How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 648: Game of Thrones (Part 1)

In the flagship, the royal families of the Holy Worm State communicated with each other. Following the topic of arbitration and punishment in the previous coordination meeting, another royal family opened another more realistic topic.

"I am not worried about the Coordination Committee. Compared to the Coordination Committee, I am more worried about the Pence people. Although they are indeed extremely loyal to the royal family, don't forget that they are a race and they are not lacking in ambition. Race, after tasting the delicacy of domination, I don’t think they will give it back to us."

The Pens people were originally the first-class natives on a certain planet in the door world, and they were later brought under the jurisdiction of the fourth-class lords who expanded outward. Because the country’s internal subject system was alien slavery, these were taken back The Pens people under their jurisdiction are naturally reduced to slaves and sold as commodities on the open market in the door world.

Because the Pence people are highly adaptable to the environment, they are widely praised by various countries, and the country that pursues alien slavery has also made a lot of money.

The royal family bought some back and used them as soldiers.

Putting the Pens people into the livable but bad environment, for the holy kingdom of Vom, the index finger is boring but it is a pity that they are abandoned on the chicken rib planet, allowing them to breed and grow their race.

In order to speed up fertility and save time and cost, the royal family will give the Pence people on the planet a collective drug to stimulate mating every once in a while.

After the number of Pensians reaches a base number, the royal family will send a group of people to other chicken ribs, and thus a large barracks of planetary stars will be built.

The Pence people are the tools of the royal family to rule the sacred state of Vom. All the people killed in the sacred state of Vom’s fleet that fought with the collectors were Pence people. There is no royal family in the various regiments from the commander to the soldiers. It's human, how can human be on the battlefield? Going to the battlefield is a matter of tools.

After this mention, other royal families also began to pay attention to the issue of the Pence people. Due to the situation, they handed over the power of rule to the Pence people, and agreed with them to return the power of rule when the royal family returns.

"Absolute loyalty only exists in a beautiful story. We know this better than anyone else. The temptation brought by the rule is enough to exceed the price of the Pence people betraying our royal family. It can be said that regardless of other conditions, the Pence people's Betrayal is inevitable."

There is no absolute loyalty in this world. The so-called absolute loyalty is just not enough bargaining chips for betrayal.

To be honest, most royal families believe that the Pensi people cannot resist the temptation of power and will eventually betray their royal family. Even if they have been brainwashed by the royal family for so many generations, most royal families do not believe in the Pensi people.

It can even be said that no one of the royal family believes in the entire Holy Worm State, because they don’t think any race would be willing to give up the opportunity to rise like this. This is not a personal right at all, but a collective desire. It is very difficult. Contained live.

"However, we have an absolute reason to let them return the ruling power."

"Perhaps the careerists within the Pence people are still complacent and think they have reached the apex of power, but they will eventually find that without our royal family, their Pence people will be nothing."

When someone said this, the royal family laughed. The royal family chose the Pensi people because they had the reason that they would eventually return the right to the royal family. The Pensi people had no choice at all.

"A race that has no industrial ability, no cultural heritage, even the most basic mining, planting, etc., has nothing except fighting, and has no future. However, their best combat ability is almost completely dependent on us. Royal family."

The royal family consciously restricted the learning of the Pensi people, even if they became the most loyal lackeys of the royal family to rule the sacred state of Worm. The Pensi people specialize in fighting, they are not afraid of death, and they dare to fight for their lives. Warriors better than this, but they don't know anything else, and don't even know how to feed themselves. It can be said to be quite deformed.

The combat effectiveness of the Pensi people in the sacred Warm State fleet is very dependent on the spiritual realm, and the reason they can use the spiritual realm is because of the royal family. Once they leave the royal family, the special combat power of the Pensi people will also be lost. , Thus reduced to a waste race with no strengths and capabilities.

And because of being a tool of the ruler all the year round, the races in the Holy Wom State basically hate the Pens people. Unless the Pens people do not want to be exterminated by the haters, even if they love power, they will eventually return the rule to the royal family. , Because only the royal family can make Pence people live better.

It is for this reason that the royal family will give rights to the Pence people rather than other races in the territory.


The home planet of the sacred Worm State, the Pence people held a meeting in the hall that belonged to the royal family, and now they are the new masters here.

Since the collectors must concentrate their forces to fight with the Coordinating Council, the pressure on the front of the Holy Worm State is much smaller, and the two sides maintain a certain degree of tacit understanding with each other. As long as the fleet of the Holy Worm State does not actively attack the collectors, the collectors There will also not take the initiative to attack the Holy Worm State.

Of course, as long as the Holy Worm State dares to attack, it will inevitably endure a fierce counterattack.

The Holy Worm State, which knows that it is invincible, will naturally not take the initiative to touch the mold of the collectors, anyway, the final coordination meeting will also destroy or maimed the enemy.

The external problems can basically be solved, but the internal problems need to be dealt with urgently. Recently, the people of Pence have held frequent meetings at

At the meeting, the commander-in-chief of the assault legion made a speech.

"The royal family entrusts us with such a heavy responsibility. It is the trust in us. I hope that everyone can do their best for the country and don't think about it. Recently I heard some restless voices. I also know who came out. Here I am. Just give him a chance not to point it out, hoping that my warning can arouse his warning, don't think about things that shouldn't be thought of."

As expected by the royal family, there were voices betraying them within the Pence people, and the temptation of power was too great, especially for a whole race.

If there is a chance, which race is willing to be the lackey tool of other races? Now this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to stand up, how can the Pensi people refuse? Therefore, the rumors of betraying the royal family quickly swept through the entire Pence race like a virus.

This naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of those ‘loyalists’ within the Pence people.

The royal family is good! It was they who bestowed Pence people with better living conditions than slaves! They are their reborn parents! How can they betray such a wise and martial ‘monarch’? ——And the head of the loyalists is the commander in chief of the assaulting and killing legion.

Although this is what he said about killing the army commander, his sight has publicly pointed out who he is talking about, it is the deputy commander of his army Desen.

Desen stood up and paid a military salute to the commander-in-chief of the assault army and other army commanders.

"It's the bounden duty of our Pence family to do our best for the country. I will naturally remember the commander's teachings, but I don't know anything about it. I hope the commander can give me the answer."

Desen's words paused, and then he continued after scanning a circle.

"Does the commander hope the royal family will return?"