How Can the Saintess Be a Boy!?

v3 Chapter 17: The Curse of Blood (1) [Part1 / 2]

Remember in one second. ↘ finished ^ this. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘. Mobile phone users enter the address:


the next day--

The carriage wheel slowly moved forward towards the neighboring country.

Sitting in the carriage I suddenly responded-"Ah! I forgot to interview Astrid. When she founded the country, did she only bring one dog?

Even Qi almost chuckled and laughed, "It doesn't matter what kind of thing is this?‘

Everyone was enjoying lunch happily, but Qi Feng bit it-the rice ball almost spit out!

"What's the matter with you!" I asked quickly.

"It's okay. It just has no appetite." Qi Feng said with retching while covering her mouth.

"Don't you have it?" Xu Bai sat on the opposite hand. Holding the rice ball, his eyes seemed to have seen through-cut.

"Ha !?"-I didn't expect even Qi ’s response was greater than anyone else! She looked at me for the first time-eye!

"What are you looking at me!" I was so scared that the rice **** in my hand were almost scared!

There is an unknown hunch!

Lian Qi stared nervously at me, "If Qi Feng had it, wouldn't it be yours?

I heard that my face changed.

"Nonsense, nonsense!

I do n’t confess it, but I really do n’t!

"Only you are a man dressed as a woman. If anyone accidentally has it, it must be the first to associate with you."

"It's not me, I don't have it! Besides, I don't know how to get someone pregnant !. Worry

I was ashamed to flush my face, as if to catch-Gen Jiuzao Straw, and turned to Qi Feng for help-"Qi Feng, what do you say?"

Qi Fengqiang smiled bitterly and said, "Mayer and I are one-well, innocent.

"You heard me!" I quickly said to Lian Qi, hoping that she would be emotionally stable after eating this reassurance pill, you see her face is green!

Qi Feng's signature smirk added-sentence one "If I did, it would be a miracle of the Holy Light.

"Hey, one! There is no miracle of the Holy Light '!" I argued reasonably.

"Qi Feng is just weak in the permafrost due to the cold, and he has no appetite for eating! You are so white, use your Ferris wheel to find a way!"

If it is a vain "Ferris wheel",-it will be possible to trace Qi Feng's physical time back to a healthy time!

False white hands-Tan Yi-"Will I kill a small innocent life?"

"You're enough!" I protested in red!

"Before, it was necessary for the medical doctor to help Qi Feng control the pulse.

Take the pulse !? Qi Fengming is just infected with the cold, why is it developing in a strange direction ???

"Okay! When I get to a neighboring country, I'll ask a doctor to help Qi Feng get my pulse!"

For this I have to prove my innocence!


Pack FSF Light Novel

Waiting for Neighbor One-

Right in the local church, I stared at the stained glass windows in the dusk a little bit dreamy.

Then a voice echoed under the towering dome. "It's all the big things you've seen since childhood, hasn't it?

It was Bishop Barr, and I turned to look over, "Yeah, but now I feel like I've come to a place I shouldn't be."

If he hadn't written to me, I thought I was destined to miss the church in my life.

I glanced at him and couldn't help but snorted.

Because ... he he actually came to see me in a wheelchair?

Lian Qi showed an incredible expression and asked, "Who has your leg flickered?"

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Picking her up in vain: "Yeah, I think he has a problem coming out of a wheelchair, Phil, don't be fooled by him, I think we should go

"??? What are you two talking about?

"Stalk of our world, you don't understand normal."

"Slow!" Bishop quickly pushed himself in a wheelchair and approached us.

"No need to push others? It's quite advanced." Xu Bai stared at him coldly.

"My lord lady, as you can see, my leg is disabled.


"Will you still call me Lord Maid?

SF Light Novel

"Really disabled? Can't you come down and take two steps?"

I pretended to cough gently, not understanding why Xu Bai and Lian Qi sneered at a disabled person.

"How are your legs disabled?" I asked in concern.

"It was caused by the divine punishment of the Holy Light.

I sighed and just listened to him continue: "I just lost a

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