How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars

Chapter 335: "retired" people, news

After confirming that the other party was a "retired" member of the Sima family, Li Jingping said flatly.

"I'm investigating a case of extremely bad nature. Three inspectors were injured in the case. Your cooperation is needed."

Sima Yuxuan was not happy.

Hearing such a voice suddenly, his expression changed.

Three patrolling victims?

this tm...

Who did it?

So can't you think about it?

Damn, it's okay if you can't think about it yourself, and it's unlucky to bring other people along.

Since Long Yu established the inspection mechanism in the founding of the country, as long as it is involved in the inspection and victimization, Long Yu will never have the slightest appeasement.

It's no wonder that the Inspector General's Office would send someone like the young man in front of us...

On the border of the capital, three inspectors were killed.

This is no different from slapping the face of the Inspector General's Office. It is very restrained not to turn over the entire capital and neighboring cities.

Looking intently at Li Jing, Sima Yuxuan said.

"When it comes to such a serious case, I should cooperate. Although my boss Ma Yuxuan is not very upright in the black street, I still understand the seriousness of the situation. Can you please put away the fairy artifact first, so we can have a good talk ?”

Li Jing nodded when he heard the sound, and waved his hand to retract the flying sword Qingfeng.

He does it.

It has always been a matter of doing human affairs when meeting people, and doing things when meeting ghosts.

Everyone said they would cooperate, and of course he would not do anything redundant.

In addition, don't look at the fact that most of the Seven Great Masters belong to the type that can't afford to lose money, but when it comes to the desire to survive, no one can surpass them.

After all, apart from the special Jiang family, the Liu family is also very important in the capital's business circle, and is watched by everyone.

As long as there is a little problem, it will be reported privately and exposed on the Internet.

If it is not handled properly, it is very likely that the entire family will end as a result.

To put it bluntly.

God knows how many people in Guodu hope that the seven families, including the Jiang family, will collectively turn over a wave of cars, so that Guodu can reshuffle the cards.

If there is no desire to survive...

The end of Wang and Lu's family is a negative teaching material.

On the other side, Sima Yuyuxuan was relieved to see Li Jing put away the fairy artifact.

It is not easy to cultivate to the seventh level.

Being in the genealogy of a behemoth like the Sima family, one of the seven great families, is inherently not easy.

The point is that it's fine if he is unknown, but he has a good talent.

With great power comes great responsibility.

It is inevitable to work hard for the family.

It is a pleasure for him to be able to "retire" for the elderly with peace of mind.

He can live his little life with peace of mind, no longer need to worry about the little kids in his family, and he can do what he likes as he pleases.

He had only "retired" for two years, and he didn't want to be targeted by inspection or killed for no reason because he was involved in a serious case that had nothing to do with him.

Since Li Jing found the pawnshop, the matter probably had some connection with the pawnshop, Sima Yuxuan expressed his attitude.

"First of all, I want to explain that I have nothing to do with the Sima family. The pawnshop in Heijie was opened out of my personal preference. It has been open for more than six years, and I have always done business in a law-abiding manner. I have never committed any violations of law and discipline Of course, my **** shop in the dark street will inevitably encounter some unclean things, but this..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Jing waved his hand.

"It's useless to talk about it. What business you do has nothing to do with me."

As he said that, Li Jing took out his mobile phone and found the surveillance video of three inspectors who appeared on the street in front of the pawnshop, stepped forward and handed it over.

"These three sections of road surveillance photographed the three victim inspectors. They all appeared on the street in front of your **** shop. They looked like they were going to meet someone. You can see if you recognize them, or Notice something."

Hearing someone's words, Sima Yuxuan immediately understood.

Feeling Li Jing found his own **** shop not because there was a problem with the shop, but because the three inspectors who were victimized all appeared at the door of the shop.

With this confirmation, he was relieved a lot.

Don't be afraid of anything else.

I'm afraid that the matter is directly related to the **** shop.

Nodding his head and saying yes, Sima Yuxuan took over the phone to check the monitor.

The three monitoring periods were not too long, so he quickly finished checking, and then looked at Li Jing.

"Recently, I have been guarding the store. I was there when the three inspectors appeared, but I basically don't have any impression."

With that said, Sima Yuxuan handed over the phone and continued.

"My shop is at the end of Hei Street, and there are many people coming and going. Usually I just stay in the shop and rarely go out on the street. I'm sorry that I can't provide you with valuable information in this regard."

Li Jing heard his words, but it was not a surprise.

After all, it had been a while, and Sima Yuxuan's shops had a lot of people coming and going, so he couldn't be expected to have an impression of the three plainclothes inspectors who were no different from ordinary passers-by.

After taking the phone, Li Jing pondered for a moment, then raised his eyes and asked.

"You are from the Sima family. You should know that there are some sect disciples in the capital who are practicing in the world?"


Sima Yuxuan nodded and said.

"The existence of the sect may be a secret to ordinary people, but for people like me, the existence of disciples of the sect is not so rare."

As he spoke, he was a little complacent.

"When I was still in the Sima family, I had contact with many disciples of the sect. I even opened a pawnshop now. My store has a stable source of customers from the disciples of the sect. The disciples of the sect generally cannot adapt to this society quickly after entering the world and practice. There are problems in expenses and other aspects, and there are often situations among them who have to **** some things to maintain daily expenses. I personally have the honor of having an intersection with some disciples of the sect, and there are many disciples of the sect in the capital. When you are in short supply, choose my shop, and Dongye City is the same. After all, it is placed on the two land boundaries of the capital and Dongye, and the circle of disciples of the sect is only so..."

After talking eloquently for a long time, Sima Yuxuan suddenly froze and said strangely.

"Little friend, you suddenly mentioned the disciples of the sect. Could it be that the three inspectors who were victimized are related to the disciples of the sect?"


Li Jing.

initial contact.

Sima Yuxuan showed a strong desire to survive, and he was also quite talkative.

It's just that this one seems to be a little slow to react?

If it wasn't for being related to the disciples of the sect, why would I mention the hidden sect?

Thinking that although people look young and only in their early twenties, they are actually very old, and it is estimated that "retirement" has been used to ease for some years, Li Jingdao.

"Whether it is related to the disciples of the sect, I don't have clear evidence here to make a conclusion. But since you have a stable source of disciples of the sect, let me explain to you for the time being. The reason why the three victims were on the black street is because The National Metropolitan Inspection Department has received reliable information that some disciples of the Zongmen secretly have **** with others in an attempt to rob Wang and Lu's family of assets."

Hearing someone's words, Sima Yuxuan let out a hiss.

Others may not be able to taste it, but he is clear.

The Wang and Lu families have come to an end, and the assets of the two families are the root cause of the overall chaos in the capital.

God knows how many people and forces are vying to **** it, trying to get a piece of the chaos.

However, it is outrageous for disciples of the sect to participate in it.

They, this is crazy jumping on Long Yu's bottom line!

But to be honest, Sima Yuxuan was not surprised that something like this happened.

Although Long Yu strictly restricts the paths and methods that Zongmen's children can choose to practice in the world, he always upholds the principle that Zongmen's children are also citizens of the country, and gives Zongmen's children a lot of preferential treatment.

For Long Yu, the disciples of the sect have indeed made a lot of contributions, and it can even be said that their existence is indispensable.

How do you say something?

The forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds.

Those who are ambitious, or those who are smart, will pop up sooner or later.

Not to mention the disciples of the sect who received preferential treatment in all aspects, didn't the Seven Great Families also have their brains out of their wits?

The end of Wang and Lu's family was caused by the two families themselves.

This is due to human nature and inevitability.

to be honest.

It's just that you can't expect all the disciples of the sect to have good brains. Long Yu will use them when they overturn sooner or later.

After a short silence, Sima Yuxuan said.

"If there is a relationship with the disciples of the sect, I can provide some useful information for you here. In the past month or so, several groups of disciples from the sect who are unfamiliar have come to my shop one after another on the black street, pawning A lot of valuable things were exchanged for spirit crystals."

"Because I am one of the few who do business with Zongmen disciples here, and the Zongmen disciples in the circle are willing to patronize my shop, I have set a lot of rules. One of them is that Zongmen disciples need to ask me to explain when they come to the door. Only in this way can we obtain a more beautiful **** price."

"Pawn shop, you understand. If we can lower the price, we will press it to our death. If you want a good price, you must be an acquaintance. The rules I set cannot be said to give preferential treatment to the disciples of the sect. The main reason is that they are rich and capable. There are a lot of good things that have been brought out, and it takes a long and steady route.”

After talking three times in a row, Sima Yuxuan added.

"If you want to talk about other things, I really didn't pay attention to them. But I have a very clear account of the strange sect disciples who have been here this month, and even the accounts are clear."

Li Jing had listened to his words, and raised his brows with interest.

"Are there three big bald heads?"


Sima Yuxuan was slightly taken aback, then nodded.

"Yes, but there are more than three. In the past month or so, five bald men have come to pawn. They are all members of the Demon Buddha Sect. This is a rare spiritual object worth millions of spirit crystals."

"You even know what sect they are from?"

Li Jing was surprised.

"It's not just the sect? It's very clear who's surname, what position it is in Dongye City."

Sima Yuxuan responded, saying.

"When doing this business, I have to be careful. The discounts are for the sake of long-term success. I don't like to squeeze people's wool. I can't just come to someone with gossip and say that I am a disciple of the sect. I also give them such a big discount for no reason. Bar?"

After all, he smiled lightly.

"There is no business without fraud. If you do business with a little bit of treachery, you will pay for it sooner or later."

Li Jing grinned upon hearing this.

Sima Yuxuan's words were a little shameless.

But there is truth, I have to say.

Xiao Yi is doing such a big business in the dark net black market, and he often haggles with the dark net for one or two spiritual crystals.

The bigger the business, the easier it is to add up.

These are profits!

Without thinking too much, Li Jing said.

"Give me a copy of the account, as long as it's from the last month."


Sima Yuxuan said with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Little friend, you're being a little unreasonable. It's about the customer's privacy, and I'm sure it's inconvenient. I can provide you with the specific names and identities of the few big bald heads you just mentioned, and the detailed accounts are just..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Jing let out a "tsk".

"If you are asked to cooperate, you will cooperate. Don't talk so much nonsense. Believe it or not, I will report you to the Economic Investigation Division for illegal acquisitions?"

As he spoke, he said with a shy face.

"Since you know a lot about the disciples of the sect, you should know that most of the resources in the hands of the disciples of the sect are 'special products' produced in the secret realm. Such resources are normally purchased by Longyu officials and put into the market in a fixed-point and quantitative manner. You Doing this kind of business is at least a crime of smuggling, and if there is a taboo in it, you can spend hundreds of years in prison."


Sima Yuxuan.

Li Jing, don't talk about Wude!

From the moment we met, he was very cooperative.

The information about the disciples of the sect was also confessed by him himself.

Who would have thought that Li Jing not only didn't understand his difficulties, but also acted like a scumbag with a ruthless heart, threatening him with words to a hundred-year-old Qijing!

The most coquettish thing is.

This guy is very clear that he has no right to deal with this kind of thing as an inspector of the heavy case team, and he keeps clamoring to report to the economic investigation department.

If you don't leak water, don't say it, the thief is shameless.

Wu Yan gave someone a look of "you are cruel", Sima Yuxuan waved his hand and took out a small notebook from the storage space and handed it over, saying silently.

"There are quite a lot of sect disciples involved in the accounts. Take it easy, little friend, and just find the person you want. Remember not to go too far, and offend people who shouldn't be offended. In addition, my pawnshop business has to continue. Please raise your hand and don't stab me out."

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

Li Jing said something calmly, took the small book and opened it for a look.

At a glance, he is just a good guy.

In a small book that is not too thick, more than ten names are recorded on only one page.

It involves **** funds, nearly a million spirit crystals.

You need to know.

This is just the first page!

And it is related to the disciples of the sect, not counting the **** business of people in the world.

What Sima Yuxuan opened was just a **** shop, not a chain store.

This level of gold absorption is more than ten times that of the dark web business run by Xiao Yi.

After closing the account and stuffing it into the storage space, Li Jing took out the enchantment stone and said.

"Mr. Sima, thank you for your cooperation. This is the end of the matter, and I will find you later if necessary. By the way, let me remind you that there will be a large-scale operation by the General Inspection Department on the black street tonight. You'd better close your business as soon as possible. .”

Sima Yuxuan naturally didn't care about Li Jing's first half sentence.


No matter how he looked with his eyes, he couldn't see that someone was grateful.

However, the second half of Li Jing's sentence successfully changed his expression.

This news came very timely.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

It would be embarrassing if one's own shop was washed away during the action of the General Inspection Department.

Just as he was about to ask when exactly, Li Jing released the energy stored in the enchantment stone.


The space barrier was lifted, and the two returned to the **** shop.

At this time in the **** shop, Yu Lian had already finished her work and was sitting quietly waiting.

Unexpectedly, Li Jing and Sima Yuxuan came back, they were both intact and showed no signs of touching, Yu Lian stood up slightly in a daze.

Seeing him waiting, Li Jing gave him a gentle smile.

"It's over, let's go, don't hinder people from doing business."


After subconsciously nodding, Yu Lian looked at Sima Yuxuan twice.

Seeing this, Sima Yuxuan responded with a smile.

Li Jing is such a cub, he is not happy to see him for a second time.

This beautiful fox is pleasing just to look at, but he doesn't mind making a good impression.

As the saying goes.

A man is a teenager until he dies.

Although Sima Yuxuan's actual age is not young, his age is not a problem at all with the support of his seven realms of cultivation.

How smart is Yu Lian?

She is charming in the world, and she understands all aspects very well.

With just one glance, she saw that Sima Yuxuan was trying to please her.

Frowning slightly, she silently took Li Jing's arm in the attitude of a famous woman, and hung her whole body on him.

Li Jing was currently worrying about the case, so he didn't pay much attention.

Mainly he is also used to being with Yu Lian.

The women around him know how to use their own advantages, and they are generally more open.

That is to say, Chen Yuran, who is a young man, is a bit different, and Liu Sisi, who is also relatively young, is relatively conservative before marriage, and everyone else has traveled a lot and is very proficient.

Take an arm and give some benefits, this is all a small meaning in a small meaning.

Yu Lian leaned over, Li Jing just took her out of the **** shop as a matter of habit.

Sima Yuxuan is already old, so he can be called a genius.

He could tell at a glance that Yu Lian's gesture of being a famous flower was intended to dissuade him, and Li Jing was not a match.

This fox beauty is very interesting, I don't know if I will have a chance to meet her in the future!

The corners of Sima Yuxuan's mouth rose, watching the two leave.

When the two of them went out, he slowly looked away, and then his expression froze again.

Li Jing, this unkind young man, left with Yu Lian, but his whole room, from customers to shop assistants, is still like a piece of wood with his eyes stuck in place...


Cursing secretly, Sima Yuxuan walked out of the shop quickly.

But at this moment, on the street in front of him, where are there two figures?

This time, Sima Yuxuan felt a little uncomfortable.

Yu Lian left without canceling the method, which means that the method will only last for a while, and the people recruited in the store should be able to recover after a while.

But waiting for a while will affect his business, won't it?

Silently looking left and right, Sima Yuxuan had no choice but to retreat into the store and started to close the door.

It's not just that the business in the store can't be done, but he can't explain to the customers who come to see the situation in the store.

at the same time.

In a taxi walking along the black street towards the capital, Li Jing took out a sound-proof talisman that blocked the driver's seat and the back seat, and turned to look at Yu Lian to ask.

"Xiaoyu, have you gained anything?"


Yu Lian responded, saying.

"There are a few regular customers in the store, and they said that they have seen at least five strangers with bald heads in this month. You mentioned that the disciples of the Angry King Kong sect have been to the Black Street early in the morning. Before you met When it comes to that monster, either he didn't tell the truth, or these bald men didn't stay in Heijie in the first place."

"Well, Sima Yuxuan also mentioned to me about the presence and disappearance of the disciples of the Angry Eye King Kong series. He said that they are disciples of the Demon Buddha Sect. They entered the world to practice in Dongye City."

Li Jing said in response to the words.

"Ye Liuli should be telling the truth. After all, the **** shop is located in the city of Dongye City, and Ye Liuli's shopping mall is on the other side of the capital. If these bald men from the Demon Buddha Sect just came to **** and don't stay in the black street with She won't get the news if the Rakshasa come into contact with her."

Yu Lian nodded when she heard the words, and said strangely.

"This Sima Yuxuan even knows what sect the other party is a disciple of?"

"People are the Sima family's 'retirement' seven realms, and Zeng Guodu can be regarded as an all-powerful person, so it's not surprising to know this."

Li Jing shrugged and said.

"And in fact, this **** shop in Heijie has a special way to do business with the disciples of the sect, and he has made a lot of money for this."

Knowing that Sima Yuxuan is actually a "retired" member of the Sima family, his way is not ordinary Yu Lian was surprised, and frowned suspiciously.

"According to what you said, it seems that the three inspectors came to the **** shop not necessarily to meet people, but they may have received a tip to come to the **** shop to squat."

"It's possible."

Li Jing smiled, then changed his words again.

"To be precise, it is very likely."

Yu Lian has always been ice-snow and smart.

With Li Jing assisting so many times, she also largely has the idea of ​​reasoning.

Receiving Li Jing's approved response, Yu Lian's beautiful eyes blinked twice, and she pondered.

"If this is the case, things seem to be a lot easier? When the three inspectors appeared on the avenue in front of the pawnshop, it is very likely that the criminal has entered and exited the pawnshop or appeared nearby?"

Le Wen

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :