girl who grew up quietly in your hometown / you are in a quiet friendship Growth/without a sound/you have always walked to my heart. I don’t know how to pursue women, so it’s a good choice to give a set of Huai series.”

Turn this set of books into a treasure book of love, and invite celebrity couples who are so well-known in the entertainment industry to promote this point of view.

Seeing clearly the wording "love is so good that it is famous", it is not known whether the queen is really affectionate, but she always maintains a very affectionate image in front of the public.

Taking advantage of Huainan's fame, Prodigal Son Publishing House also recruited many best-selling authors. There are strengths and ideas to use Huainan as a signboard, so the Nan series includes "Don't Go Gentle into That Good Night, After Eternal Silence, Huge Puzzles", and the publisher invites many writers from Neon to make joint recommendations.

[The Nan series contains the highest level of modern poetry, I think there is no doubt about it. ] Recommended by Uemura

[If you want to understand the beauty of modern poetry, I will not recommend this collection of poems, but if you want to delve deeper into the connotation of poetry, then buy it. ] Recommended by Kotaro Isaka

[After reading this set of books, I am very grateful for letting me see it, and I am very moved. ]Ishida Kazuyoshi recommended and so on, the offline promotion is full.

The Prodigal Son Publishing House has republished two series, each set of books is 9,400 yen, which is not cheap at all. Hey, don't think that you can't sell it. In fact, the consumer positioning is very clear.

The Huai series is full of students who have secret crushes, as well as single dogs and otaku. The Nan series is a group of people who think they have a strong personality. After reading the evaluation of this book, be good, isn't this description suitable for you?

He hurriedly bought it back, tore off the plastic cover, turned over two pages at will, and placed it in the most conspicuous place. He didn't even notice that when the poetry collection was published separately a few years ago, he had already bought it. If he changed the packaging and name, he would not recognize it.

The sales record is gratifying, with a total of more than 300,000 sets sold in the two weeks, and it is in the top five of the bestseller list. Even in terms of the sales volume of physical books in the world, it is very magical.

"Ono-san, discuss it with Huainan, and it is most appropriate to publish one or two more poetry collections." The editor-in-chief said.

"No one can influence the thoughts of poets," Akira Ono replied.

The editor-in-chief said: "That's for sure, the poet has the idea of ​​a poet. But if Huainan Sang also has an idea, then our publishing house will definitely provide help."

Have you found it? Since Ono's fame has skyrocketed, he has become tougher in speaking, while the editor-in-chief has become more polite, and even his senior colleagues no longer dare to ******.

Later, he will accept an exclusive interview with "Literary World" and greet the editor-in-chief, and Akira Ono will leave the company early.

Neon's five major literary weekly magazines are "Xinchao", "Literary World", "Group Portrait", "すばる" and "Literary Art". Among them, Xinchao Ono has not been on it yet, and the rest have slipped around.

There is no way, Huainan is famous enough, but the poet himself cannot be contacted, only the responsible editor who is more familiar with creation.

Just like on Earth, in the manga circle, if you can't contact Tsugumi Ohba, one of the authors of the small book of death, you have to find the editor in charge.

Akira Ono accepted an exclusive interview about "guessing Huainan's identity." The interviewer was Xiaohe Tetsui, editor-in-chief of Wenhua Gongron.

The Xiaohe Toru family is a well-known family of scholars, and Xiaohe Toru himself is also an influential literary critic in the world literary world.

Also to save face for this great god, Akira Ono gave important clues:

"I have a piece of information that Huainan Sang is very young. We usually think that a poet who can write so many wonderful poems should be in his fifties or sixties, but Huainan Sang should be no more than forty years old, and he is currently single."

This is very important information!

Seven collections of poetry, seven famous in Asia, three famous all over the world, worthy of the name of a modern great poet, and now the age is said to be no more than forty years old, which is very surprising.

intelligence source

Yu Huainan's editor-in-charge, Akio Ono, was highly credible, and there was another wave of speculation about Huainan's identity in the literary circles.

[Ono-san, this work "Grey Palace" is a collection of poems that I have edited for ten years. I very much hope that it will be favored by Ono-san. If you have any comments, I am willing to modify it. ]

[Ask Ono-san to point out the work. ][I won't······]

There are three or four unread emails in the mailbox. Ono is already the most famous poetry editor of Neon, and all young people who want to publish poetry want to win his favor.

Among other things, the book of poems signed by Akira Ono three months ago had a recommendation on the cover: "Editor-in-charge of Huainan Akira Ono recommends it with all his might, and the genius poet made a shocking debut." With these words, 60,000 copies were sold .

It can be said that in the field of neon modern poetry, Akira Ono is the boss. "Modern poetry doesn't just need to be able to put a blank space."

After reading the submissions in the mailbox, there was not a single satisfactory work. Akira Ono was bored to browse the Internet, only to realize that the news of the Los Angeles concert that just happened had dominated the headlines.

"The greatest concert in the 21st century, more than 300,000 people attended", this is the headline of Yahoo, the largest portal website of Neon, reprinted by the Wall Street Journal.

The news sent back by Neon Kyodo News Agency: "The Los Angeles stop of Xiangchu World Tour Concert with You, due to the super popularity of singer Chu Zhi, the Los Angeles City Hall dispatched more than 3,000 police officers to maintain order at the scene!"

There are no pictures of the scene yet. After all, intensive phobia makes the scalp numb just by looking at the pictures. There are too many people, and it feels difficult to breathe.

Reuters: "Hundreds of people fainted, what is Chu Zhi's charm?" ! "

Wolff Agency: "Writing songs live to satisfy fans? Former Soviet Songs in German" TASS: "Chu Zhi can write songs with the style of the former Maoxiong country in any language"

Xinxia News Agency: "The Chinese superstar's performance in the United States ended successfully, and it is reported that it attracted hundreds of thousands of viewers"


"Fortunately, I got a ticket for Tokyo Station." Akira Ono breathed a sigh of relief. He only had two idols in his life, one Huainan and one Chu Zhi. Of course, he had to spend some money for his idols.

As for asking about Huainan's next collection of poems, Akio Ono didn't speak directly, because he remembered very clearly that after Huainan said "Mr. Cogito", he had to rest for a while.

Ono didn't want to disturb the poet's rest.

So is the poet Chu Zhi resting? There is no rest, even after several hours of singing, the body and mind are exhausted, it will still not affect self-discipline, after all, today is the end of today.

Yandi Beast has spent many years on the earth in his previous life, and he knows one thing very well. There are many people who are smarter than him, but many people's talents and talents are exhausted by laziness and lack of self-discipline.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo—" the phone buzzed and vibrated on the desktop, Yandi Beast was translating French, during homework, he kept on vibrating, if it wasn't something important, he didn't rush to pick it up.

"Oh? Xiaobai's phone call." Chu Zhi glanced at it, Xiaobai was an exception, and answered it all if he was in a hurry.

Su Shangbai chats with Chu Zhi much less than before. He supports and invests in the latter because he wants to fulfill his dream, which is a bit like a game of nurturing.

The development of the game definitely requires more energy in the early and mid-term, and let it go in the middle and late stages. Chu Zhi’s age is definitely not in the middle and late stages. However, his career has reached the peak, which is beyond the reach of 99% of the stars. In fact, he himself thinks that he can continue to climb, after all, "Chu Zhi's era" has not yet been reached.

Both of them knew the basics, so they skipped the stage of exchanging greetings at the beginning and talked about things. "Do you still have tickets for the concert?" Su Shangbai asked.

"Which scene do you want, how many?" Chu Zhi answered simply.

"Ho Chi Minh City No. 1 Gymnasium Station, one is enough, and I will watch it alone." Su Shangbai said.

Dabai Sugar's industrial chain is in Southeast Asia, and there is relatively cheap manpower. It is much more convenient for Annan to watch the concert.

"Hold on."

Chu Zhi contacted the organizing company. The ticketing and hosting of star concerts will hire professional companies. I believe this is common sense, so I won’t go into details.

"Is it okay to use this mobile phone number to book tickets? By the way, send me your ID card." Chu Zhi said.

"It's troublesome." Su Shangbai originally wanted to grab it by himself, but after trying two or three times to no avail, he reluctantly gave up.

"You're being polite, it's too polite to talk about trouble between the two of us." Chu Zhi said, "I really want to thank me, I'm back this year for the Chinese New Year, and the New Year's dinner will be entrusted to you."

"Okay." Su Shangbai agreed simply, and said again: "Ninth Brother, leave America as soon as the concert is over."

"Go back home tomorrow."

Su Shangbai was very busy, and Chu Zhi wanted to chat for a while, but there was the sound of machinery running on the phone, probably still in the factory, so he hung up the phone.

"Busy, it's better to be busy."

"Come on, it's less than two o'clock, it's still early before dawn."

"The French translation is here. The selection of songs for the international album is imminent. This year, only the Chinese album will be released. I am too lazy."

Other singers are very diligent in releasing an album a year, but Chu Zhi is too lazy.

Chu Zhi started to work hard, the night outside the window was quiet... No, there was a fire, hey? what's the situation? Knowing that curiosity killed the cat, Yandi Beast silently closed the curtains.

The streets of Los Angeles are not calm tonight, [Save the Hope Organization] went to the *** to demonstrate, demanding better wages for blue-collar workers.

The real streets are not calm, and the English Internet is even more noisy. The news about the Los Angeles station explodes quickly, and it is very popular all over the world.

The Wall Street Journal's estimate is too conservative. There were 350,000 people in Figueroa Street last night. Using the doctor's mental arithmetic ability, we know that despite the 60,000 people inside the venue, nearly 300,000 fans gathered outside.

Parallel worlds haven't happened before. In the 1990s, 500,000 people gathered at the Berlin concert of the former king of pop, Presley. At that time, even the city hall specially sealed off a district, causing more than a dozen casualties.

But that was in the 90s, people's time was not yet occupied by mobile phones, and there was a soil of big news. At the moment... Look at Akanda Bell, who is hailed as the successor of the pop king in the United States, and her peak record is also Even reaching 200,000 people, from any point of view, it is only natural that the Los Angeles station shocked the world. "The most shining person in Los Angeles tonight is Chu Zhi" - Los Angeles Morning Post

"The Man Who Saved the Physical Records, Saved the Stage Industry Again" — *** "He Has the Most Fans in the World" — Bild

"Chu Zhi Proves Two Things" - The Sun and other overwhelming news.

Look at the news again, it proves two things, which two things?

[Chu Zhi created a miraculous record. He is the only singer in the top 10 of Forbes' list of the world's highest-paid singers without a luxury brand endorsement.

He proved to us that luxury brand endorsements are not necessary to become a top singer.

The second thing is that Chu Zhi is also the only star among Forbes Top 20 Global Celebrities whose self-created brand failed completely. It is reported that the two design directors of the self-created brand "Wood Chire" have been replaced, and they have not yet been sold in the world.

He also proved to us that it is not necessarily successful to create a famous brand, even if the popularity is as high as that of Chu Zhi. ]

The yin and yang are strange, and the sun repays the yin and yang! And it is a yin and yang strange Qi Chuzhi, and at the same time it is also a yin and yang luxury brand. No wonder the Sun has been selected as the world's most unpopular newspaper for a long time. There is a reason.

By the way, I forgot to mention, Chu Zhi did not forget what she was muttering in her heart when she saw the fainted fans on the stage.

"Miss Niu, please leave the matter to me." After explaining, Chu Zhi hung up the phone.

This is what a world-class idol should look like. Niu Jiangxue didn't know that she had sighed like this several times. Regarding the matter of pet fans, Chu Zhi really paid attention to every detail.

Niu Jiangxue arranged it in an orderly manner, but since she was in China, the verification and other matters were handed over to Aiguo's branch in the United States.

As mentioned earlier, Chu Zhi's branches all over the world are actually operating. Even though most of them have been in a state of loss for many years, it is really convenient to deal with transnational events.

"The concert also

More than ten shows are over, and I will enter the crew of "The Matrix" next month. "Niu Jiangxue is a little worried, because the sci-fi blockbusters invested by Warner Pictures hit the market, and the market generally sees traditional sci-fi films as bad. Some sociologists even pointed out the phenomenon of "sci-fi allergy", that is, movie fans will subconsciously ignore sci-fi movies when buying movie tickets. choose.

It's a bit mysterious

Niu Jiangxue controls the domestic evaluation, and Wang Yuan has always been in charge of this matter, but today Wang Yuan is unwell, so let her take care of it.

"Having a concert can be hotly discussed on Twitter and Facebook. This is a puppet. Unfortunately, there are still two weeks before the Tokyo concert. Tokyo will definitely gather more people, maybe more than a million people!"

"I feel like the little fruits in China are not fed enough, why did I go abroad, I haven't grabbed a ticket for a domestic concert yet."

"Isn't Los Angeles known as the Little Mumbai of America? Why don't you hold a concert in the serious Mumbai." "Every concert of Oppa is a surprise. Currently, three new songs have been released. If you miss one, you really miss one."

"His singing skills are so good. I went to the concert because of my friends, but I became his fan after the end. Don't ask why I can get concert tickets because I am not a fan, because knowledge can get tickets."

The above are the comments from netizens from various countries. Smart and witty children should be able to guess which countries they are from.

Location: Los Angeles People: People in the hospital

"Sorry ma'am, why am I in the hospital?" Kendall Jenner woke up in a daze, looked around in an unfamiliar environment, saw a nurse, and hurriedly asked.

The nurse replied: "Ms. Janna, this is the Dr. Edes clinic. You were sent to the clinic after fainting because you were too excited during the concert."

Too excited to faint... the concert!

Jenna sat up in shock on the hospital bed and asked loudly, "Ma'am, is the concert over now? I want to ask, what time is it?"

The nurse was in her forties, and Jenna subconsciously thought that the other party should not pay attention to the entertainment industry, so she asked the time instead.

"At 3:30 in the morning, Ms. Jenna fainted for more than six hours." The nurse replied, "If it was Chu Zhi's Los Angeles concert, it would have ended."

Although the nurse is in her forties, she is also a pioneer in Internet surfing, and even if she is not chasing stars, she still knows the famous Chu Zhi's concert.

It's numb, Jenna is completely numb, and finally resisted not buying a bag, and finally grabbed a ticket.

After spending $899, she passed out without listening to any songs, and the blood loss was written on Jenna's face. "Ms. Jenna, don't get excited." The nurse said a few words of reassurance, and she was worried that she would faint again, although she felt that it was too wasteful in her heart.

Today, 74 cases were sent to their clinic alone. Because of emotional excitement, no matter happy or sad, they would wake up in about ten minutes to a few hours, so the nurse also learned from other fans that Chu Zhi’s tickets for the American concert It ranges from US$899 to US$118, and the average ticket is about US$350. The price is not cheap.

"Please rest well." The nurse left. UU reading

How could it be possible to take a good rest, Jenna felt that she was too useless, why did she faint, never seen a man? ! Uh... Chu Zhi is different from other men! Jenna seemed to have two villains fighting in her heart.

The stagnation is hard to resolve, so Jenna picked up her mobile phone, ready to talk to her good sister, she can't hold back her troubles, as holding back will lead to strong feelings.

As soon as I turned on the phone, I saw a lot of missed calls, calls from friends and family members who were worried, oh yes, Jenna thought of keeping her family safe.

"Who's this number?" Jenna saw a strange caller in the missed calls, and kept repeating it. Could it be that a friend changed a new number?

Soon Jenna's doubts were answered, because the strange phone also sent a text message. [Hello Ms. Kendall Jenner:

I’m Mark, the clerk of Aiguo Media’s American branch. First of all, I would like to thank you for your support to our artist Chu Zhi. I bought tickets for "With You Global Tour Los Angeles Station" from Tketster, but due to physical reasons, I did not enjoy the performance. .

So you can log in to the Orangery after-sales officer

Online, apply for a refund. After the review is approved, we will provide you with a refund (90%) after deducting 10% of the channel fee of the ticket value. I hope you will be in good health.

If you have any questions, please call or send an email to the official mailbox. ]

"Refund?" Jenna suddenly felt like pizza was falling from the sky. Really fake, can't it be a liar.