How Can My Hyakki Yagyo Be So Cute (It’s Impossible that My Evil Overlord is So Cute)

Chapter 259: Crazy House (6)

"Sure enough, it's not normal..."

Back in the underground warehouse where the antiques were hidden in the villa, Xu Shenxing took a closer look at the layout inside and muttered softly.

Coming here this time didn't activate the previous phenomenon of dragging people out of the different space. I don't know if the thing will only take effect for one person once, or the shady knows that this thing is useless for Xu Shenxing, so it didn't activate.

In short, after carefully observing the layout of the warehouse, Xu Shenxing did not find any traces of formations or spells that were complex enough to be launched in response to special circumstances.

However, the "abnormality" of the warehouse itself was also exposed under Xu Shenxing's careful observation.

The first is the logical abnormality. There are quite a lot of antiques in this warehouse. Even a person like Xu Shenxing who does not understand antiques can probably know that many of the things in it are expensive. At least he relies on sand. 〇Part-time job for snacks, I'm afraid I can't afford it for a lifetime.

But if there are only these things, there are many strange things in some antiques in the underground warehouse, such as a bunch of dog's tail grass in an antique flower screen; three steamed buns in a blue and white porcelain plate. ; There is boiled water in the sapphire bottle...

In addition, because the body is sealed with magic power that is enough to use the earth as a mud ball to pinch and play, Xu Shenxing is very slow in sensing ordinary energy—not that he can’t sense ordinary energy, but to him. In other words, the amount of electricity in a battery and the energy produced by a nuclear bomb are almost at the same level. If you don't understand it carefully, you can't tell the difference between the two.

Only after careful observation and perception can we determine the magnitude of a certain energy through some surrounding reference objects.

In the underground warehouse, in addition to the electric energy carried by the wires buried in the walls, there is also another special kind of energy flowing.

Xu Shenxing had never seen this kind of energy on Earth. It was neither the true essence of Qin Xingyan nor the demon power carried by the monsters, and it was not like the divine power of gods.

The words that must be said are somewhat similar to the spell power or spiritual power used by the Onmyoji Miss Huakai Yuan Youyuan who met when he was in Fusang.

It's just that compared to the long-distance curse power of Huakaiyuan, this power flowing in the warehouse air is thicker and colder, and it is also a little weird. Even after careful experience, Xu Shenxing has the illusion of smelling blood. .

This weird power has woven a large net, linking most of the antiques in the entire underground warehouse, including the conspicuous Tomb of Three Kings.

Xu Shenxing feels that if the shady is willing, any antique connected by this power can produce an illusion similar to the Three Kings Tomb in a different space.

—In fact, it is true. What Xu Shenxing didn’t know was that if he had been recruited before but by other ordinary people, even if he could escape the chase of the goat’s head sculpture, he would be eroded by the thousand-year resentment in the illusion of the Three Kings Tomb. Become insane, or go directly to brain death.

And Xu Shenxing itself is immune to all illusions, and his mental power is even more powerful and messy. Even if he did not wave his hand to break the alien space at that time in the illusion, the illusion will eventually be too far from his spiritual power, which will lead to self. It collapsed, revealing the original appearance of the underground warehouse.

After strolling around in the underground warehouse for a while, Xu Shenxing took out his mobile phone and found that there was still a signal here, so he called Qin Xingyan and described what he had seen to the girl, and wanted to try if he could get some information from her. .

He didn’t expect much at first. After all, the energy flowing in this space is too weird, unlike the power system of a cultivator. Although Xingyan Ameng knows a lot about cultivation, he is Other aspects of supernatural knowledge are not even comparable to those of ordinary people (actually, gods) a month ago.

It turned out that Qin Xingyan really knew some of these doorways.

"The dog's tail grass is probably a symbol of Taoism's Yunzhan. The original role of Yunzhan is to repel mosquitoes and so on. Now it can be extended to repel all kinds of unnecessary things; if I'm not mistaken, the three steamed buns should be separated. They are stuffed with pork, beef, and lamb. These three are the so-called "three sacrifices" in the past, and the steamed bread itself has an allusion..."

"Is that Zhuge Liang?"

Xu Shenxing had also heard of this rumor, and asked casually.

Although the steamed buns in some places now refer to the plain-noodle steamed buns without fillings, the steamed buns are actually filled with fillings dating back to more ancient times.

According to legend, Zhuge Liang needed to pass a large river when he settled Nanban, but the water of the large river was so turbulent that it was impossible to build bridges and boats. The locals said that only by using human heads to worship the river **** would the river calm down.

Zhuge Liang couldn't bear to kill civilians in order to cross the river, and took their heads to worship the river god, so he killed sheep and pigs, wrapped the meat in the dough, called "steamed buns", and threw them into the river instead of human heads to sacrifice. As a result, Jiang Guofu calmed down. Since then, steamed buns have become a widely spread Chinese snack that has been passed down to the present.

"Yes, the steamed bun itself originated from a ritual used for sacrifice, and it can be used as a tribute. When the meat contained in it is a combination of pigs, cows, and sheep, the effect of the sacrifice will be several times better, and many rituals It can be used universally. It is the cheapest and most usable ritual and the core of the formation in this era. There is no one."


How should I put it, the ritual items of this era are unexpectedly populated.

"I don't know the last sapphire bottle, but if the water inside is not unexpected, it is probably not boiled water, but rain water. This kind of water is also mentioned in "Journey to the West" and belongs to water without roots. In ancient times, it was considered the cleanest water...Although modern technology has broken this statement, in many cases, the main thing that constitutes the ritual or formation is not the effect of the object itself, but the meaning it contains."

"The dog's tail grass repels interference, the three-year-old mantou thinks the core, and the rootless water drives the aura. As long as they are placed properly, these three can form a very common formation."

With that said, Qin Xingyan explained the relevant situation of the formation to Xu Shenxing in detail.

After she finished speaking, the expression on Xu Shenxing's face also changed to an enlightened look.

"Thanks, if it goes well, I might be able to catch up to go home for dinner after the matter is resolved."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Shenxing left the warehouse and walked slowly towards the lobby of the villa.