How Can My Hyakki Yagyo Be So Cute (It’s Impossible that My Evil Overlord is So Cute)

Chapter 453: Lord Brave will not get hurt (9)


The sudden applause brought everyone present to their senses.

Everyone at the scene unanimously focused their eyes on one place—except for Xu Shenxing and Jasmine. Before the other clapped their hands to attract attention, Xu Shenxing looked at that way, while Jasmine was not too interested in all of this, just staring. Muttering softly, "Lotus root is gone..." at the remains of the blasted head.

"Guests, hello everyone."

The man in the red suit said in a voice that was sharp enough to make goosebumps goosebumps.

There was a stiff, hypocritical smile on his face, as if he was wearing a mask.

Obviously, the effect that no one could see except Xu Shenxing just now has disappeared.

At this moment, he was standing on a piece of broken meat from the "head", staring at the platform where Xu Shenxing and them were.

"What did you **** do!"

The president of the Magic Science Research Society, who was the last to be there just now, shouted an old man with three beards of goatee.

"Don't worry, am I about to tell you slowly? It's not good to interrupt."

The man in the suit raised his hand in front of him and gently made a zipper movement, and the old man could only cover his mouth and make a muffled noise.

Several followers behind the old man immediately supported the old man who almost fell to the ground, and glared at the man in the suit.

But the latter obviously didn't mind it.

He just said happily: "Let you continue to be confused like this, someone will definitely jump out and say something that makes me trouble. So I will explain the current situation to you for the time being-in short, We launched a rebellion in Midchelda, ready to overthrow the rule of the Midchelda. Well, that's it."

"You lunatic!" The dimensional garrison chief who had a big belly was not frightened by the opponent, but snorted coldly: "Our dimensional garrison will not allow this to happen. If you are indifferent, you will only end up easily. Suppress!"

"That's not necessarily true, Your Excellency General."

The man in the suit said cheerfully.

The fat general seemed to want to refute something, but before he could say something, after a slight undetectable sound, he fell forward on the ground in disbelief.

On the back of his head, purple blood was gurgling out of a finger-sized blood hole.

And from just now, the person standing next to the fat general like a secretarial officer blankly put a pistol-like weapon into his arms in the horrified eyes of everyone around him.

"Look at what I said..." The man in the suit's smirk became more and more cold, and his hands spread out: "When did you come into existence, we will only foolishly use the form of war to kill the Midcheldas and seize them. regime?"

Even the old man of the Magic Science Research Society was shocked by this scene, and forgot to continue whining.

The meaning of the man in the suit is very clear. I am afraid that their organization has already infiltrated the four major institutions of Midchelda a long time ago. To this day, it is difficult to verify how many people in the four major institutions are gangsters. The only thing that is certain is that Midchelda has fallen into a very dangerous situation!

"By the way, you are very calm, Archbishop Sami Alfred."

Immediately afterwards, the man in the suit set his sights on the next leader of the four major institutions present: "It is as if he already knew something."

"The ether will give us enlightenment... But unfortunately, your Excellency is obviously not a person who believes in the mystery and ether, and has not been able to get its enlightenment." It is clear that someone has been killed before his eyes, but the person wearing the hood only follows There is no fear in the tone of voice, but there is a taste of mockery: "The ether tells my generation that there will be a huge and inevitable catastrophe. I am afraid that the current ability of Mitchelda alone cannot cope with your sudden The troubles will eventually fall one by one... It should be like this, but your Excellency chooses to do it today."

"What do you mean?"

The expression on the face of the man in the suit did not change the slightest, but his tone of voice became obviously unhappy.

At the same time, the person who shot and killed the Fat General also cast his dangerous eyes on the hood, and the hand that had not been taken out of his arms clenched the grip of the weapon again.

"I thought that the future was doomed and the ether would guide the future... but it is not the case. Today, even the ether is so excited about it and even changed the trajectory of its activities. Direction..."

The hood still said slowly without a trace of fear.

"Oh? Ether... Then did your Ether tell you that today your death date is approaching?"

The man in the suit sneered suddenly, and then the place where the hood was there exploded.

Although the power is not as powerful as the blast that killed the "head" just now, it is obvious that the two kinds of explosions are very similar, and they should be the same kind of explosion in essence.

In addition, the sense of explosion in the vicinity is obviously stronger than the big explosion in the distance.

Many women (or gender biased toward women) screamed.

Cracks also appeared on the platform due to the impact of the explosion.

As for the midpoint of the explosion, the place where the hood was originally located has become a hollow, from where you can see the bottomless abyss.

"Then Mr. Roland...huh?"

The man in the suit wanted to continue speaking in the boring tone just now, and get rid of Roland.

But when he saw the situation on the Space-Time Administration, he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

The uncle, who had no sense of decadence, naturally didn't say anything. The key was that Xu Shenxing stood helplessly in front of Roland, but he was still holding the hood that should have disappeared in the explosion just now.

"Originally, I just came here to see what it is like to be armed for wages, but I didn't expect to be involved in weird incidents like this."

Xu Shenxing threw back the hood that he didn't know if he had fainted, and Uncle Roland immediately caught the opponent.

"Then as a reward for inviting me to lunch, I will help a little bit this time..."

After doing all this, Xu Shenxing patted the dust on his body and turned his gaze on the man in the suit.

At this time, the words on the virtual screen the size of a business card beside him changed.

"Suspect X accepts trial" → "Savior X suppresses the rebellion"

But Xu Shenxing didn't notice this, and just said softly.

"Jasmine, let's go."
