How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars

Chapter 611: confusing, dark scholar

Watching the scholar take his seat, Li Jing chose to cut to the chase.

"Xianyu is the game, and you are a player in the game, so you must know a lot of inside information?"

Faced with such a straightforward question, the scholar was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly.

"Li Jushi, you really think too highly of Xiaosheng. Xiaosheng is just a **** in the game, and it's not voluntary."

As he spoke, he glanced at the three people lying on the ground.

"Not only Xiaosheng, but the fate of these three people will not be much better than Xiaosheng, including this master who was born in Buddhism."

Before Li Jing could speak, the scholar stared at him with piercing eyes.

"Li Jushi, you are a capable person, but you may be wrong about one thing. The world is a game, and life is a chess game. We, who were considered strong in the ancient fairyland Huazhai Fengyun in the past, are in the game. In the eyes of those big figures in the upper three realms, they are no different from ants."

Li Jing was silent.

Reason, he understands.

The scholar's words can be considered calm, not like talking nonsense.

But after all the effort wasted, this has reached a dead end, and it is still unclear what kind of purpose is hidden behind the overall situation.

This is really annoying.

The scholar smiled when he saw that someone was silent when he heard his own voice.

"Xiaosheng can see that Layman Li is trying to find out what is really hidden behind the big picture. That being the case, Layman Li, you don't need to worry about it. Layman Li, you have already entered the game, just follow the big picture, and the truth will always come out. .”

Li Jing rolled his eyes upon hearing this.

"Since you can see that I am trying to figure out the truth behind the scenes, then it should be that I personally have no intention of going with the overall situation."

Before the words fell, the scholar responded.

"Why not Xiaosheng?"

"You sound nice."

Li Jing curled his lips and said.

"It's not that I didn't understand beforehand. Maybe you guys didn't enter the game voluntarily, but there are things you want or expect to achieve in this game."

"Li, you are right."

The scholar responded calmly and said.

"But this is also the most irritating part of the overall situation. The karma of the people involved in the situation has been manipulated by humans. This is both a good thing and a bad thing."

As he spoke, he talked eloquently.

"If the power of the Three Realms intervenes, our cause and effect are purely cause and effect. It is true that everything has a cause and an effect, but when there will be an "effect" is completely unknown. There are many "effects", even if we spend our entire lives chasing after them. It may not be possible to get what you want.”

"Cultivation has reached the level I am waiting for, and it is definitely not safe. But the twists and turns on the road of practice will only become more difficult as you progress. No one knows what they will encounter in the next moment, and whether they will be able to take the next step alive."

After saying two words in succession, the scholar said calmly.

"It's the overall situation that gives us the possibility to fulfill our wishes and even our obsessions." After hearing the scholar's narration, Li Jing fell into silence again.



He can't talk about these things.

At least not now.

But he can understand these.

In order to fulfill long-cherished wishes and obsessions, people like scholars have been dormant in the fairyland for millions of years?

In these long years.

They are either sleeping or banned.


It's the price they need to pay.

As the scholar said.

It is not safe to say that it is safe to practice at their level, but no one can guarantee that they can go on like this forever.

If you don't fall into a deep sleep, you will be banned.

Millions of years?

Even the strong ones from the ancient fairyland may not be able to survive to this day.


The former Immortal Territory was filled with people who migrated from the ancient Immortal Territory, but they are all gone now.

If you are a businessman who washes your cups, there must be some who choose to leave alive.

But many more apparently died for various reasons.

Those in the game, including scholars, are willing to sleep and be banned for hundreds of thousands of years, and they are willing to become pawns in the hands of unknown strong men.

The wishes and obsessions hidden behind such a price are undoubtedly extremely important to them personally.

Even if they can't reach the end, they will stagnate throughout their lives.

Don't feel exaggerated.

That's what practice is.

Once there is something in my heart that I can't let go, there is a high probability that it will be difficult to get close.

Refer to Qingluan.

The same is the bird of God.

She actually lived longer than Jin Ritian.

However, Jin Ritian has long been the dominant demon emperor of the southern region in today's later generations, and even a pair of daughters have both become emperors.

Qingluan, who was born earlier, was unable to take the step of becoming emperor because of the disappearance of Huofeng, and even her own independent world could not be truly perfected.

It wasn't until she let go that there was a turning point.

Just as he was thinking, Chen Yuran saw that someone was silent, so he opened his mouth and said.

"May I ask, scholar, why did you enter the game? What are your long-cherished wishes or obsessions?"

Facing such a question, the scholar took out a folding fan from the skirt of his shirt with the expression of a girl, and opened it with a clatter, and fanned it coquettishly.

"I'm not afraid of the jokes of the two of you when you say it out. The reason for Xiaosheng's simplicity is to see her again."


Li Jing made a question mark.

Chen Yuran also frowned and said strangely.

"Did I get it wrong? You... entered for a woman?"

"No, not a woman."

The scholar responded, saying.

"She is the goddess in Xiaosheng's mind."


Li Jing.

He's straight up a good guy.

He just thought that the scholar's long-cherished wish or obsession must be unusual, and it turned out to be so vulgar?

For a woman.

Dormant in Xianyu for so long, as for it?

While complaining frantically, the scholar said calmly facing his strange gaze.

"Ask what love is in the world, and it's a promise of life and death. Besides sage books, it's only natural that Xiaosheng has other pursuits, right?"

Li Jing's mouth twitched when he heard this, and he didn't want to talk to him.

At the side, Chen Yuran pondered for a while, then made a strange sound.

"The she you mentioned...did she go somewhere or...?"

Facing this question, the scholar, who was suddenly flabbergasted, froze and fell silent. Chen Yuran immediately understood. Li Jing also understood.

The person he was looking for was no longer alive.

Looking at each other, Li Jing spoke.

"The karma in this round allows you to see her again?"

"I don't know."

The scholar shook his head and said.

"But she has the possibility of being reincarnated, after all, she is the saintess of Yaochi from the upper three realms, and Ye Piaoran, the best of the Celestial Emperor ranks in the Ancient Immortal Realm."

Hearing these words, Li Jing and Chen Yuran looked at each other again.


They are familiar.

As for whether the scholar said this is the one they know well-known in the mythology.

This is not very important.


Can people really be reincarnated after death?

After all, Li Jing and Chen Yuran lived in a modern society.

It's good that Blue Star has immortality, but it also respects science.

No matter how mysterious things are in immortality, if there is no scientific evidence to prove them, it is impossible for ordinary people to believe them.

It's like being reincarnated. It seemed to them pure nonsense.

When a person dies like a lamp goes out, how can there be reincarnation?

But in the eyes of Li Jing and Chen Yuran today.

This is not impossible.

After all, they came to Xianyu, and their vision has been broadened a lot.

Like Nalan Que.

Although it can't be regarded as reincarnation and rebirth, it was resurrected by chance and coincidence.

A remnant soul that has been dead for countless years can be resurrected for a lifetime, so reincarnation is not a must, isn't it?

However, the one the scholar in front of him was looking for.

How many generations ago?

If she is reincarnated.

So many years have passed.

Either he has become a top tycoon again, or all living beings are wandering in the cycle of death and rebirth again and again.

Regardless of the possibility, she was no longer the person the scholar knew.

"What's wrong with you?"

Chen Yuran looked over, feeling it.

"What should be understood, Xiaosheng understands."

The scholar smiled and said.

"But there are some things that you can't let go of, and it's really hard to let go."

As he spoke, he looked straight over.

"Li Jushi, I can see that you are very disgusted with this overall situation. If you have the opportunity to ruin this situation, you will definitely not hesitate. But I am here to ask you, no matter what, at least let this situation go to the end. Otherwise, Xiaosheng will die. I don’t want to risk my life, I must stop it…”

Before finishing speaking, Li Jing raised his eyes.

"How about I kill you now?"


The scholar choked on this sudden mouth.

He thought about it.

I have said everything I can say, even the long-cherished wish that I have buried in my heart for many years.

Li Jing should understand himself and sympathize with himself.

Show your attitude, shouldn't it be too much, right?

Keren doesn't play his cards according to the routine at all.

Just feeling uncomfortable, Li Jing spoke flatly.

"If you want to live to see this game to the end, to see if you can still see her, you'd better figure out your current situation."

The scholar opened his mouth silently when he heard the words, and nodded silently.

He's kind of nice on the nose.

But that depends on how Li Jing doesn't plan to embarrass himself in this line of work.

But scholars are not stupid.

Li Jing's words in front of him seemed casual.

But no matter from which angle you look at it, this guy can do what he says.


To be precise.

There are reasons why he must do so.

Knowing this, the scholar couldn't help but cast his eyes aside, Chen Yuran's face gradually became strange, and he swallowed his saliva and looked at Li Jing.

"Could it be that this girl is the one entering the game?"

To meet these words, Li Jing didn't hide it, said.

"Not necessarily, but the cause and effect on her must have been messed with, and even involved me. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't be able to say that I was in the game out of nowhere."

As he spoke, Li Jing looked gloomy.

"The feeling that I can't hide even if I want to hide step by step makes me very uncomfortable."



Although Li Jing didn't say it clearly, it was not bad.

No matter how hard you try to hide, you can't dodge it.

It means that he was "arranged".

As for whether Chen Yuran was "arranged" because of his involvement or whether he was "arranged" himself, no one can say for sure.

But the immediate point.

Still, if given the chance, Li Jing would definitely ruin this round. Of course, the scholar can't see this happening.

How many years has he waited?

Seeing that there will be a bright future.

If Li Jing were to destroy everything, wouldn't everything return to the original point?

The issue is…

He can't beat Li Jing.

Looking at Chen Yuran sitting next to Li Jing, a scholar who is essentially trapped in love can understand why someone is angry.

It was him instead.

He will make the same decision.

If she is still alive.

Maybe, at this time, Chen Yuran is also by his side like sitting beside Li Jing.

After a moment of silence, the scholar closed the folding fan in his hand.

"Li Layman, if we don't agree with each other, how about we just leave here?"

Li Jing frowned upon hearing this.

Before he could speak, the scholar said.

"Why this girl Chen is involved in this, the answer can only be revealed if everything goes on.

What Xiaosheng knew, he had already told Layman Li.

We both have things we have to do and conflict with each other, so it's better not to go together. "

As he spoke, he fixed his eyes on Chen Yuran and turned his head to look over.

"There is one thing that Xiaosheng can tell Layman Li. Miss Chen is not the destined person we are waiting for. This is absolutely certain. The four of us will feel something when we see the destined person, but we don't.

"When Yingshang said this, Li Jing didn't care.

Is Chen Yuran the destined person that the scholars and the others are waiting for?

It doesn't matter from the start.


She's clearly involved in the bigger picture.

And the meeting with four people including the scholar is very likely to be a part of her cause and effect, but he is messing with her in front of her.

Chen Yuran frowned slightly when he heard what the scholar said.

"So, it's not me you're waiting for?"

"Of course not, otherwise I would have shown up from the beginning."

The scholar responded, looked sideways at someone and continued.

"The two of you stayed at the entrance and didn't leave after entering. It made it difficult for me to wait."

Chen Yuran was dumbfounded.

Li Jing spoke neither salty nor light.

"Is this your home or something? Is there a problem if I come or not?"

Resenting the scholar, Li Jingdao.

"From the current point of view, there is really no need for us to go together. I am not a person who is easy to kill, and I don't want to commit murder in vain. But there is one thing, I need you to point me in the right direction."

Before anyone could continue, the scholar spoke.

"If Layman Li wants to find the candle dragon sealed here, go east. Usually, with the speed of the sky at the Venerable Realm, it can be reached in half a month."

Li Jing frowned upon hearing this. Time is not an issue.

It's just that the scholar in front of me is a little too knowledgeable?

As if knowing what he was thinking, the scholar smiled.

"Li Layman, don't think about it too much. The predestined person has not yet appeared, and the candle dragon will not be born. Even if Li Layman and Miss Chen pass by, it doesn't make much sense."

Speaking, he said again.

"Li Layman, you have the intention of disrupting the situation. It is indeed the opposite of Xiaosheng. Xiaosheng should be more prepared. But now Xiaosheng is in a worrying situation after all. The priority is to ensure that he is safe. Naturally, what should be said should be said."

After saying this, he got up and let out a long breath, and added.

"Furthermore, this game is not something you can mess up, Layman Li, if you want to. Other players in the game will rush to enter the restricted space in a few days. No matter how strong you are, Layman Li, if you stand up at that time, you will be hard to beat with two fists. Not to mention Those who talk about the layout will not make no preparations and let people easily destroy everything. Thinking about it this way, there is absolutely no reason for Xiaosheng to conflict with Layman Li."

Hearing the scholar's words, Li Jing laughed dumbfounded, got up and said.

"You're an interesting person, too."

Scholar's ear words reveal the valley of laughter.

Just about to speak, Li Jing said.

"See you next time. You and I may be enemies. If you don't want to die, hide behind."



This one speaks...

Why are people always unable to connect?

Just don't know what to say, Li Jingdao.

"Okay, you can get out, don't forget to take these three brothers and sisters of yours away."


The scholar made a question mark and frowned.

"Li Layman, are you... not going to find Zhulong?"

"Didn't you say that Candle Dragon won't be born in due time?"

Li Jing asked back, said.

"Besides, you said it yourself, the destined person you are waiting for is the most important thing. Knowing that it is meaningless for me to run there by myself, why should I go there? It's fun?"




It's not the same as he thought.

He thought so.

He said everything he should tell Li Jing, and his attitude was clear.

In this way, you can get rid of the evil star in front of you earlier, get out of trouble and continue to wait for the destined person.

Who would have thought that this person would suddenly change his mind?

Look at his attitude...

It seems that they intend to occupy this entrance.

Seeing that the scholar looked at Li Jing with a painful expression on his face and then opened his mouth, Chen Yuran couldn't help laughing.

About nasty people.

Li Jing has always been very good at it.

Now his skill is really getting deeper and deeper!


Seeing the scholar standing still in front of him, Li Jing's expression became colder.

"What? You don't want to leave?"

While speaking, the white-haired loli named Wuming dragged a murder weapon that did not match her figure to Li Jing's side at the right time, and Linglong also ran out with her eyes shining.

Seeing Qi Ling Wuming, the scholar is not much.

It can be seen that Linglong who beat the Taoist unconscious with punches and kicks, the corners of his eyes twitched again and again, showing a distressed look.

"That... Layman Li, the arrogance in Xiaosheng's body has not yet recovered..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Jing pouted.

"Don't talk about it, it's been so long, I don't believe you are not ready to do anything."

With that said, he said coldly.

"I'll give you three breaths, and take them away. Otherwise, you don't have to leave, and you'll have to sleep here forever."

Facing this ultimatum-like words, the scholar's weak and helpless expression froze, he took a step back and saluted.

"There will be a period later."

After all, he no longer pretended to be powerless.

I saw him biting the tip of his tongue, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The next moment.

The awe-inspiring righteousness in his body immediately recovered.

Taking a deep look at Li Jing, who was standing there with a calm expression, the scholar waved his hands and rolled over the three unconscious people, and then he rose from the sky and went away in an instant.

Seeing this, Chen Yuran raised his eyes and looked back, strangely.

"How do you know that this scholar can actually do it at any time?"

"It's not easy for anyone who can go to Guiyuan, let alone come to Xianyu and dormant until now."

Li Jing smiled and said.

"Another point is that this scholar hides in the dark place not because he doesn't want to come out, but because he moves at the same time. The arrangement of the four of them is obviously because he looks weak. He is actually the strongest, and he is the most suitable as a backup. He is afraid of me. True, but I'm supposed to let my guard down after we've had an exchange, especially if it's been a pleasant one."

Just about to continue, Chen Yuran nodded.

"I can see that this scholar is not as pure as he appears on the surface. His passion is true, but his calmness is not necessarily true. I didn't do it for nothing when I patrolled Blue Star for so many years. I know that this kind of person often has the darkest temperament. But After coming to Xianyu, I really didn't get used to such 'simple,' folk customs."

Li Jing laughed when he heard this.

The "folk customs" of the fairyland are indeed a bit difficult for the Blue Stars to adapt to.

After all here.

It's very common to laugh at you when we meet, and give you a heart-breaking knife when you turn around.

Especially those who have experienced wind and rain.

None of them are cruel.

People like scholars who came from the ancient fairyland and have been dormant until now, no matter how pure they are, they will not go anywhere.

After all.

It was not easy to survive that era.

Without continuing the topic, Li Jing tilted his head.

"Let's follow Lu Zhi"

Chen Yuran smiled when he heard the words, and nodded quickly.


While speaking, she tilted her head and thought for a while, then suddenly pecked Li Jing's cheek lightly.

? ? ?

Li This sneak attack was a bit sudden.

"Hurry up."

After Chen Yuran said something, she turned and walked away with a slightly red face.

Seeing this, Li Jing blinked, smiled happily and was about to walk to the grill.

As soon as he took a step, Chen Yuran's voice rang in his ears in the form of sound transmission.

"Thank you for being by my side."

Hearing this sound transmission all of a sudden, Li Jing paused without looking back, and the sound transmission responded.

"It's all my job."

Li Jing still understands the dishonesty of his little girlfriend.

She would be ashamed to say something to her face.