How Can the Saintess Be a Boy!?

v2 ~: (V) [Part1 / 2]


My sister Juggernaut scratched her hair frantically, "What the hell! I'm only here to hunt dragons, why is it like conspiracy theory--!"

"I'm sorry ... but my family's instinct has always been accurate." I said with a weak smile.

Qi Fengang said proudly with a raised chest: "The queen sent me only when I felt that there was a problem. If I also believed that the dragon burned the barn, how could I explain to her?"

"No matter what, I'll go north and turn around! I'll let you know as soon as there is news." Sister Levy said, shaking her hand away from us.

"I didn't expect her to be stubborn?" Lian Qi said silently.

"She always wanted to find the revenge of the black dragon who destroyed her hometown, and it was normal for her to die. Then, what should we do next?"

"It's getting dark, of course, back to the guest room." Qi Feng said of course.

"Back to the room? What room?" Lian Qi asked with a frown.

"Of course it's going back to your hotel."

"Aren't you supposed to have a public hospitality? Why are you crowded with us?"

"I don't care, I want three people together!"


Why did the original "Destiny End" journey have one more person?

In this way, the three of us returned to the hotel. Right now it was dinner time. We sat on the first floor of the hotel and grilled on the warm stove and drank hot butter beer. At this time, the guard who came with Qi Feng appeared.

"Master Prosecutor, the mayor wants to clean up for us, and specially prepared a dinner--"

"I don't want to eat this set, I'm going to go there by yourself." Qi Feng refused with butter beer.

"Don't you really go?" I couldn't help asking.

"In order to enforce the law impartially, I naturally have to distance myself from them."

Wow, Qi Feng makes me look so dazzling, and she's almost the same as the one who asked for a bond in private.

"But if you don't touch it and just waste it, it will be difficult to find new clues?" Lian Qi said.

"Then you don't know, the other party is definitely more anxious than me. Even if I stay in the town for an extra day without leaving, they will sleep and sleep. It won't be long before they will show their feet." Qi Feng Hold your cheeks in one hand and circle the ketchup with the French fries in one hand.

"Well, Lian Qi and I have been dragged by you at the same time. It's really killing two birds with one stone."

"Yeah." Lian Qi held his hand and said, "Don't you have already passed the flying pigeon book, and the guard of the imperial rushed over the night to tie me and Phil back to the king to get married?"

"That's not the case ...! I, I go to the bathroom--"

Qi Feng just got together, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to the seat to keep her away.

Immediately afterwards, Lian Qi and I checked their eyes.

"Mayfair !? What are you doing? Let go of me! Hey ~~~"

Qi Feng was half-pushed and dragged from the first floor of the hotel to the second-floor room. She shouted that I would cover her mouth to stop her from crying, and then threw it on the bed.

Maybe it's too rough? Qi Feng cried and said-"I was hurt ...!"

"It's not pregnant." I rode on her, holding her hand above my head. I can see that she really wanted to resist, but it was only me that made me half push.

I turned back to Lian Qi and said, "What are you still doing? Quickly help me tie her up."

"... Tied? Would it be okay to tie a bow?" Lian Qi asked hesitantly. Regardless of her offense, she is not very skilled at binding.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself." I turned Qi Feng over and forced her to lie on her back, while she cut her hands behind her back, and then twisted around the wrist with a twisted rope of Holy Light. Breasts twisted horizontally ...

Huh ~ I'm done, I patted the dust on my hands symbolically, and I was satisfied with Qi Feng, who was **** by my five flowers. (Don't ask me how to be so skilled ~ Xu Bai is so tied to me ~)

(Remember) "How can you do this to me? I was sent by the Queen!" Qi Feng sat on the bed, her legs wrapped in white silk curled up on her chest, and her blue eyes looked pitifully. My face was tinged with a blush.

"In order not to let you vent your message, that's all I can do." I said.

"What are you going to do after you kidnap me? Don't you want to kill someone?"

"Yo, silly girl, are you quite into the character?" I covered my mouth and smiled playfully.

"Hmm ... not ...!" She blushed and denied it.

I laughed badly: "Actually, are you looking forward to it? The honest female prosecutor fell into the villain's claw or something ~"

"It's just that!"

She blushed even more when I said that.

"Moreover, you are not a bad person."

There was a proud smile on my face, and she said fiercely to her: "Well, I now offer a reward of 100 million! If it falls into my hands, don't try to go back alive."

"Wow ...! I never thought you were such a maiden!"


I turned around and deliberately pulled the hood down a bit to show that I was darker.

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