How Can the Saintess Be a Boy!?

v1 Chapter 20: [Part1/2]

Remember in one second. ↘ finished ^ this. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘. Mobile phone users enter the address:


Does my appearance now inspire Lian Qi to want to bully me?

She rushed over to put me on the full-length mirror in the dressing room, and her mouth was covered to keep me from talking.

"Don't make a noise unless you want to be heard by the clerks and customers outside."

I was at a loss as I held my chest. She watched me get better before she let go of my mouth.

"Don't mess around ...-. This is the fitting room." I sighed and reminded her softly, hoping she would return to shore.

"Then be good and don't make a sound, you don't want to be heard by others, right?

"You crazy.?"

Not to mention the door of the fitting room is just a curtain. I was afraid that someone would break in suddenly.

Suddenly, she moved closer to me and kissed my lips.

It's too brazen in the fitting room.

.... I was ashamed to die, and gently pushed her away. Wan-she knows that I am not a female surname, will she stab me with burst magic?

"We ... have stayed in the fitting room for too long, and should have gone out ... otherwise it would be suspected," I murmured.


A moment later-

"I want this skirt.

Lian Qi put the black skirt I tried on the counter.

After changing back to Lolita skirt, I walked out of the dressing room and glanced at her with a shameful glance, and I didn't know what to say except for my persecution.

Finally decided to buy this skirt?

"Thank you. It's eight hundred holy light coins.

The clerk smiled and folded her skirts into the packing bag.

I was about to pay, and Lian Qi paid the first-step payment.


"Crying Goblin just earned a little bounty, so I'll buy it for you." Lian Qi said lightly.

The first bounty she received as an adventurer actually bought me a skirt. This feels so subtle.

"Thank you for your patronage."

Walking out of the clothing store door with the newly bought skirt,

I looked at her and said, "I ended up buying this skirt.

"Yeah, because I think you look good."

"It's obviously badly dressed, and you actually look good ... I said shamefully. Who told me I couldn't wear a skirt without a chest?

"I think you also wear black, especially you wear white silk today." --- As she said, I stared at my legs subconsciously.

"I was a girl who just wanted to knock you down in the fitting room.

"What are you talking about ..."

Since she bought it for me, I'm sorry to not wear it. But you have to put on a chest pad ...

"Where do we go next ...?"

"After buying a skirt, I have no money to eat

In the fast food restaurant, Lian Qi returned to order and set the tray in front of me, with fries, fried chicken wings, and juice.

"It doesn't matter, I can eat anything." I smiled and comforted her. I know that she must be thinking about taking a bit of richness on a date, but the first-time mission has a limited amount of bounty, so she can only come here.

"Mayfair, you have to eat fries:


"So, open your mouth.

Lian Qi picked up a fries and handed it to my mouth, and fed me in the large court, which made me a little embarrassed.

But I already handed it to my mouth, I'm sorry to not contain her fries.

"Isn't the French fries here fried with magic potatoes?"

"Don't you eat the ingredients cultivated by magic? \ '

"No, I just have seen one hundred and fifty kilograms of magic potatoes, and whenever I see potatoes, I will think of it.


"That would be all right, another one.

"You eat it yourself," I said alas.

Corpse SF Light Novel

Feed me again, it's really difficult to be kind.

What's wrong with Lian Qi today? She's used to being bullied. She treats me so well today?

"Oh, I see."

Lian Qi fed another potato chip into my mouth.

"Don't worry about this one first.

I stared at her with fries.

After just a few seconds, she took the fries out of my mouth and ate it herself.

When I saw this, I froze. "Don't you mind eating what I've eaten? What's your way of eating it?

"Of course it is eaten with divine light." She replied-lower her finger. "Well, it's really sweet, maple fries.

"You you ... treat me as a sauce?‘

My **** blushed. Is it too shameful to eat?

Lian Qi smiled badly.

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