Huashan Gate

v1 Chapter 481: 1 madman


Qu Wan'er smiled and said, "I really didn't expect that other people went to the ancient dojo countless times, and most of them got nothing. Yu Gongzi only went to once to get the inheritance of the ancient alchemist. This opportunity is beyond the reach of others. Blessed person!"

Yu Yu laughed, "There, but you really can boast!"

Qu Wan'er sat next to Yu Yu, unconsciously approaching Yu Yu, clinging to Yu Yu's body before giving up, smiled and said, "Young Master Yu doesn't know something, I don't know everything, like I will not calculate many things about the Yuxianzong, and I will not calculate things like Fenglin Pavilion!"

"Oh, why is that?" Yu Yu asked, "Are there any taboos?"

"It's not a taboo!" Qu Wan'er looked at the surrounding scenery and was in a very good mood. She stretched out her hands to make a hug, and couldn't help saying "So comfortable!"

It was September, when Xi Xi’s cool breeze was blowing, and he threw himself on his face, neither cold nor dry, neither cold nor hot. It was really pleasant. The autumn breeze passed, and the red leaves on both sides of the official road were covered with red leaves. The beautiful scenery makes people feel relaxed and happy, and can not help but feel the beauty of mountains and rivers, the beauty of heaven and earth. . шшш.sнūнāнā.сом is updated quickly.

Qu Wan'er continued, "There is no truth to the truth. For places like Yuxianzong and Fenglin Pavilion, I can also calculate, but I don't dare to calculate too deeply. Because these places are forces that have existed for a long time. The background is amazing.

They will always have some very powerful characters, such as the master of a school, that is, the master of Yu Gongzi. There are also very few Taizu-level figures who have existed for a long time in Yuxianzong.

These people are also very sensitive to the changes in luck between heaven and earth. If Wan'er calculates these sect forces too deeply, they may find out, just like Wan'er calculates Yu Gongzi’s luck and is also caught by Yu Gongzi. Found.

Although you are not very high, Yu Gongzi's realm is the source of the sky field, so it can be sensed that even if the person has no other field source, the realm is too high to be detected.

In case they knew that it was the secret "door" who was investigating them, it is very likely that it would bring accidents to my secret "door", so dad always warned Wan'er not to extrapolate them too deeply. "

"Oh, it turns out that's the case, it's reasonable!" Yu Yu nodded and continued to fight.

The two talked and laughed, and went all the way, unknowingly a thousand miles passed!

When Yu Yu arrived in a town, he sacrificed his flying shuttle at night, and the two flew away!

As Yu Yu said, he flew to the Southeast Sea overnight and arrived at the approximate location of the Mo family, near the Meteor Islands!

Before Mo Yeyu left, he left Yu Yu with a map. The Mo family is located in the Meteor Islands near the Southeast China Sea. The reason for the name is that the islands here will disappear like meteors, but that they are here. There are many small islands.

The two of them attracted attention, so they landed early and rushed to the shore on foot!

Qu Wan'er asked on the road, "Young Master Yu, you took Doudou out to watch the sea before the battle with Chilong, did you come here too?"

Yu Yu shook his head and said, "It's not here, it's the South China Sea! In the southern part of Yan Country, there are several countries in between!"

Qu Wan'er nodded, and said seriously, "Is there anything different from here? Wan'er actually saw the sea, but it was also many years ago. I can't remember the scenery of the seaside!"

Yu Yu smiled. He is still dressed up, a little servant'touching', he is covered in coarse cloth, and he does not look overwhelming, only the flashing'fine' eyes can tell the difference.

Qu Wan'er glanced at Yu Yu with emotion, "Young Master Yu, please tell Wan'er about going out with Doudou!"

"What's there to say!" Yu Yu walked forward with his hands behind his back. The sea was in front of him, but there was no wind and no waves, and there was no sound of waves coming from the side.

"The sea in the south is the same as the sea we are about to see. There is no difference. However, the climate in the south is hotter and the four seasons are like summer. There are more coconut trees there. There are many trees and fruits that are unique to the south. I picked up a lot of fruits that can be eaten directly, it was very refreshing, and watching the stars shine on the sea in the evening, it is not a sight!"

Qu Wan'er looked at Yu Yu with fascination, "Wan'er wants to go to the south too!"

"I wipe it!" Yu Yu looked at Qu Wan'er and said, "We are going to the beach, look..."

Yu Yu pointed to the sea in front of him like a huge mirror on the ground, and there was basically no big wave or tide.

Apart from the sand everywhere, there are no plants growing on the beach here. Not far away is the woods. Deep in the woods are some fishermen who live by fishing all year round.

Qu Wan'er forgot the topic just now, and ran forward like a child, shouting "Ocean, hello... hello..."

Yu Yu shook his head, "Nima, does this look like someone over a hundred years old?"

There is no one on the beach. It is in the afternoon at this time. People are busy with their own affairs at home. People who live on the beach all year round don't think the sea has any beauty, but it feels terrifying.

As the saying goes: If you can go up the mountain, don't go down to the sea! Talking about the terrible going into the sea, the sea does not know how many fishermen's lives have been swallowed. But relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, relying on the sea to eat the sea, fishermen have no choice but to go to the sea!

Yu Yu played with Qu Wan'er on the beach happily for a long time. She left side by side with Yu Yu, ready to stay near here for one night, and then leave the next day! Mainly because of Qu Wan'er, according to Yu Yu's idea, he is going to leave tonight!

The two left the beach, trying to go to a lively place, looking for an inn. They were walking, and suddenly they heard someone yelling in front of them, "Catch him, catch him, don't let him run this time!"

Yu Yu raised his eyes and saw a mad man, his head full of'messy' hair like grass, and a weak beggar in ragged clothes, babbling in his is going crazy here. Running.

The speed of the man did not seem to be very fast, and there were a lot of people behind. A dozen'fine' strong men were chasing the mad man with swords, guns and sticks in their hands.

The appearance of a madman is completely obscured by his hair, and he cannot see his age and appearance. Most of his upper body clothes are also torn. It is more appropriate to say that it is an upper body. The mud all over his body makes it difficult to see the skin color. ', the figure is tall, hands long and feet long.

Qu Wan'er frowned and said, "It's too shameful for so many people to beat a lunatic!"

When the madman saw someone in the other party, he didn't seem to want to avoid him, or he didn't notice the person at all, so he rushed towards Yu Yu.

"Those two who don't want to die, hurry up!" The person behind shouted and said to Yu Yu.

Yu Yu stared at the mad man carefully. Qu Wan'er wanted to say something. Yu Yu waved his hand and said, "You are not a martial artist, I don’t know. The people behind are all masters, this mad man..." Yu Yu frowned, no Speaking, his face is solemn! When Qu Wan'er saw something wrong, she asked nervously, "Young Master Yu, how about that crazy man?"