How Dare You Attack My Support!

Chapter 12

eg esports club.

"Well, today's training match Lao Tzu was fifteen minutes, but Gu Zixing was a total of ten or twenty knives."

Qi Shen swayed out of the training room, followed by their team assistant Qin Xiangnan.

"Why don't you say that there is a Yao Yao assistant next to you, and the old Gu himself is there." Qin Xiangnan said with a sip.

"But it seems that I'm not terrifying." Qi Shen let out her hand, taking her tone for granted. Yao Leyi, who had been walking behind and playing with his mobile phone, couldn't help but laughed out of sigh.

Qin Xiangnan snorted coldly: "I should really record these words for a while and let the old Gu listen to you, and see how the old Gu nags you."

"Still hitting me? He's terribly dead."

"What are you talking about?"

As soon as Qi Shen looked up, Gu Zixing stood in front of the vending machine in the club lobby, holding two bottles of water in his hand.

"I said that I had pressed a chicken and a knife for fifteen minutes just now." Qi Shen was so proud that he reached for the bottle of water that Gu Zixing had never drunk. Gu Zixing raised his hand and ducked away.

"Yes." Gu Zixing narrowed his eyes and looked at Qi Shen, showing an unpleasant smile. "The more than two thousand push-ups were not done in vain."

"There are more than 1,500 of the more than 2,000 push-ups for you, sorry to mention!"

"love you."

"You're welcome, just give me the water."

"Give, give." Gu Zixing didn't want to argue, and handed Qi Shen the bottle of undrinked water.

As soon as Qi Shengang opened the lid, he was about to drink, but saw Assistant Qin looking at him as he gestured for Yao Le to stand.


Qi Shen first realized for a moment. Quickly handed Yao Le the water fart that had just been unscrewed and had no time to drink.

"Come and come, Lele spit, training hard!"

Yao Le looked up from the screen of the mobile phone, looked at the bottle of water in Qi Shen's hand, hesitated, glanced at Gu Zixing, and finally shook his head and said, "No, I'm going to the cafeteria."

Having said that, Yao Le did not wait for Qi Shen to speak before leaving alone.

Looking at the back of Yao Le leaving, Qi Shen felt like he had done something wrong ...


"Why." Gu Zixing was also looking down at the phone at this time, and he really did not pay attention to what Qi Shen had just done.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize that you bought this bottle of water for Yao Le!"

"It's okay ......... Huh?" Gu Zixing frowned. "Who said he bought it for him."

"Ah?" Qi Shen froze, even holding Assistant Qin next to him.

"I bought more bottles because of more coins." Gu Zixing finally willingly pulled his eyes out of the mobile phone screen and looked at Qi Shen, "What's the matter with Yao Le."

It's ok? So determined ...

Qi Shen seemed to hear something vaguely from Gu Zixing's tone. When she wanted to speak, Gu Zixing closed her mouth with another topic.

"Do you really ask someone in the personnel department to investigate the assistant yesterday?"

"Yeah, how do you know."

"The person in the personnel department just sent a message asking me if the person you are asking today is what I asked."

"Yeah, but how do I remember it's not the personnel department, it's the club's department or department that usually finds new people."

"It's the personnel department."

"Ah, this." Qi Shen pursed his lips, and he really didn't care about other things besides training the club.

"Anyway, their usual work is similar to this. I think you were so enthusiastic about him yesterday. Today, he reported his ID and service in the area and let the club do an investigation."

"You're not busy." Gu Zixing frowned, seemingly disgusted, but finally added a sentence: "What's found?"

"You see, you just want to know!" Qi Shenle, sometimes he really thinks that Gu Zixing likes to hide everything and feels cute and boring, but sometimes he is very angry.

"This person is a signing anchor on Yama Live Broadcasting Platform. His name is Qiao Xunzhou, and he has been playing" Hero Hero "for six or seven years." Qi Shen said very skillfully, "These are all information obtained from his Weibo , I didn't ask them to spy on the privacy of others. "

"How old?"

"Twenty years old."


"The age is a bit too old, but just a few trainers said that after watching his live video, there is still a certain foundation in operation. Even if he comes to the team, he can't make the starting lineup, but as a backup sparring interviewer, there is nothing Question. "Qi Shen said and patted Gu Zixing's shoulder." After all, it's your **** powder. Anyway, give me face. "

"Then, please pay more attention to the club's people. Ya cat live broadcast is anyway, its own business, very good seedlings don't let the fat water flow to outsiders' fields." Gu Zixing ordered.

"Give me my room number in a short while."


Qiao Yanzhou hung Liang Dong's phone and slept until twelve before he got up from the bed.

Today ’s live broadcast is ten hours, so let ’s start at two. Qiao Yanzhou yawned.

While brushing his teeth, he rummaged through WeChat, and found that he did not know when he added a friend to apply for WeChat.

Star requests to add you as a friend.

Who is this person? The head is still a little stupid Shar Pei ...

Qiao Yuzhou thought about it and chose to agree after determining that this person should not be something like advertising or marketing.

YZ Joe :? ?

In addition to playing games, he is usually lazy and dying, but he ca n’t wait to be too lazy (?) Qiao Xuzhou just sends two question marks on WeChat to the other side to indicate the identity.

However, the other party did not reply.

Qiao Yanzhou sat in front of the computer after washing and still stared at the phone. After he opened the circle of friends of that person, he found that this person's circle of friends can really be described at a glance.

There is only one piece of content in a blank circle of friends, and the repost is not original, and the repost date is four years ago.

"2014eg E-sports Club e-sports talent training program officially recruits new members"

This is the title of that circle of friends.


Well, this man is not that great god! Qiao Minzhou's heart tightened and he pulled out of the circle of friends to open the dialog box with the person just now, but the other party still didn't reply.

In the end, Qiao Xunzhou couldn't wait, he just opened the live broadcast first.

Ten hours, but what should I do today ...

While thinking, Qiao Yanzhou habitually opened "League of Legends", but as a result, many audiences were dissatisfied.

Annie Bear: The anchor will change the game!

Forgive what green is green: Say good eg if you lose the game, live horror games?

Caicaigua: Skydiving!

Pigeon: Overwatch positioning race goes!


Qiao Xunzhou was really tired looking at the barrage that had fry the pan on the screen. The phrase "difficult to tune" can't be more appropriate in the current studio.

In fact, Qiao Quzhou is not a small game here. A series of game consoles such as pS4, pSpro, pSvr, XBoX, Nintendo, etc. Qiao Quzhou have everything. On the PC, Steam and Ubisoft and other series of game platforms, he has purchased countless games .

As a veteran game house, Qiao Yizhou never had to worry about playing any game, but ...

Before Eg lost the game, Qiao Yanzhou felt that the game of Eg was already in perfect condition, so he bragged with the audience in the live broadcast room that if Eg lost the game, he would broadcast the horror game. Later, he was encouraged by the audience. Horror game.

"Escape 2", "Resident Evil 7", "Layers of Fear", "Five Nights at Teddy Bear", "Evil Within", "Silent Hill: Homecoming", "Silent Hill: Heavy Rain" ...

However, the audience at the time did not know that Qiao Yanzhou's dead point was exactly these horror games. He could scare the urine even after watching the opening title of the game ...

But now Qiao Yanzhou has been riding a tiger, this time he was really muffled to death. So the facts tell us that pretending that B always suffers retribution.

At this moment, the rhythm of the horror game has been brought up in the live broadcast room of Qiao Yanzhou. Qiao Yanzhou saw that the scene was about to be uncontrollable, so he hurriedly said, "Friends and friends, it is too dark to broadcast a horror game so bright outside at noon, Let's wait for the evening. "

Liangci: The anchor wants chicken again

Eat me a broken sword: I'm afraid it's not going to run at night

Babyface: Do n’t ask the anchor



Qiao Xunzhou was helpless. He bit his lip and clenched his fist. He made a big determination: "Then I will change the room name to‘ live broadcast horror games at nine o’clock at night, otherwise live women ’s clothing ’will not work.




After Qiao Chengzhou's proposal was unanimously approved, a new wave of people's voices appeared in the live broadcast room.

Anchor If you have a camera while broadcasting a horror game, it's even better!

Why do I suddenly want to watch live women's clothing!

"Bad me again, unplug the network cable." Qiao Yanzhou said with gritted teeth.