How Can My Hyakki Yagyo Be So Cute (It’s Impossible that My Evil Overlord is So Cute)

Chapter 392: Doomsday New World (5)

Xu Shenxing has never been an adventurous person. He would rather lie down at home and watch TV and eat snacks in comfort than in a million army. Canned salted fish may be a little more dangerous than fighting in the army of a million monsters.

In addition, his physical condition is not very good now, so he finally decided to stay in the building where the power supply equipment is still intact for one night, and then go to the collapsed building tomorrow morning.

After finding a decent room in the building that was reasonably damaged, Xu Shenxing and his party planned to stay in it for the night.

This room was supposed to be the part of the building that played the role of an office building. The room was filled with writing desks and probably computer-like instruments, as well as piles of messy folders.

It can be seen that the users of this room ran away in a hurry without time to clean up when the doomsday came. The floor was covered with dirty printed paper. Xu Shenxing even found a red lady's stiletto heels.

Xu Shenxing picked up a piece of paper with words, and found that it was printed on it such as "meeting notice", "office prohibits improper heterosexual relations", "whoever opposes to blow his head", "but impure same-sex relations are allowed". The words.


So what the **** does this office do...

The other side of the room is also a window made of special glass, but unlike the corridor on the other side, the glass on this side is not damaged and can act as a windshield like a wall.

Because it is the other side of the building, if you look down from here, you can't see the billowing river, but the street buildings lined up in most entertainment districts can be fully included, giving people a feeling of seeing the mountains and small mountains. , Xu Shenxing even found the street where he first appeared in this world and the small river where he fell into the water.

"It's done!" With the cheers of the beast ear girl, the lights in the room flashed on.

In fact, the sky is not completely dark yet, but the girl should have been frightened yesterday, so she turned on the light a little earlier.

"Fortunately, there is water in this room!" Then the girl ran across the office like another gust of wind, and found the toilet on the side of the office: "You can take a shower today!"

"There is still water?"

Xu Shenxing was also a little surprised at this. Even if he has electricity, maybe the human technology in this world has advanced to the point where unsupervised nuclear power supply can be developed? But how did this water supply facility operate without any maintenance? Judging from the surrounding traces, this end of the world happened at least a few years ago, right? It's really curious...

Of course, this is just curiosity. Today, because of falling into the water, Xu Shenxing no longer wants to see the water in a short time... If Xiao Zhengyi or his previous group of friends know about this, it is estimated that they will laugh at it. .

"Little Xu, let's take a bath together!" The beast ear girl raised her hands, and said to Xu Shenxing with full energy for some reason, not at all like a person who has been trekking for a day.

"I don't want to take a bath! No, what the **** is Xiao Xu? Wait, wash together?!"

Xu Shenxing was shocked. Are people in this world so open?


The beast-eared girl showed a smile that seemed to glow like the sun, and nodded vigorously.

"Wait, there are some problems, hey, don't you stop Da Hei?" Xu Shenxing stuffed the dirty printing paper in his hand in front of the camera of the **** robot.

"My name is LB." The robot corrected it at the right time, and then it tilted its camera: "In addition, the sexual addiction of the guests is not within the management of our Ronnie Harder entertainment district guide robot."

"Is it okay?! Wait, don't drag me... Damn, why are you so strong?"

Finally, Xu Shenxing was dragged into the toilet by the girl without resistance.

It is a pity that the enchanting scenery imagined did not appear.

Probably because of the impact of another building on this, the water pipe in the toilet showed a slanted posture, straight up. If you open the water valve, the water spray will be sprayed like a shower head and used for showering. It's not bad, but the only dissatisfaction is that there is only cold water.

The problem is that the animal-eared girl showers there in clothes.

Her outfit has been tested when Xu Shenxing was fished out of Xiaohe before. Even if it gets wet, it will not have a light transmission effect...

"Don't you take your clothes off in the bath?"

Xu Shenxing asked depressedly.

"For this," the girl pulled her collar: "It's fur."


You lied! Isn't it possible that you don't get fat even when you go to the toilet!

As if hearing Xu Shenxing's heartfelt voice, the girl lifted a corner of her short skirt slightly when she was washing her body.

And the spring light under her skirt made Xu Shenxing blush, and subconsciously covered his nose-although there would be no nosebleeds.

So he sighed in his heart again: The people in this world are so open, why the other worlds that he has experienced before have not been so benefited...

In order to prevent distracting thoughts from increasing, Xu Shenxing also took off his shirt and poured cold water on it.

Anyway, if Yun Lin did not bounce the water away, it means that the water is at least harmless to him...

"Oh, that's amazing~"

The girl looked at Xu Shenxing's naked upper body, and she couldn't help shaking her ears and let out an exclamation.

Xu Shenxing's body shape is not the same as that of a strong bodybuilder, and even looks a little thin when wearing clothes.

But the years of experience in another world also gave him a body that can be described as strong and strong, and it is still very powerful if you look at it naked.

And the most important thing is that his body's muscular sense is very coordinated with his body shape. If he must say it, he should be of a relatively well-proportioned type, and he will not have the feeling of being neat and timid.

Of course, what the girl sighed was not this, but the scars on Xu Shenxing's body.

His body was covered with scars. Among them, there were many scars on the back. On the contrary, there were not too many scars on the chest and the front. Some scars were fatal injuries that could kill ordinary people in terms of size and injured parts.

"Why are there no scars on the front?" the girl asked curiously.

"Probably because the opposite is always the enemy," Xu Shenxing was silent for a moment, and then replied softly: "The enemy left only the physical injury, which can be easily healed."