How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars

Chapter 337: 1 hair dry flip, suppress all

Li Jing saw Jiu Li and Tong Yan following the crowd out of the clubhouse, and they also saw him and Yu Lian.

The eyes met, and the four of them had a tacit understanding.

Li Jing pulled Yu Lian to walk towards the side of the street, while Jiu Li and Tong Yan leaned towards the two of them talking and laughing.

Soon, the four gathered at a street corner not far from the clubhouse.

Standing on the side of the street, Li Jingwang asked Jiuli and Tongyan.

"What's going on inside?"

"Basically all the dignified people in the Rakshasa have arrived."

Guri responded.

Before the words fell, Tong Yan spoke out.

"The entire clubhouse is full of swords and swords. It seems that there is a quarrel among the Rakshasa. The situation is very sensitive."

As she spoke, she said again.

"What are you going to do next?"

"Wait a while, wait until there are fewer people around the clubhouse, and get rid of them in one go."

Li Jing responded casually.

Tong Yan was slightly taken aback when she heard the sound.

Get rid of them all at once?


It's not the same as what you said!

Is she understanding the problem?

What did Li Jing mean by going to the lairs of the Rakshasa before?

It's not that Tong Yan didn't think of the possibility of someone trying to forcibly attack the Rakshasa crowd with the strength of four people.

But she thought so at first.

A strategist like Li Jing would not be so reckless, he should have other plans, so she didn't care much.

Li Jing's arrangement was indeed in place.

Although I don't know how he did it, the high-level Rakshasa did gather together.

But the truth told her.

Other plans do not exist.

Li Jing is so reckless...

Tong Yan was a little confused, Li Jing took out his mobile phone and found Jin Ruixin's fairy signal to edit the news.

"Team leader Jin, have you arranged the agreed manpower yet? I'm going to take action right away."

After sending the message, Jin Ruixin responded quickly.

"The people have been arranged early in the morning, and they are all on standby outside the Black Street. It is impossible to rush in directly. I have a report from my side that the Rakshasa has gathered a lot of people and is approaching the middle of the Black Street."

"It's okay, I'll give you a message later, you can directly let the standby team come in and control the streets near the Haotian clubhouse."

Li Jing replied the message and put away the phone.

Rakshasa will take preventive measures, as expected.

The freezing of such large-scale funds and assets can only be done by the Inspection Bureau.

As long as the senior officials of the Rakshasa are not stupid, they will realize that the inspection bureau is planning to take the Rakshasa for some reason.

The high-level gathering was to find out why the inspection bureau suddenly attacked them, and at the same time to protect themselves.

There are enough people gathered, and the strength is concentrated enough, so that the inspectorate can make a rat attack.

There are people on the black street, not just the Rakshasa people.

More are passers-by and people from other forces.

If the Inspection Bureau is not sure of controlling the scene, no further action is possible anyway.

On the contrary, if they abscond separately, they can easily be defeated one by one.

Only when they are in a group can they have time to discuss countermeasures.

Tong Yan watched Li Jing take out his mobile phone to communicate with others, most likely calling for support from the Inspection Bureau, and he relaxed somewhat.

Mainly around Yu Lian and Jiu Li are very calm.

She felt that Li Jing might have other arrangements that she didn't know about.

With that in mind, she didn't ask any more questions and waited quietly.

Dazzling, more than ten minutes passed.

A large number of people appeared on the surrounding streets one after another.

They are either standing on the street or wandering around.

The guests who were "invited" out of the clubhouse were more or less staying in the nearby streets. Seeing this situation, they realized something was wrong and gradually dispersed.

Anyone who will come to the black street to play knows it in their hearts.

On the surface, Black Street is a bustling neighborhood, but in fact it is a gray area where countless gangsters are hidden.

The Haotian clubhouse was suddenly cleared, so they didn't think too much about it.

It is the freedom of others to do business or not.

But for no reason, a large number of people suddenly gathered nearby, and it was difficult for them to realize it.

Everyone is curious.

What happened to the Rakshasa crowd, so motivating the crowd.

At the same time, no one dared to stay nearby.

Even an idiot can see that the gathering of a large number of Rakshasa members is not in the right direction.

Black Street This is...

Something big is going to happen!

Seeing that all the passers-by who were supposed to disperse had dispersed, only a few who were not afraid to stay nearby to probe their brains, and the people gathered by the Rakshasa didn't say they would drive them away, Li Jing looked at Jiuli.

"Ah Jiu, I'll leave it to you to deal with it."


Jiuli froze for a moment.


"Tong Yan will accompany you."

Li Jing said something to Tong Yan.

"You follow Ah Jiu, and reinforcements from the General Inspection Department will arrive immediately. You and Ah Jiu don't need to do anything else, just help control the scene."

Hearing that there would indeed be reinforcements coming, Tong Yan subconsciously nodded and frowned slightly.

Leave the outside to her and Jiuli, and then the support will arrive in a while?

Li Jing means...

Only he and Yu Lian can handle the group of high-level Rakshas gathered in the Haotian clubhouse?


Even more outrageous than the four of them together!

What was Li Jing thinking?

Hesitating whether to ask or not, Li Jing looked at Yu Lian.

"Xiaoyu, let's go."

After that, he went straight to the Haotian clubhouse.

Seeing this, Yu Lian followed quietly.

Tong Yan didn't have time to ask questions, so she could only stand still and watch the two approach the Haotian clubhouse, and wait and see what someone would do after they passed by.

Jiuli also paid attention to the two of them.

She has confidence in Li Jing.

But she also didn't know what someone was going to do.


Li Jing is in the front and Yu Lian is in the back.

The two soon came to the main entrance of Haotian Clubhouse.

At this time, there was a large group of high-level confidants of the Rakshasa gathering at the main entrance of the clubhouse, and they did not show any intention of blocking others from approaching.

But seeing Li Jing and Yu Lian approaching straight, unkind eyes focused on them.

Seeing this, Li Jing stopped and took out his mobile phone to send a message to Jin Ruixin.

"Get everyone on standby to move."

When the message was sent, Jin Ruixin did not reply immediately.

However, in the bright night sky, there were tens of thousands of bright sword lights rising from all directions around the black street, and then they turned into a gathering trend and shot towards the Haotian clubhouse.

this moment.

Not only the members of the Rakshasa gathered nearby, but all the people in all sections of Heijie changed their faces.

At the main entrance of the Haotian clubhouse, all the members of the Rakshasa group whose eyes were focused on Li Jing and Yu Lian turned pale.

Thousands of sword lights...

It can't be an inspection.

Even if it is the General Inspection Administration, it is not possible to dispatch so many people in one go.

This is definitely the action of the Administration!

It doesn't matter whether it's the Dongye City Administration Bureau or the National Capital Administration Bureau.


The administration has taken action, no one can fix it.

Whoever dares to rectify is a dead end!

The inspector would at least consider arresting him before encountering too much resistance.

The Authority takes action...


No matter what happens once the Administration is alarmed, any act of resistance has a strong anti-social tendency by default and can be directly killed.

Originally, it could be said that there were so many people, enough to make many people who belonged to the Rakshasa members of the inspection bureau to be wary.

The Administration has taken action, are they resisting or not?

Resistance may cause some storms.

But the result will be to be killed.

no resistance.

People obviously came here for the Rakshasa crowd...

Li Jing caught a glimpse of so many sword lights rising into the sky, and was slightly taken aback.

Jin Ruixin brought the administration here, which he did not expect.

This sister is a little stable.

She is also really not afraid of making things worse...

In the middle of the night, tens of thousands of sword lights almost illuminated the entire night sky near Heijie.

The people in the capital and Dongye City are afraid that they will be fried every minute.

Surprised to be surprised, Li Jing's hand was not vague, and after flipping his hands to take out the enchantment stone, his mind moved and whispered spiritually and swept it out in a purely spiritual way.

The members of the Rakshas who gathered near the main entrance of the Haotian Club were trembling because of the attack from the Administration Bureau, and suddenly suffered a mental shock, and collectively fell to the ground with a muffled grunt.

Neither the Rakshasa members nor the innocent passers-by were spared in the nearby streets. Many people rolled their eyes very simply, and fell down one after another.

Tong Yan at the rear was also surprised by the Administration's action.

Suddenly seeing the crowd on the street, innocent or not, fainting collectively, she almost stared out her own eyes.

High-level and large-scale spiritual level means!

within the range visible to the naked eye.

Thousands of people were killed...

Li Jinggan! ?

So this is his hole card?

Super strong spiritual level attainments?

Tong Yan was full of surprise.

She didn't know Li Jing's specific combat strength.

But at least know that someone is good at using Leifa.

In Chongyuan Holy Realm, Li Jing entered the Yiren living space alone at first, and wiped out a giant beast army, and the corpses brought back were all killed by Dou Lei.

God is fair.

In personal practice.

No matter how strong your talent is, it is mostly concentrated in one aspect.

Even if one is really that talented, one's energy is limited, and one cannot take care of all aspects and can only find one direction to polish.

Li Jing is good at using lightning techniques, yet he shows a tyrannical and indescribable spiritual attainment in front of him, is this outrageous?

His breath...

It's not just the thousands of people you can see in front of your eyes?

At least that's what Tong Yan saw.

There is no one standing in the shops on the street...

It was all overturned!

It's just that they fell to the ground, and they couldn't be seen from the street into the store.

How powerful spiritual attainments and methods do you have to do this?

Tong Yan didn't dare to think about it.

look back.

Li Jing This is not an indiscriminate method.

Neither she nor Jiuli and Yu Lian suffered any mental shock.

Subconsciously turned to look at Jiuli.

His small mouth was O-shaped, with an obviously unexpected expression.

Looking at Yu Lian who was already following someone in front of the club with a look of surprise on her face, Tong Yan became even more suspicious.

Obviously, neither Yu Lian nor Jiu Li knew that Li Jing had such ability.

That is to say...

Li Jing has never displayed such abilities before, and has always kept the means in his hands.

For this alone, he has won the favor of Yu Lian and Jiu Li, a pair of six-level fox beauties with his extraordinary personal strength!

this tm...

What monster?

Tong Yan was startled when Li Jingping's plain words sounded.

"The bureau will be there right away, Ah Jiu, prepare the certificates of the bureau, lest people don't know that you two are assisting in handling the case when they arrive."

Before he finished speaking, the enchantment stone in Li Jing's hand shone brightly.

The space enchantment unfolds.

Together with him and Yu Lian, they engulfed the entire Haotian clubhouse.

Jiuli has always had a strong desire to survive.

She has been with Li Jing for a long time, and she knows that this kid can often do what ordinary people can't, and his combat power is beyond the charts.

Therefore, even though she was surprised by the members of the Rakshasa group and the passers-by who fell to the ground and passed out, it was not unacceptable.

Hearing Li Jing's voice before entering the space barrier, Jiuli took out his management certificate very quickly.

At this time, a team of ten thousand people from the Administration Bureau came with swords.

Tens of thousands of sword lights stagnated, revealing their figures.

Looking down, he saw that the street near the Haotian clubhouse had collapsed, only Jiuli and Tongyan were standing, and more than 10,000 people were stunned for a while, looking at each other.

When Jiuli saw this, she was unequivocal and raised her hand to show her ID.

"Ajiu, the Heavenly King Team of the Jianghai Administration Bureau, is assisting our team leader in handling the case, my own."

Jiuli took out her ID, so the management bureau would naturally not misunderstand her and Tong Yan.

The certificates of the Inspection Bureau and the Administration Bureau cannot be faked.

"All staff dispersed, control the scene."

A handsome young man in the crowd of 10,000 people spoke up.

With this order, all the members of the management bureau dispersed on the spot.

Jiuli was not idle either, and pulled Tong Yan who was still in a daze.

"Go, let's help too."

Although she didn't think anyone would be spared by Li Jing's actions, there were no absolutes.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

In case something happens to happen, Li Jing will be blamed.

He left the six realms of himself and Tong Yan outside, just to ensure that things are safe.

at the same time.


As soon as the Haotian clubhouse was cut off, the whole building exploded immediately, and about a hundred people tore through the building and rose from the sky.

Li Jing's spiritual whispers did not target Haotian Clubhouse.

According to the whisper of the spirit, it would take a little more energy for him to overthrow the people in the Haotian Clubhouse.

Unless, there are seven realms inside.

But if you do that, this thing can't go on.

This time, he led the "beheading first and playing later".

There is no clear evidence in his hand that the Rakshasa congregation had an affair with the disciples of the sect, trying to **** the assets of Wang Lu's family.

At the same time, there is no evidence of crimes committed by high-ranking Rakshasa officials.

It's impossible for the General Inspection Administration to approve the Rakshasa in this way.

The economic problems that he asked Xiaozhang to find out about the high-level Rakshasa are all minor problems, and even the freezing of funds and assets is only temporary, and it is not enough to arrest people.

Evidence needs to be found now.

Seeing that the whole building of Haotian clubhouse exploded, and a guy jumped out to hundreds of people, Li Jing sighed secretly.

This workload is a bit heavy.

Afterwards, I have to ask Jin Ruixin to add money!

Seeing these hundreds of people rising from the sky, Li Jing called softly.

"Linglong, Zhenshi."


With a crisp sound, the Linglong Pagoda soared into the sky and turned into a tower of two thousand towers, enveloping hundreds of Rakshasa people inside.

The prestige of the fairy artifact was vented, causing the collective dismay of the high-ranking Rakshasa officials.

Immediately afterwards.

Under the force of Zhen Shijue's tyrannical banning force, they lost their ability to control the air and fell to the torn ruins of the Haotian clubhouse like dumplings, lying on the ground unable to move.

Such a situation sent chills down the spine of everyone present.

There were more than a hundred people present, all of whom were leaders of the Rakshasa Clan, big and small.

Among them, there are more than ten people who are six-level cultivation bases.

That's right.

There are more than ten people in the six realms of Rakshasa.

After all, they are a big evil force quietly influencing the capital.

In terms of the number of top fighters, they surpassed any of the seven families, including the Jiang family.


This is only limited to the Sixth Realm and does not include the "retirees" of the Seventh Realm.

They don't have the background of the Seven Great Families.

In terms of personal strength, compared with the seven families and six realms who are enjoying family resources, they are nothing but a mob.

The six realms are also divided into strengths and weaknesses.

If they were really strong enough to a certain extent, they wouldn't be able to get together and form a Rakshasa.

Take Liu Shi as an example.

With the strength of the number one person in the six realms of her capital, if she wanted to do evil, wouldn't it be better to do it alone than to team up with others?

But no matter what, at least a dozen people present were from the Six Realms.

But even so.

They didn't even have a chance to say a word, and they were banned on the spot.

Lie on the ground in humiliation, without even the right to lift a finger.

Feeling the thrilling prestige of the immortal weapon, all the high-ranking Rakshasa present were as if they were in an ice cellar.

Shot is a fairy weapon!

Suppress more than a dozen six realms in one breath, and a group of five realms by the way.

this tm...

I'm afraid even if it's not a patron saint, it's at least a seventh realm?

They don't understand.

What can they do to startle such a person?


Unless it is a threat to national security, it is impossible for the Seven Realms to make a move.

One is that it is unnecessary, and the other is that there are restrictions on the seven realms.

Didn't the group of Rakshasa just make some small moves, as for that?

Certainly not!

Is there something wrong?

Some people want to complain.

But under the suppression of Linglong Tower, no one could speak out.

This, of course, was done deliberately by Li Jing.

He didn't want to waste extra time on this group of people, and he had thought about it beforehand.

Even if he isolated this group of gangsters into the subspace, he couldn't expect them to make an inspection and give himself an excuse.

These gangsters are all human beings.

Don't act as soon as your brain is hot, and cut off your own retreat.

To get this done, he has to take the initiative.

Sweeping his gaze over the suppressed crowd, Li Jing turned his head to look at Yu Lian.

"Xiaoyu, work."

Yu Lian first witnessed Li Jing sweeping the streets with whispers of spirits and spirits, killing countless people.

Seeing him take out the Linglong Tower to suppress everything in the subspace again, this will shake my heart.

Li Jing is very strong, Yu Lian has always known it.

But she didn't know that someone had reached such a point now.

This strength, Iron Seven Realm!

Just one fairy artifact can explain a lot...

If you don't reach the Seventh Realm, if you don't have any adventures, you can't raise immortal weapons.


How did Li Jing enter the seventh realm?

It's the seventh level, why is he still jumping around outside?

Both the Inspection Bureau and the Management Bureau seem to be unaware of this?

Yu Lian was full of doubts.

Hearing someone's voice, she looked at him with a strange expression.

Seeing this, Li Jing laughed.

"In detail, I will explain to you slowly when I have a chance in the future. After cleaning up here, I have to go to the Monster Federation. That is the root cause of the disappearance of the three inspectors."

Of course Yu Lian would not count on Li Jing's explanation.

Don't say that there are some things she doesn't want to understand deeply.

She is not Li Jing's woman, so she has no reason to ask to know about this.

And based on her understanding of Li Jing.

When someone explains, it's just lip service.

But these are not the point.

The point is, the Monster Federation.

For helping Li Jing this time, Yu Lian and Jiu Li did not discuss remuneration with him.

Both of them knew that there would be no disadvantage in doing things for Li Jing.

There is a shadow of the Monster Federation in this shit, UU Reading Li Jing didn't mention it in the first place.

Now that it is mentioned, Yu Lian is relieved.

The pay is stable.

Yu Lian and Jiuli have not fully digested what they have gained in Chongyuan Secret Realm until now.

They don't mind if there's more meat to eat.

Moreover, the flesh and blood of high-level monsters that are serious and honest are different from the flesh and blood of giant beasts they got in the secret realm of Chongyuan. The latter is very difficult to cook and the taste is not very good.

At the moment, Yu Lian was also unambiguous, stepped forward and stepped into the Linglong Pagoda, her red lips parted slightly, exhaling a cloud of thick pink smoke.

Li Jing followed behind and took out a small notebook, preparing to take notes on the spot.

Le Wen

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