How Can My Hyakki Yagyo Be So Cute (It’s Impossible that My Evil Overlord is So Cute)

Chapter 215: The retirement life of the brave (end)

The southern part of the verdant wilderness was originally a densely-vegetated jungle.

The reason for adding the original two words is purely because a few minutes ago, less than one-tenth of the entire dense forest was left, and the rest were turned into wasteland.

Millions of monsters just passed there, trampling and destroying everything that stood in front of them, including trees, rocks, and forest creatures.

Even some monsters covered with flames, acid, or venom, such as the molten mountain boar and the mud scale snake, will leave a path of death surrounded by flames or poisonous gas on the ground they pass by.

Just like on the African savannah, even the most powerful lion is just a chicken in front of the rushing buffalo. Even a royal knight or court mage can only choose to be trampled when facing this vast sea of ​​monsters. It's just dead or knocked to death.

Even the remaining dense forest, which is less than one-tenth, is in danger.

If they break through the dense forest and ran into the battlefield of the emerald green field, then once they attack the human army, the human coalition will definitely be defeated in an instant, with heavy casualties.

It was at this time that Yi Qing came to the last fortress that had been built outside the dense forest for nearly a hundred years, facing the ocean of monsters.

Even in the fortress, you can already hear the rumble of the monsters rushing towards this side, and the water in the teacup placed on the table is rippling in circles because of the tremors of the ground. pass.

The plumes of smoke and flames rising from the back of the jungle further illustrate how harsh the environment is.

From time to time, there is also the sound of the unique cracking of the wood fiber when the towering giant tree is knocked down, followed by the sound of the wings of birds fleeing in a hurry.

Everything is telling Yi Qing what a terrifying situation he will face afterwards.

"Xiaoqian, Xueyao, I changed my mind." Yi Qing drew out the long sword and took a deep breath: "While the magic airship that sent us has not pulled its anchor, you can get on board with the people here. Run away together!"

Even if you have the ability of "War God’s Protection", which is called a bad level, plus the skills honed on the battlefield and the power of the brave heart that has recently awakened, you want to face more than hundreds of people at once. The monsters can already be considered incredible, but this time they have nearly a million enemies...

It’s okay when I didn’t see it. I just stayed in my mind for an enemy of this order of magnitude, but after I saw it formally, Yi Qing didn’t have the lofty ambition that he could block all the monsters alone. I just hoped that Lin Qian and Xia Xueyao would be able to. Just escape.

"Idiot Yi Qing, what do you want to do!" Lin Qian protested first.

"I'm also against it." Xia Xueyao also rarely agreed with Lin Qian's words: "Classmate Yi Qing, it's not good to be fickle."

"In my case, I can at least rely on flexible mobility to fight guerrilla warfare in the monster group, but this situation is really unfavorable for you."

Yi Qing also stopped joking, but replied solemnly: "Sure enough, I think it's better for you to think about it again."

The two girls looked at each other and then smiled together.

"Idiot Yi Qing, don't you know why we came here with you?" Lin Qian almost poked Yi Qing's nose with one hand on her hips: "Honestly, save the humans in this world or something. That princess suddenly lost such a heavy burden on my shoulders, and I still have an unreal feeling... But if I’m with you, I’ll feel like, “Maybe I can do it. To the feeling of..."

Even with Lin Qian's somewhat pungent temperament, saying that this is no different from a confession, a charming blush appeared on her face: "But you, a coward, actually want me to leave you and run away, this kind of thing. How can I do it!"

"However, the current situation is really dangerous..."

Let the girl go to Huangquan together with herself, Yi Qing is still a little hard to let go: "Aren't you afraid of it?"

"Well... I'm afraid of course," Lin Qian wanted to be strong, but in the end she showed a weak and helpless smile: "To be honest, my legs are a little weak now. But no matter what, I can't leave you behind, hasn't it been this way since childhood?"

When both of them were very young, although the two of them were neighbors, they didn’t actually have much contact with each other because their parents’ work was very different. Yi Qing’s father was an anti-narcotics police officer, and his mother occasionally did odd jobs. Full-time housewife; Lin Qian's mother was a famous TV drama star at the time, and her father was her mother's agent.

Then one day, Lin Qian, who was still in kindergarten at the time, was kidnapped by her mother's avid fans.

Because his father’s job has a certain degree of danger, Yi Qing, who has received special education, has been more mature and vigilant than other children since he was a child.

After notifying the police, Xiao Yiqing quietly followed the gangsters and attracted their attention through a series of plans to rescue the frightened little girl.

In the end, it was discovered by those two enthusiastic fans with mental problems that Xiao Yiqing was also injured with a soil pistol during the chase. If the police hadn't arrived in time, he would have died there.

To this day, there are still scars left on Yi Qing’s abdomen, but since then, Lin Qian has been following Yi Qing. After Yi Qing lost her father in her childhood, the girl forced herself to become stronger. Take care of him silently like a sister-of course, in turn, Yi Qing seems to take care of him more often.

"Objection to Ali." Like a KY, Xia Xueyao ruthlessly broke the two people's gaze at each other as if they were heart-to-hearted, and said in her usual tone: "Your Honor, I have something to say."

"Are you still kidding at this time..." Lin Qian subtly admired Xia Xueyao's mentality.

"I am from the Heavenly descendant type," Xia Xueyao didn't seem to hear it, and continued: "Xiao Qianqian (Lin Qian: Who is Xiao Qianqian!) is a childhood sweetheart, so in general, it is my victory."

"Although I don't know what you are talking about, I always feel a sense of fire..."

Lin Qian had blue veins on her forehead.

In this regard, Yi Qing could only pass by with a perfunctory smile.

But the original atmosphere of life and death has also become a lot easier because of Xia Xueyao's gag.

Not far away, the last barrier of the jungle was also destroyed by those monsters, and the mighty monsters rushed toward the fortress as aggressively as the Qiantang River tide.

"It's too late to run now. If that's the case, we can only fight to the end." Yi Qing sighed, then raised his long sword high to the soldiers who turned to escape in the fort with fear. Yelled: "Although the Frost Eagle Empire is large, there is no way to retreat. We are behind the imperial capital! It is useless to escape. Turning your back to the enemy will only allow you to be sent to the underworld faster! If we can't stop here Under these monsters, your wives, children and parents, everything of mankind will be trampled and destroyed by these monsters, and become the fertilizer of the earth! I swear in the name of the current brave, for the glory of mankind and the great victory, I will stand here with you. , Never take a step back!"

Lin Qian used the wind element magic when Yi Qing spoke with a wink, amplifying his voice several times so that everyone present could hear it.

Although they are still very afraid of the seemingly endless sea of ​​monsters, the soldiers also know that when the magic airship has left, they can't run beyond the four-legged or even more than four-legged monsters. Since they have escaped It is also a dead end, so it is better to fight to the last minute like a hero.

Especially after Lord Brave said those words, they seemed to have a backbone, shouting one after another, and while emboldening themselves, they worked hard to improve their morale.

"Stick here, swear to die--!"

As the instigator, Yi Qing sighed slightly, his hands holding the sword were full of sweat. Although there are guard officials officially appointed by the empire in this fortress, he is now here as a brave, so there is no doubt that he It is the center of everyone's attention here and the role model for the soldiers.

Now there are sporadic flying monsters with faster flying speeds breaking into the dominance of the fortress. The guards are trying to shoot them with crossbow arrows, but the effect is not very good.

And the most critical animal tide will hit this fortress with at most half a minute left.

No matter who it was, the nerves were so tight at this juncture that they couldn't even notice when a huge white hemisphere appeared in a place that was originally a dense forest.

At the next moment, Yi Qing realized that the white hemisphere that was spreading outwards and tearing apart large areas of the earth seemed to be caused by the high-density aggregation of air, producing something similar to a wind barrier.

In short, there was a big explosion that could spread the air at supersonic speeds.

Countless monsters who had not had time to run out of the explosion range were dragged into the sky along with the ground, and then torn into fragments that were unrecognizable to the wreckage. Then the fragments were transformed into shotguns in the thrust of the air spreading outwards. Bullets are generally powerful or even stronger, sifting all the monsters that have ran out of the spread of the white ball into a sieve, and as a result, they are also involved in the explosion!

Only wearing heavy armor, a very heavy weight, and the monster running ahead can survive.

When the aftermath of the explosion was about to sweep over the fortress, the terrifying wind barrier finally stopped spreading, but this caused even more serious secondary damage—the air in the white hemisphere was completely blasted out by the powerful explosion. As for spreading to the space that almost occupies the entire dense forest, it becomes a vacuum. Once the force of expelling air disappears, the air will be sucked back to the vacuum under the action of atmospheric pressure, and this phenomenon is accompanied by the rotation of the planet. It will be expressed in a more intuitive state-a huge tornado has risen from the ground and appeared in the middle of the dense forest!

Most of the monsters that escaped the explosion were once again involved and disappeared completely. The monsters in front of the fortress only left two or three kittens...

The tornado was weird and showed no signs of movement until it disappeared. After it disappeared, the dense forest that could be regarded as ruins at this moment has completely turned into a bare Gobi. Through the telescope made by Lin Qian using ice magic, Yi Qing saw that at the spot of the explosion, where the eye of the tornado, was standing a young black-haired man who made a punch to the ground.


Originally, Yi Qing thought he would have feelings such as "awe" and "fear" after seeing the maker of all this, but now he doesn't feel that way except for the twitching of the corners of his mouth.

the reason is simple.

"That guy... is it a pervert?" Lin Qian concluded concisely.

Yes, because the other party is naked...