How Can My Hyakki Yagyo Be So Cute (It’s Impossible that My Evil Overlord is So Cute)

Chapter 256: Crazy House (3)

Something's wrong.

Cao Ge walked in the dark corridor, feeling a little uneasy.

He didn't dare to turn on the light because he was afraid of being discovered by the security guards outside, so now he didn't know his exact location, but in terms of somatosensory time, he had walked in the corridor for at least ten minutes.

It stands to reason that even if he didn't touch the door where he wanted to sneak in because of slippery hands, he should have walked to the end of the corridor, but now the corridor in front of him was still the same as before, dark and deep, with no end in sight.

Not only that, even the windows that should have existed on the outer side of the corridor disappeared at some point, making the originally extremely dim corridor even more pitch-black.

Can't go on like this.

So he took out his mobile phone, used the flash on the camera side as lighting, risking being discovered, and speeding forward while carefully observing the surroundings.

"What's the matter? Where is this place?"

But the more he goes away, the more depressed his heart becomes.

He has been to his brother's villa many times, although he can't say that he can walk where he wants to go with his eyes closed, but it can be considered familiar.

However, the surrounding scene is very unfamiliar. It is not so much in a Western style mansion, it is more like in a tunnel leading to nowhere.

The surroundings are completely integrated, without any doors or windows, but some decorations such as paintings and statues are still there.

It's just that those things are also very abnormal.

There are paintings every tens of meters, but none of them are normal rectangles. They are all weird shapes like color blocks in abstract paintings, and some are even more distorted like bitten apples.

Even the shape is so strange, let alone the content, none of the paintings are normal, they all look like postmodernism, the weird colors are mixed with things that are completely invisible. It highlights the crazy feeling even more.

And those statues are similar to hanging paintings. They become weird and terrifying. Some look like centipedes at first, but they are actually a combination of many hands stacked together; some seem to be ordinary rockery stones, but on top But there are huge eyes and half a frightened face; some of the upper body is a middle-aged man who looks very painful holding his head, and the lower body is like a monster with a fat four-legged body like a pig; some looks like a fine stone Chair, but there seems to be a half-melted human on the beach...

After seeing these sculptures in turn, while his scalp was numb, Cao Ge also confirmed that this is definitely not his brother's villa!

"What should I do……"

He looked around in horror, trying to find a place to go out.

Suddenly, some subtle sounds that were hard to notice in the past, but now became very obvious in this quiet environment, came from not far away.

Cao Ge looked up and found a deer head in front of him. It was more than three meters high and holding a huge axe. The thing that was supposed to be a statue turned his head and looked at him.

Suddenly, his heart shook, without any hesitation, he twisted his body and ran away.

At almost the same moment, there was a loud bang from the statue, followed by heavy footsteps.

Even if he doesn't look back, Cao Ge can guess that the statue is probably alive and is chasing him!

"What the **** is this!"

When Cao Ge, who likes watching Tomb Raiders novels and movies, was running wildly, because of the lack of oxygen, strange thoughts began to emerge in his mind: What kind of evil things his mother’s own brother has collected will cause this incredible thing to happen. thing? !

Suddenly, his feet staggered, and the whole person rolled down a staircase that did not know when it appeared. He fell a lot of meat and vegetables, the bones were soft and the tendons were numb, and the bones all over his body were like falling apart, and the pain was endless. , Even the strength to stand up is gone.

In his dim consciousness, he found that the empty room he was in was a little abnormal, but it was much brighter than the dark corridor. The magnificent scene around him immediately made him realize: I am afraid it is a big hall.

Just before he recovered, a shadow fell on his face.

His eyelids twitched, and he looked towards the shadow, but he saw an elk staring at him, and then slowly raised the rusty big axe in his hand.

The next moment, in the hall that looked like an ancient palace, there was a terrifying scream, and the sound of a blunt axe slashing into the flesh...


Something's wrong.

Xu Shen walked in the dark corridor, feeling that the room seemed not as simple as he thought at first.

Although I entered this room by infiltrating (physically) so that all the security guards doze off, because there is no way to control the force too much, I am afraid that the security guards will not "doze off" for too long.

The problem here needs to be solved in the shortest possible time.

Xu Shenxing was eating his lunch while thinking about what to do next.

"Oh cough... actually put Jiwei shrimp inside..."

Although Jiwei shrimp is a type of freshwater shrimp, Xu Shenxing couldn't help coughing because of the psychological shadow caused by seafood allergy.

When I got back to my senses, the surrounding scenes became different from what they had just now.

"What's the matter? Where is this place?"

He put away the lunch box and scratched his head: "Did you accidentally get lost?"

Although I visited this villa before attending the funeral, I didn’t go around the villa for various reasons at that time. Although this time I followed the route when Yi Qiuyue led the way, and went straight beyond the third floor. But it's not incomprehensible that he went into a trance after eating the Jiwei shrimp by mistake.

The more you move forward, the more and more wrong the surrounding scenes become.

Soon, he discovered that he seemed to have strayed into a strange space.

Those frantic hanging paintings and statues did not cause too much trouble to Xu Shenxing. When he was fighting in the Great Demon Realm before, he had seen many monsters that were more abstract than these things.

Even compared to some alien-like Demon King Army cadres, these weird sculptures can already be regarded as lovely.

This level of mental pollution is useless for Xu Shenxing.

As he walked, he suddenly felt a strong wind coming from behind his head!

Xu Shenxing didn't dodge, he just stretched out a finger, and only heard a choking sound, that finger was embedded in a rusty big axe blade.

Only then did Xu Shenxing turned his head and saw what had attacked him-it was a white statue of a naked human with an elk head and a naked lower body.

By the way, the reason why it is described as a human being is because the underside of this thing is as bare as the model in the shopping mall, there is nothing, no gender...

"What the **** is this?"

Xu Shenxing flew up and kicked over the sculpture. After watching it fall to the ground, he regretted it.

It's not good, just damage the sculptures here, won't you let me pay for it?

After thinking about it for a few seconds, he decided to pretend not to know anything and continue to explore this weird space-in fact, when this sculpture suddenly started to move, Xu Shenxing felt that this space seemed to have changed in some way...