How Can My Hyakki Yagyo Be So Cute (It’s Impossible that My Evil Overlord is So Cute)

Chapter 207: Girls in Action (Part 1)

Thick double-layer opaque curtains blocked the windows, which made the sunny room look extremely dim.

The house, which was originally spotlessly clean because of the hard work of a certain landlord, has now become completely different from the past.

A large number of puffed food bags were just randomly discarded on the floor. The seasoning salt inside and the corners of potato chips that have not been eaten were spilled out because of the wonderful lying angles of the bag; there are still empty ones everywhere. Coke bottles and fast food boxes printed with the bright red Kaifeng dish logo, and instant noodle buckets stacked like towers of Babel.

In addition, the comics and novels that were originally placed on the bookshelves in an orderly manner are also scattered all over the floor, mixed with mobile phone charging cables, eye masks and earplugs, and other messy things, making this room like a garbage dump, making people even settle down. No place at all.

If it had not been estimated that the landlord initiated the horrible scene of the fire and caused the owner of this room to use the word spirit so that creatures such as cockroaches would not appear here, I am afraid that this place could already be called a purgatory on earth.

The screen of the antique computer that was moved to this room is showing a picture of a recently popular FPS game. The big box on it and the white italics that read "Network connection interrupted" are particularly eye-catching.

At this time, the owner of the room was lying on the computer desk, looking burnt out, and even the long pale blonde hair seemed to have lost its original color.

I don't know how long it took, the rooster alarm clock that was stuffed into the bookshelf suddenly made a terrible scream.

The awakened girl kept lying on the table, grabbed a mug and threw it towards the bookshelf.

With only a bang, the **** alarm clock, which was originally lacking arms and legs, was smashed into pieces, and the white porcelain mug was not spared. Together with the troubled alarm clock, it became a difficult brother into pieces.

So the room became quiet again.

After a while, the girl raised her head with difficulty and yawned cutely. Her long blond hair also curled up her head because of her poor sleeping appearance.

She looked sleepily at the alarm clock and mug corpse on the ground, pursed her mouth and muttered a few words, and then waved her slender fingers, so the hard work alarm clock and mug were like going backwards in time, and the fragments reunited. In the end it became the same.

Waving her hand to let the two things fly into her hands, the girl looked carefully and found that it was no different from the original appearance. She nodded in satisfaction and placed them on the computer table.

Rubbing her still confused eyes, the girl got up from the chair and staggered out of the room.

It just so happened that at this time another tenant of this apartment returned to the apartment and was changing shoes at the entrance.

"Ah, Miss Jasmine, you just came here!" Qin Xingyan changed her sneakers into indoor slippers, and she still held a long canvas bag in her hand. She couldn't help but see the girl who seemed to fall on the ground anytime to sleep and pass out. Happily asked, "Is Senior Xu at home now?"


Maybe it was because Jasmine hadn't woken up yet, and there was an unclear, soft and lovely voice in Jasmine's mouth.

"Aren't there..." Seeing Jasmine's lazy appearance, Qin Xingyan couldn't help rubbing her eyebrows.

If the landlord was there, it would definitely not be possible for Jasmine to be so sloppy.

Only in this way, I had to work so hard, and finally had to borrow the poor strange tooth in the Bailu View as a collateral. Even if the person gets it, it is no different from scrap. Apart from Xu Shenxing, the girl could not think of anyone who could manipulate this literal magic weapon for the time being.

But then Qin Xingyan frowned slightly.

"Miss Jasmine...Are you..." She asked uncertainly: "A little bit older?"

Jasmine's pajamas is actually an old T-shirt of Xu Shenxing. Because of the difference in physique between the two, the T-shirt is abnormally fat and loose when worn on Jasmine, and it looks like it is covered with a bed sheet.

But now although the T-shirt is still loose, but the girl's chest and pelvis are already faintly visible with a green and attractive arc. If you must describe it, compared to Jasmine's previous pupils, she now looks like her. He has almost reached the level of a junior high school student!

Upon hearing the words, Jasmine first tilted her small head inexplicably, and her long pale golden hair flew down her shoulders like a waterfall, emitting a faint and charming glow in the morning sun.

Then she looked at her hands again, and then patted her chest with both hands.

The sleepy bubble on the girl's head seemed to burst suddenly, and her expression instantly became clear.

"It's getting bigger."

"I don't think this is the point, right?" Qin Xingyan almost collapsed on the floor.

——Although it is right to be poor in every sense.

"The missing." Jasmine seemed to be a little more sober, and muttered something softly. Even if Qin Xingyan had a different hearing from ordinary people because of her practice, she could only hear a few words: "Not in this world...very far... …There is no danger in the world… The magic power is beginning to be short… The seal is in danger of invalidation…”

Combining these words and phrases, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that Xu Shenxing seems to have gone to other worlds, causing the seal on Jasmine to change, and this has allowed the girl to grow up a lot.

However, Qin Xingyan always felt that this was a bit of a joke. Although many schools of cultivation did not reject the theory of different worlds and even the theory of immortality, the broken void was something that Bai Luguan's ancestors did not succeed. How could it be that simple to appear in front of her.

"Wo is going to another world to pick up the landlord."

The girl said seriously.

"Well, even if Senior Xu is really broken into the void, how can you find him, Miss Jasmine? First, let me explain that there is no way I can break the void?"

Qin Xingyan’s head was aching, always feeling that every time she encountered something in Ying’s apartment would refresh her three views, and now even the legendary broken void appeared: "Moreover, the Buddhist believes that there are Three Thousand Worlds, even if it belongs to our Taoist school, I feel that there will be at least ninety-nine heavens after the Broken Void ascends. It is not easy to find Senior Xu in it, isn't it?"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if there is a nest."

In this regard, Jasmine is very confident.