Huashan Gate

v1 Chapter 308: Zhao Family Rebellion

"Yu Yu, even if you are the commander of the Imperial Guard, Lord Guo has no right to interrogate the prefect of this place. You don't have to scare me?" Although he is not very young, Han Weibang's mentality is mature. One novel ﹤﹤<≦﹤≤﹤<<﹤﹤﹤﹤<≦<≦

"You don't have to have any luck anymore!" Yu Yu said slowly, "You also know that I am not only the chief, but also the grandfather of the country, or a disciple of Fenglinge of the Academy, and you must know that, although I I didn't have the right to fight bandits, but I went. Not only did I go, I killed all the bandits I saw.

Do you really think I dare not cut first and play later? Let alone you, what about the princess of the Scarlet Moon Kingdom, I can't kill anyone who committed the crime. If you think that the Mu family or even the Zhao family can help you, you are very wrong. I dare to provoke even a country, and would I care about it? "

Han Weibang was full of spirits, and he knew that there was a ghost in his heart. In fact, he doesn't care about the Mu Family, nor does he have any hope. The real backer is the Zhao Family!

But as Yu Yu said, even if the Zhao family is in the south, how can it be compared to the Scarlet Moon Kingdom as a country?

But the mistake he made was so great that he could only go one way to the next.

"Yu Yu, you kill me!" Han Weibang looked desperate, unwilling to say.

Yu Yu was taken aback, this was a little bit beyond his expectation!

Chi Weihua was also stunned. This person didn't seem to be afraid of death!

Yu Yu squinted at Han Weibang, then at Mu Zhentian on the ground, thinking about various possibilities in his mind. According to his knowledge, collusion between the government and local forces is not news, at most beheading, but threatening him by himself seems to have little effect. Even if he took out his family, it didn't work.


Yu Yu laughed!

In the end, there was only one, and he committed a bigger crime!

Seeing Yu Yu's smile, Han Weibang took two steps backwards, and his perception told him that it was not good. Yu Yu looked at Han Weibang’s face and said, "Han Weibang, how old is your youngest child this year?"

"You, why are you asking about this?" Han Weibang was startled. Yu Yu was used to murder and arson. How could he not know "My youngest child is only three years old, he is innocent! Don't force people too much!"

"Han Weibang, I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore. Now I will tell you that no matter how big a crime you have committed, even if it is treason, as long as you listen to me from now on, I can keep a bloodline for you and let you Han family You won’t break the incense, otherwise you will know the consequences better than me!"

"Han Weibang, don't listen to him. This man is a murderer. Don't believe what he says. Go and call Tiehu!" Mu Zhentian said.

Han Weibang was shocked!

Tiehu is the supreme commander of the local army in Jinhua City. He has ten thousand people under his hand!

"Tiehu, is it the general Tiehu of Jinhua City?" Li Xinrui frowned suddenly and said awe-inspiringly, "Mu Zhentian, Han Weibang, you are so brave that you colluded with the army, and even the local army was dragged down by you? "

Yu Yu didn't know who Tiehu was, but Li Xinrui knew. Because King Weinan is the general of the town country, there are detailed information about the senior generals of the army in various places. Li Xinrui is brilliant, and she remembers the name of the top leader after seeing it a few times. That's why I called out now!

Hearing Li Xinrui yelled out the word army, Han Weibang's body was staggered and almost fell. Local officials colluded with the army, this is treason! This is true for any dynasty. The government and the army are separate. The army is under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of War, not under the management of the local government. The two are separated from each other and not under each other!

Yu Yu immediately understood it!

"Qin Ming, drag Mu Yun out and chop it off!" At this time, it won't work if you don't stop them.

Without saying a word, Qin Ming walked into the hall and pulled out Mu Yun who had woke up. In front of Mu Zhentian, he lifted the knife and fell, cutting off Mu Yun's head with a single knife.

Mu Yun looked desperately at his father's eyes, which made Mu Zhentian's eyes cracked and screamed. Zhao Die was also cold. It is hard to say whether he can save Mu Lei's life when he knows that he has run into the evil star today.

"Han Weibang, have you seen it? If you dare to hesitate, I will immediately kill your house and kill your family! Also, do you think the 10,000 people in the local army can stop me? To tell you the truth, I am from the front line Coming down, the hundreds of thousands of troops of the Scarlet Moon Kingdom can rush through at will, let alone a mere 10,000!"

Han Weibang fell to his knees with a thump, and he was completely desperate. Even Saint Wu, 10,000 people can come and go freely! He knows this!

"Grand Commander, you promised me to keep my little son and leave me an incense for the Han family, is it true?" Han Weibang said in despair.

"I promise you!" Yu Yu said.

"Okay!" Han Weibang stood up and stomped, "I will listen to the commander!"

"Han Weibang!" Zhao Die screamed, shook his body and rushed to him, slapped Han Weibang's head!

"Get out!" Yu Yu didn't even look at her. He lifted and kicked Zhao Die's dantian. Zhao Die screamed and flew out. Like Mu Zhentian, his veins were broken.

"You dare to kill me secretly in front of me. You look down on me too much. Han Weibang, you see, you are your ally!" Yu Yu looked at Zhao Die who was vomiting blood and said calmly.

Han Weibang smiled bitterly, "Princess, Grand Commander, what I committed is an unforgivable crime. I won’t say anything. I hope that the princess and the Grand Commander can take my child’s sake for his own sake, and leave him for his life. Bit!"

Han Weibang knelt down again and knocked his head three times!

The servants looked at the events in front of them dumbly, not knowing what to do!

"Now you tell the officials to follow the people around me and imprison all the important people in the Mu Mansion in the cell, no matter how big or small, no one is allowed to leak, listen to me!"

Han Weibang nodded!

"Qin Ming, Chi Weihua, Zuo Xiaoyong, the three of you are responsible for arresting all the important offenders in the Mu family. You are not allowed to let go. If you resist, you will kill it on the spot!" Yu Yu turned to Qin Ming and others.

The current situation seems to have gone beyond Yu Yu's previous expectations, and it seems that the Mu Family is more than just doing a fortune in Jinhua City. It is possible that they are involved in rebellion!

It didn't take long. Qin Ming and others returned to the front yard, followed by about 120 Mu Family Direct Lines! They are all surrounded by the servants!

"Bring it on and go to the government office!" Yu Yu and Li Xinrui left Mufu together!

When he arrived at the government office, Han Weibang followed Yu Yu's instructions to throw everyone on death row and wait for them to fall!

Everything was settled. It was dark. Yu Yu was sitting in the back hall. Han Weibang stood in front of him tremblingly. Yu Yu said, "Let's talk about it, what's going on, why do you seem to have a close connection with the local army!"

After the daytime events, Han Weibang has completely given up resistance or any fluke psychology, and Yu Yu asked what he answered. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to know much. But it was enough for Yu Yu.

Because he knew from Han Weibang's mouth, Li Xinrui guessed right, there was a problem with the gold ingot. Because what the Mu family occupies is not iron ore, but gold.

In fact, both iron and gold mines belong to the imperial court, and private individuals have no right to mine. What surprised Yu Yu was that the Mu family was still helping the Zhao family recruit people!

Young people!

In addition, not only Jinhua City, but also almost all localities in Jiangnan fail to pay the fiscal year. The amount of money handed over to the treasury on the account is not small, but in fact it is getting less every year, and all of this money falls into the pockets of the Zhao family! The reason why the imperial court did not appear was that the Zhao family opened up all the joints in the imperial court. There are people from the Zhao family at every yamen in the holy city. The south is already the Zhao family's world, one piece of iron!

In fact, the court actually had doubts about this matter, and sent people down to review it many times, but they all came back to no avail. No one can find even the slightest flaw!

The whole Jiangnan is actually the Zhao family's world, and has nothing to do with the current Yan country.

Yu Yu waved his hand to let Han Weibang go down, and Li Xinrui asked, "What are you going to do? Now this matter is much more serious than I expected. If we don't handle it well, it will be civil unrest!"

Yu Yu pondered for a while and said, "I have sent people to investigate in the south. There are indeed some problems. But in my estimation, the Zhao family is not prepared enough. After all, the empire's army is not vegetarian. They want to rebel and want independence. It will not be easy to grasp.

On the surface, it seems that there is a single iron plate in the south, but in fact, many people may not be so willing, but were dragged into the water by the Zhao family. If this is the case, we will confuse him, stir up the great forces in the South, and make them panic. "

"Brother Yu, doesn't this mean jumping the wall faster than them?" Zuo Xiaoyong said, "If this happens, the people will suffer!"

"No!" Yu Yu shook his head. Fu Linghua continued, "What are your plans? It's not a joke right now, or we should report it to the court and let the court send someone to investigate!"

"That would be too late!" Yu Yu disagreed, "We will open a court case tomorrow!"

"Open the case for questioning?" Several people looked at Yu Yu in confusion, and Fu Linghua said anxiously, "Yu Yu, what do you think?"

"I killed a lot of I said that I would give the court an explanation, so it is important to find out the facts of the Mu family’s crimes. To end the matter here, we went straight to the Zhao family and copied the Zhao family’s Lao Lao, hit them off guard."

"I like this!" Chi Weihua grinned, "Damn it, **** them!"

"But, are there just a few of us? Will it be a little less? As far as I know, the Zhao family are not easy to mess with. Zhao Lan is already in the Wuzong realm at a young age, so the Zhao family's background must be extraordinary!" Li Xinrui pondered Road for a moment.

"Don't worry, I have the trump card. It is estimated that someone has passed the information here long ago. We don't need to talk nonsense when we get to the Zhao family. After we get there, we will directly kill the core members of the Zhao family and kill them. In this way, those in the south cling to Zhao. The power of the family will be weighed...Do you understand what I mean?"

"Oh, I understand. What Brother Yu meant is that we will directly overthrow their masters and let those clinging to the Zhao family see that the Zhao family is actually vulnerable, so they will die and follow behind the Zhao family. An adventurous heart?" Zuo Xiaoyong's eyes lit up. "Yes, capture the thieves first. Now the Zhao family rebellion is basically certain. The best way to prevent them from jumping over the wall is to kill the evil, and leave the others to the court to deal with them slowly!"
