[HP] Disappearing Cat Raccoon

Chapter 18: No. 18

What Draco Malfoy came to do with me, I couldn't know better.

"You should probably know that I've been in Diagon Alley since I entered the wizarding world. There's nothing suspicious about going to Flip Alley once in a while."

I looked at him with a frown and showed a smile. Most of the people in Knockturn Alley are blind or obsessed with black magic. People like me will obviously be taught a lesson if they go in.

But as long as I teach them a lesson in turn, I will be able to get in and out without any problems.

I don't know how to measure the magic power, but I guess based on my own strength, I am probably the magic power of an adult wizard wearing a 13-year-old skin, and at the same time, because the body is still growing, the magic power is also growing accordingly.

Anyway, there is no such thing as tonic magic, and I am also happy to see my magic power become stronger day by day.

"It's Mr. Malfoy, but don't get separated from your father. This world is not as simple as you think."


Draco Malfoy, being a little jerk, the most he does is go against Harry...

Seriously, you Slytherins have to take it apart and talk about it in detail, it's really arrogant and cute! On the surface, I'm sorry, the whole world, and why are you hitting me? Secretly, I've seen the Quidditch captains of the four academies gathering together several times! What own players are disobedient, what teachers assign too much homework...

If you Slytherins are so arrogant and cute, why don't you show such a bastard?

And Master Ma, are you caring about me? As for the smug expression that I seem to have caught you, so be careful?

I twitched the corners of my mouth as I watched the young boy leave in a haughty manner, feeling that this matter could be shared with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Well, maybe it's because of my existence that Slytherin becomes more and more "I just want to make you angry".

These are all trivial things. The hand-to-hand combat at Lihen Bookstore doesn’t matter to me, and I still don’t want to get Lao Fu’s diary—seriously, Lao Fu’s soul film is from his youth, and it can be said to be the most shocking When I was so beautiful, how could I have the confidence to deceive so many Horcruxes with fast brains and grades older than me?

And since I'm not in Gryffindor, I might as well let Hermione care a little bit about the Weasleys' youngest daughter.

But I was a little surprised that, in my opinion, the toilet paper, that is, Lockhart's novels, was named a classic by Hermione, which is also a very magical thing.

"Don't you think he's very powerful, Irina!"

"I don't know if he's powerful or not. I just think it's unreliable that his smirk can repel the female ghost."

I lazily flipped through the toilet paper in my hand and sneered: "The lady in red, isn't this thing made in Asia? There is no such thing here in Europe, and he can show off such a big mistake. ."

Harry sat on my side and laughed directly, but when he saw Hermione's embarrassment, he coughed and stepped on the foot of Ron, who was also gloating at his misfortune: "Irina, after all, there are quite a few books. Exaggerated description."

"Well, yes, but this thing must not be used as a textbook."

I put down the toilet paper and pulled out three Defence Against the Dark Arts textbooks that I had picked out from my pocket—these were the textbooks my Defence Against the Dark Arts professor gave us when I was in second grade: "If you want to see, It's still pretty good."

I introduced some defense methods in detail. I still remember that he gave us a little bit about the principle of the amulet at that time. I also made one, and now this amulet is in Linda's hands.

On September 1st, Harry was at the station with the Weasleys, and I wanted to see if the kids would fly to school, but I thought I should be a firefighter.

Although I also really want to take the speeding QAQ.

So I fully understand the mood of the two boys, and I also choose to go to school by flying car, but the key is that the beginning is good and the process is bad and the ending is even more miserable. I still shrink in Hogwarts.

Hermione huddled with me in Hufflepuff's private room because she couldn't find two people, and she couldn't help being a little interested after watching me kill the Quartet with card counting. Cedric glanced at the little girl, suddenly feeling a little weird.

"Irina, hasn't Granger been with Potter and the others all the time?"

"Yeah, my dear brother is expected to make a shocking debut. I choose to watch it on the side, and by the way, I will say something when necessary."

"What is he going to do?"

"What would you do if you were locked out by the station and the train had already left and the parents didn't come out?"

Linda showed a thoughtful expression, and then hesitantly said, "Contact the school?"

"Meanwhile, you have a flying car by your side."

I calmly added the condition that when Hermione exclaimed that this was impossible, she heard the decisive voices of the three Hufflepuffs present.

"Certainly by flying to school!"


So, isn't it human nature?

It was my birthday on the second day of school. I looked at Harry, who had a Band-Aid on his face because he was attacked, and Ron, who was very honest next to him. I couldn't help listening to the roaring letter. Laugh out loud.

"Look at Harry's expression, poof. Although I was envious before, I don't mind at all now."

But Lockhart's class is really complete nonsense.

I languidly turned the pen, filled his paper with no defiant smile, turned it over like any normal student, and was surrounded by Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaw.

"Any ideas, Irina?"

"No idea other than to make me more sure that I bought a bunch of toilet paper." I snorted contemptuously, then pulled out a copy of How to Defend Elementary Dark Magic from my bag and threw it to Cedric: "If you are interested, you might as well read this book."

"This is..."

"Professor Sprout gave it to me, as long as everyone understands."

Yes, as long as everyone understands. This year's Hogwarts will not be calm, and I will be the same. At first Linda thought that she was finally starting to understand her image when I carried the mirror with me, but when I used it a little every time I turned the corner, her expression You can simply put emojis on it.

I'm in fourth grade, I'm going to take the normal wizard test next year, and I'm still in love.

"You're saying the same thing as Professor McGonagall."

"Thank you for the compliment."

I think the first month of school is always pretty quick, and the second month starts to be nothing - except to my amazement that the first graders are still snapping Harry and taking pictures.


I know I know, when I saw Harry, all I thought of was the words "help me" that he didn't blurt out.

Looking at the bright-eyed first-year student, I patted Harry on the shoulder, then gave him a cold face: "This Gryffindor, do you know what respect is?"


"You have violated Harry's life, his image rights and privacy rights, and your actions have also hurt the people around you. No one wants to be exposed all the time. below, isn't it?"

Hogwarts uknowwho appeared, but I don't believe that the people around me haven't advertised my good deeds to this little kid in front of me, so I don't care about him.

"Respect others in the future. Are you doing this to satisfy your inner star chasing thoughts, or to simply attract the attention of others so that you can respect you? Why don't you study hard when you study hard?"


Harry closed his eyes painfully beside me, and now he doesn't feel bothered to hear "study well". And I feel like he can do anything for his dear sister as long as I help him get rid of Colin.

"So you want to take a few pictures of Harry? Make a good request, and don't dwell on it if you refuse. If you do, remember to send me a copy."


The author has something to say:

If there is a flying car, then definitely choose to take the flying car!