How Can My Hyakki Yagyo Be So Cute (It’s Impossible that My Evil Overlord is So Cute)

Chapter 369: Tears of Jade Hairpin (7)

"I think we seem to be on the wrong set." Xiao Zhengyi hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice, "It has nothing to do with the current land **** in any way. Basically, it just talks about the former land **** again? How about Jasmine? Hand skating, did you miss us in the wrong dream?"

Even Xu Shenxing was a little confused by what he said: According to Jasmine's usual cheating style, honestly it is not impossible...

"Disrespectful." Jasmine, who was eating the candied haws, stopped her hamster-like eating look, and looked at Xiao Zhengyi with a bulging cheek: "Say."

"Have you not given up on the idiom of'speaking'? You have forgotten to say it so many times."

Xu Shenxing followed to vomit.

"Wo wouldn't make such a low-level mistake." Jasmine pretended not to hear his complaints, and continued: "Say."

When the three people hid in a corner sneakingly discussing what to do afterwards, the season changed again.

The weather gradually cooled down.

Just like the fast-forward commonly used in popular science programs, the leaves of the maple trees on the roadside suddenly became red, and looked like a ball of flame from a distance, wagging in the autumn wind.

But other than that, the surrounding scenery has not changed much. From this point, it can be determined that at least the time in years has not passed too much.

"Wait, what about the two of them?" Xiao Zhengyi, who used to be a criminal policeman to track criminals, immediately found that they seemed to have lost the target they were tracking.

"You can't expect them to stay where they are in a year. I think they might be back to the Land Shrine."

Xu Shenxing guessed: "The reason why such a thing did not happen in the previous change is probably because they happened to pass the original place again after more than a hundred years."

"Oh." Jasmine, who was stuffed with candied haws, also made an inexplicable voice. Xu Shenxing felt that she should agree with her guess.

"In other words, we must first determine where the back mountain of Jiangjin University is..."

Xiao Zhengyi said helplessly.

Because the ancient Jiangjin County is different from the modern Jiangjin, not only the area is much smaller, but the streets are even different. The modern Jiangjin city may still be in the woods or ravines in this era... …

To be honest, it is not easy to find the address of Jiangjin University in this era.

"No, the Land Shrine of this era is also different from modern times." Xu Shenxing shook his head.

Hearing what he said, Xiao Zhengyi came back to his senses, remembering that in the cannibal case not long ago, the land **** Loli seemed to have said this.

"In other words..."

He looked at Xu Shenxing with uncertainty.

"Find the abandoned hotel...or the Earth Temple of this era." Xu Shenxing nodded and replied.

Only then did Xiao Zhengyi reveal a clear look: Although it is a bit difficult to find a Temple of Earth in a county town, at least he has a clue, and if he thinks about it carefully, he can actually ask passers-by for directions.

"In addition, regarding asking passers-by for directions, I think it's better not to do as much as possible." At this time, Xu Shenxing suddenly added.


Xiao Zhengyi, who originally thought he had a chance to win, immediately asked dissatisfiedly.

"Because here is the dream of the land god, although it may seem like nothing at first, but in fact everything is connected to the mind of the land god. It may be okay to ask passers-by some irrelevant questions, but once you ask it out' Where is the Temple of the Land? "Who is the God of the Land?" It is very likely to attract the attention of the other party and subconsciously exclude us."

Xu Shenxing continued to explain.

"In this way, you can only search slowly and inefficiently..." After hearing this, Xiao Zhengyi didn't know what to do.

After all, it is the first time for him to enter another person's dream (to be honest, Xiao Zhengyi still has some doubts about whether this is another person's dream or not), and it is better to listen to Xu Shenxing who looks like an expert.

I can't beat him anyway...

At this time, Jasmine tugged at the corner of Xu Shenxing's clothes.

"What's wrong? Can't you wipe the candy on my clothes?" Xu Shenxing asked curiously, turning his head.

"Oh." Jasmine continued to make an inexplicable voice.

"What? What's coming here?" So Xu Shenxing looked in the direction Jasmine said.


"Or someone different from the average person in this dream?" Xu Shenxing became more curious.

"How did you communicate..." Xiao Zhengyi continued to complain.

"Rely on love!" Xu Shenxing gave him a thumbs up.


Xiao Zhengyi didn't even have the strength to complain.

While the three of them were still muttering, something had already arrived on the other side of the street.

"It's the guard of honor! I've seen it on TV..." Xiao Zhengyi whispered disrespectfully, "Probably which official came."

At the same time, many officers and soldiers have arrived here. They will drive away irrelevant people on the road and maintain the basic order on the streets, which is called the Pure Way.

Then came the eunuchs with roll-calls and those who beat gongs and drums to spread colorful flowers. These guys who looked beaming were called Xuanyi.

You can know from the **** who rolls out that the team that resembles a float parade this time is indeed the guard of honor, and it is also the guard of honor for the champion of the dynasty.

After Jingdao and Xuanyi walked, the one who rode a tall horse all the way was the champion.

However, when Xu Shenxing and Xiao Zhengyi saw each other, they couldn't help being surprised - although their faces had become a lot more mature, there was no doubt that that face was the scholar who broke his blood in front of the rouge shop before!

"It's really impermanent..."

After holding back for a long time, Xiao Zhengyi held back that sentence.

Xu Shenxing frowned.

He remembered what Qin Xingyan had told him before and found out the story about the former land **** from ancient books.

No matter from which aspect, the scholar who got the top prize was probably the one who abandoned the former land **** in the ancient books.

With that said, could it be that Zhuo Yunyi (the current land god)'s heart knot was that he failed to prevent the former land **** from falling in love with this scholar, leading to a tragic ending?

As soon as he told Xiao Zhengyi about his guess, Xiao Zhengyi would be overwhelmed immediately.

When Qin Xingyan was telling this story, the policeman was also in Ying's apartment, so she also understood the cause and effect.

"I just asked the passers-by next to him. They said that the first stop for the champion was to go to the Temple of Earth to make a wish... Do you think this is just a coincidence?"

Just when Xu Shenxing was stunned, Xiao Zhengyi seemed to have become one with the surrounding NPCs and obtained a lot of information.

"It really deserves to be a police assistant..." Xu Shenxing couldn't help sighing.

"Is it a detective!"

Xiao Zhengyi irritably corrected.

"Although I am not sure, but it is very likely that they have secretly passed the song." Xu Shenxing pondered for a moment: "Anyway, this is our chance to follow him to find the Earth Temple."

So the three of them quietly followed the champion guard of honor and followed them to the Earth Temple.

In order not to make the officers and soldiers of Jingdao feel suspicious, they even deliberately chose to walk in small alleys with few people.

After following this for a while, when he was almost at the Temple of Earth, Xu Shenxing's eyes suddenly drenched, and he stretched out his hand to directly press the head of Xiao Zhengyi beside him, causing the latter to bend down involuntarily.

Almost at the same instant, a small black figure behind them had already kicked it with a knee, but it was just right because of Xu Shenxing's action and kicked into the empty space.

"Fuck, what happened?!"

Xiao Zhengyi naturally felt that something flew past his head, and couldn't help exclaiming.

Relying on the strength of the thing that flew past, if Xu Shenxing hadn't pressed him once, his brain would have exploded like a watermelon.

But when he saw the true face of the thing, he couldn't help being stunned.

The other party is not someone else, it is precisely the purpose of their trip, Jiang Jin's current land **** Loli.

Suddenly, there was a moment of silence between the four.

Finally, Xu Shenxing took the lead in speaking.

"I don't know why this lady is attacking us?"

It seems that Old Xu is planning to pretend not to know each other. Xiao Zhengyi thought in his heart.

"This should be someone asking you?"

There is no feeling of relaxation on the girl's face, and she still stretched tightly: "If people remember correctly, this should be the third time we have seen each other."


Xu Shenxing has no interface.

Even though he was careful not to expose, was he still discovered by the other party?

But there is no way. After all, the attire of the three of them is too different from the people of this era, and it is normal to notice.

"But even so, it would be too much to use this life-killing force as soon as you come up!"

Xiao Zhengyi, who almost turned into a watermelon, said angrily.

"Perhaps for ordinary people..." The land **** Loli did not deny this.

"I'm an ordinary person!" Xiao Zhengyi continued to say dissatisfied.

"Then, Mr. Ordinary, how did you manage to keep your appearance unchanged after a hundred years?"

But Zhuo Yunyi's words directly caused Xiao Zhengyi to hold back the complaint in his stomach.

Although in essence, Xiao Zhengyi is really just an ordinary person, at best, he bathed in a lot of spiritual energy under the protection of Old Xu, which made his body stronger and more grass-tolerant than ordinary people.

It's only a long time to come to this dreamland to be full-and the largest part of the time is still used to track the champion. Of course, his appearance can't change a little bit.

But for Zhuo Yunyi, this reason doesn't make sense, because in the girl's worldview, it has been hundreds of years since I first met the three of them...

"This is basically a failure, right?" Xiao Zhengyi asked Xu Shenxing in a low voice.

"No, plan B should be implemented at this time!"

Xu Shenxing smiled, confidently: "Don't worry, I'm super good at Plan B."

"When did you make plan B?"

"A minute ago."

"...Then let me just ask, what is Plan B?"

"Anyway, beat the other party and explain!"

"I knew it!"

Probably because Xiao Zhengyi's sorrow was mistaken by Zhuo Yunyi as a precursor to the attack, the little girl jumped directly onto the fence on the side of the alley and looked at them condescendingly.

"I don't know what your purpose is for you to keep peeping at Lord Land God, but no matter what you want to do, everything ends here!"

As soon as the voice fell, she folded her hands together and shouted.

In an instant, Xu Shenxing and the others felt that their feet were empty, and the three of them fell directly onto the ground in a big pit that did not know when they appeared!

But Xu Shenxing did not panic at all, holding Xiao Zhengyi in one hand and Jasmine in the other.

"Jasmine, let's go!"


Jasmine also raised her hands high and made a "feeling to fly" movement.

The next moment, the three of them were buried alive by the overwhelming mud.

Zhuo Yunyi, who was standing on the fence, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Although I don't know what kind of monster you are, people will never let you hurt the young lady's hair."

She turned around, and when she was about to leave here, the ground trembled slightly.


Zhuo Xiangzhu felt a little bored sitting in the earth temple.

Jiangjin is a very peaceful place, and almost no monsters will come to make trouble.

The job of the land **** was already completed.

Even Xiao Yi doesn't know where he is going, there is not even a person talking in the huge land shrine...

God of the land @ can't lift the energy.

At this moment, a bell in the room shook suddenly, making a clear and sweet sound.

The end of the bell is tied to the human world, which is the contact method Zhuo Xiangzhu left for the scholar.

After getting acquainted outside the rouge shop, she and the scholar met a few more times, because she admired the other person's personality, so she left the other party how to contact her.

But if I remember correctly, the scholar should have already entered Beijing to rush the exam.

Regardless, Zhuo Xiangzhu still plans to go up and take a look.

So she transformed herself into an ordinary human woman, and then left the earth shrine and directly entered the earth temple on earth. In order to prevent ordinary people from seeing it, she still entered from the backyard.

After entering the temple, only a young man in official robes was seen kneeling and praying in front of his idol.

By the way, although the idol is indeed Zhuo Xiangzhu, and all the incense enjoyed by the idol is fed back to Zhuo Xiangzhu, this clay statue can be regarded as a human mason who has given full play to this era. The works of human imagination look like five big and three thick, with blue-faced fangs, and they look like a Shankui...

"Scholar?" The girl yelled softly.

The young man on the futon raised his head, saw the girl, couldn't help but smile.

"Girl, I'm back here as promised." His smile was as sincere and simple as ever.

"This dress... did you lift it?"

The girl was a little surprised, but she didn't expect that this wooden-headed guy could actually be able to go to high school.

"Well, I'm still the top pick in this class." The scholar nodded stupidly.

"Then congratulations. I've heard the allusion of catching a son-in-law under the list. Isn't there no high official in the court to catch you, a promising new scholar, as the son-in-law?"

The girl who is not very good at this aspect searched for a topic and congratulated each other.

"Well, thanks to a few elders, they did it, but I turned them down."

The scholar continued to smile stupidly: "I told them that I already have a sweetheart."

"Oh? Which girl is so blessed?"

The girl asked casually.

But the scholar just scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and did not answer.

Zhuo Xiangzhu only thought that the other party was embarrassed to tell her this outsider, and did not follow up.

"Right, that jade hairpin..."

The scholar said as if thinking of something.

"Don't worry, I'll keep the place for you." Zhuo Xiangzhu pretended to take it out of his arms, but actually sent the hairpin directly to his hand through a spell, and then reached out to the scholar: "Hey, Just as I said at the beginning, I'll give it back to you."

However, the scholar shook his head and did not answer.

Zhuo Xiangzhu found that the smile on the other's face also disappeared.

What's the matter? Could it be that what he said just now made him angry?

For a time, the girl was a little at a loss.

"When I was young, my mother said that this jade hairpin is our family's heirloom. Only when I find my daughter-in-law, can I wear this to her."

"...Huh?" Zhuo Xiangzhu blinked his eyes, feeling even more unclear.

"What I said before the next is, ‘one day, I will be prosperous, and then I will take "her" home dignifiedly! "The expression on his face became very serious: "And she does not refer to the jade hairpin, but the person holding the jade hairpin. "

"...Huh huh?!"

Zhuo Xiangzhu felt that his face suddenly became hot, and his ears were terribly hot.

What is this human being talking about? I was confessed? He likes me? How can he like me? I'm the **** of the land...

As the land **** of Jiang Jin, Zhuo Xiangzhu has always regarded all the creatures in this land as his own children, so he occasionally helps the people of Jiang Jin.

Until today, she had never imagined that she would be liked by her "children". Even though she had lived for thousands of years, her mind became chaotic when she had no knowledge of this aspect.

"Wait, wait a minute! We only met a few times!"

"No, from the first side, your kindness has been deeply attracted by you!"

"Have you stared at me from the first side?!"

"I didn't repeat it. From that time on, Lai Xia has already decided! To be a person worthy of the girl, and then begging the girl upright!"

"I actually admitted it!"

Seeing the other party getting closer and closer, Zhuo Xiangzhu felt that she was dizzy and swollen. She didn't move or flee, she felt like she was in a dilemma. If it were a comic, her eyes would have become mosquito coil eyes. Bar.

However, at this moment, the ground shook suddenly.

"Ah, it's an earthquake! I'll go see the situation!"

The girl's eyes lit up, and then she ran out of the Earth Temple quickly like a frightened rabbit...


At this time, the small alley before has become a mess.

The ground seemed to be completely turned over, and the bluestone bricks that had originally been laid on the road were scattered in the floating soil one by one.

And in the middle of the alley, there is a bottomless pothole the size of a well.

"Hmph, since it has fallen into the hands of you monsters, they are also fully awakened, and kill them!"

The land **** Lori, who was still standing on the fence with pretentiousness, is now lying on the ground miserably.

"Jie Jie Jie, how am I willing to kill such a beautiful girl!"

Xu Shenxing said with a sly smile.

"Hey, you are completely the face of the villain!" Xiao Zhengyi, who was literally disgraced, said with embarrassment: "If it weren't for me to guess that no one could beat you in this dream, he said Uncertainly in a while, the true protagonist of the hero who saves the United States will appear..."

"Jasmine, help me poke up her ass!"

Xu Shenxing didn't care about Xiao Zhengyi's complaints, but instead ordered Jasmine, who was spitting out the mud in her mouth.

"Oh~" Jasmine raised her small hand in response.

"Wait, what do you monster want to do?!"

The land **** Lori panicked when she heard the words, twisting her body like a salted fish and struggling, but no matter how she struggled, she couldn't escape the confinement of Jasmine and Xu Shenxing.

The twisting look of the two loli together is quite pleasing to the eye.

In addition, everyone may feel this way. Compared to a motionless doll, it is more fun to hold a kitten or puppy that occasionally moves.

Based on this principle, not only did the struggle of the land **** Loli not have any effect, but Xu Shenxing became even more excited.

"Jie Jie Jie, it's useless, even if you break your throat, no one will come to rescue you!"

"No, no, wait for me!" Xiao Zhengyi yelled, "[BEEP] relationship with a girl under 14 years old, no matter whether the other party wishes or not, it is considered strong X! I can't just sit back and watch my friends Become a strong X criminal!"

"Strong your head! I'm just going to spank her, where did you think of it?"

Xu Shenxing looked at Xiao Zhengyi with contempt.

"Hey, dirty." Jasmine, who ran to Xu Shenxing's side, stared at Xiao Zhengyi with an expression of disgust at a synchronization rate of 400%: "Say."

"Damn it! I was teased again!" Xiao Zhengyi immediately started OTZ.

But there is one more unfortunate than the others.

"Wait, spanking is absolutely no good! Stop it, otherwise they will definitely let Missy teach you a lot!"

"Don't worry." Xu Shenxing comforted.

"Huh, it's good to know that you are afraid..."

"I will control my strength until after the fight so that you can still sit in a chair."

Our protagonist said happily.

"Hey hey——!"