How Can My Hyakki Yagyo Be So Cute (It’s Impossible that My Evil Overlord is So Cute)

Chapter 313: Blessings for the lively school celebrat

The black smoke has gradually taken shape. It is not a state of substance, but a filthy aggregate that is simply disgusting and disgusting. In the amorphous foggy body, countless blood-red pupils are exposed, staring at it becoming small. The black cat's Le Zheng Ning Ning.

Even if he hadn't done it yet, the suppression of the magic power far beyond his own made Le Zhengning very immobile!

Even in the weak period of resurrection, the power of the disaster in the end far exceeded Le Zheng Ningning's estimation, and this estimation error made the girl lose the only opportunity.

In just an instant, the situation fell into the worst situation.

There is no room for recovery.

The next moment.

Hearing a "bang" sound, the black smoke was torn apart by a pair of white jade hands, and disappeared into the air, as if it was no different from ordinary smoke.


Le Zheng Ningning, whose pressure was relieved in vain, hadn't recovered, she was lifted by the back of her neck and dragged into the air, no matter how hard she kicked and struggled, it was useless.

"Finally caught this guy... Jasmine, what is this guy just summoning with the ring?" Qin Xingyan carefully carried the little black cat, and asked Jasmine who was beating the holy ring.

Jasmine puffed and shook her head, saying that she didn't know.

But after tilting her head and thinking for a moment, she said seriously: "Very weak."

"Oh, that's good." Because he didn't fight the black smoke, Qin Xingyan couldn't judge how strong the "very weak" black smoke was in Jasmine's mouth.

But after all, I have been with Xu Shenxing for some time. You must know that even the big monsters of the prehistoric alien level belong to the category of "very weak" in Xu Shenxing's cognition...

Well, so far, apart from Jasmine, Xu Shenxing's classification of strengths and weaknesses seems to have nothing but "very weak".

In short, it was precisely because after spending some time with these two real monsters, Qin Xingyan didn't bother to figure out how strong they were.

"The biggest problem right now is the one in the sky..." She raised her head and looked at the sky.

The sky, which was originally covered by gray fog and looked gloomy, is now much brighter, but the brightness comes from the huge overhanging lake made of the bright red blood-like substance in the sky!

That kind of thing is not real blood, nor energy such as mana, but closer to the materialized existence of certain concepts, with a very strong aura of death. At least Qin Xingyan knows that his two flying swords only need to fall. Entering it, those eight achievements will be directly abolished!

Among the knowledge Qin Xingyan had learned throughout his life, there was only the legendary "sea of ​​blood" located in the depths of the underworld that was similar to that.

Even in the heyday of the ancient spiritual energy-filled cultivation, few monks with great supernatural powers dared to sway into the depths of the underworld. Most of the knowledge about the underworld came from ancient books, probably It means that only those strong men who are on the same level as a certain stone monkey in the era of mythology can escape unharmed after entering the underworld.

In this era, let alone breaking into the depths of the underworld, even opening the gates of the underworld and entering Huangquan is already a feat that is close to mythology... A certain ghost genius did not believe in evil and tried once and barely opened it. After the crossing of Huangquan, he showed his power there, but before he was screaming enough, he was kicked in by Bailuguan’s predecessor, and then closed the gate of the underworld with his backhand, just letting this ghost genius Turned into a monster between life and death at the crossing of Huangquan...

Although Qin Xingyan didn't know what would happen when the sea of ​​blood flowed into the world, this did not prevent her from realizing that the thing was not a good thing. Judging from the current expansion speed of the blood sea, this thing will soon break through the limits of Jiangjin University and flow to the outside world!

The impact it has caused is also very bad. Now the lifeless spirit in the entire Jiangjin University campus has been several times stronger than before, and the undead creatures have become more active.

If it is said that all of this is really caused by the ring, then after finding the ring, the situation should be resolved, but the reality is not so smooth—because Jasmine is overstretching when beating. , The ring that looked quite metallic, just like a foam made of plastic, was broken with a snap...

Jasmine: "..."

Qin Xingyan: "..."

Le Zheng Ningning: "..."

Leaving aside the whole cat turned into a gray-white Le Zheng and Ning Ning Ning Ning Ning Ning, Qin Xingyan is also a bit distressed: "The situation has not improved, Jasmine, do you have any other solutions?"

"If the landlord is there, there is no way."

Jasmine quietly threw the fragments of the holy ring into the flower bed behind her, and stepped on her two feet, and then poked her forehead lightly as if to divert everyone's attention.

Qin Xingyan vaguely saw a rune-like light flashing past, but she did not delve into it: whether Xu Shenxing or Jasmine, there are many secrets in the two goods.

At this moment, a bare tree grew from the campus atrium at an alarming rate visible to the naked eye, spreading, and finally went straight to the sky and pierced into the sea of ​​blood, just suppressing the spreading speed of the sea of ​​blood!

"That is... Chang Xiaoxian's Laurel?"

Qin Xingyan, who had seen this thing in the Moon Palace with Xu Shenxing, his eyes lit up.

Not long afterwards, the Jiangyue Issue carried Chang Xiaoxian and Qin Xingyan Jasmine together.

"Laurel and Blood Sea are of the same level, but to be honest, they are not very compatible."

After boarding the Jiangyue number and avoiding the undead creatures swarming from all over the school, the people on both sides began to exchange information.

It was Chang Xiaoxian who spoke first. She seemed to be a little embarrassed. She should have encountered this kind of accidental relationship when she was caught off guard, but she didn't suffer any injuries and she was in good spirits.

In contrast, the other two moon goddesses would be a little bit miserable.

Hecate's face turned blue, and although she was not injured, the black dress on her body was already somewhat damaged.

Artemis had already suffered some minor injuries, and was being treated with the help of Chihisa Miyama.

"Laurel can't restrain this thing for too long... and now some monsters in the underworld have mutated and become much stronger. If this continues, our situation will probably be very bad."

Her words silenced everyone.

Only Jasmine's eyes lit up suddenly, and then said: "Don't panic, the landlord's matter seems to be resolved soon, and it's coming soon."