Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 1465: variable

After breaking into the white light, Yu Yu felt that his consciousness suddenly stopped, followed by a blur in his mind, and his body did not follow his own command, and moved completely with a force that was not controlled by him. .

This process is not too long, but when he wakes up a little bit and finds himself standing on the grass with two feet, he still feels dizzy and feels like vomiting.

Yu Yu hurriedly exercised the field energy, and at the same time operated the Nine Turns Divine Breath Secret Art, controlling his spiritual consciousness. As a cool feeling passed down in his mind, the whole talent felt a lot more comfortable.

Not far away, there are several groups of people in different directions. Some people are standing there, staring at themselves coldly. Behind this person are three or five young monks of varying degrees. It should be because of insufficient cultivation or spirituality. The power is not enough, the teleportation just now caused the mind to excite too much.

The guards were obviously leaders with very high cultivation bases, and at this time they looked at each other very vigilantly. Yu Yu looked at them, and they all watched Yu Yu quietly.

Settling his mind, Yu Yu looked around. There was a large grassland. There was no end in sight, as if this place was a prairie. No one would look at it anymore. He flew up, and the light flashed before the others. Disappeared under attention.

"Yu Yu, let me out, I want to act by myself" inside the ring, the voice of Rhubarb suddenly reached Yu Yu's mind. Yu Yu was almost amused, but let it out. Rhubarb ran out of the ring, Yu Yu asked

"What are you doing, do it yourself, you know what this place is, don't lose your life here, although you always eat mine and drink mine, and you still don't pay, but you have watched it for so many years, let alone, If you die, how can I explain to Doudou"

"Bah, baah, you are dead." Rhubarb repeatedly said a few words. "Okay, I have never seen my wise Huanggou brother in the world. I still don't care about this small place. Don't worry. , Brother Huang Gou, I'm going"

After hurriedly finished speaking, Rhubarb didn't wait for Yu Yu to speak more, and flew away, and a yellow light went straight to the sky. It seemed that he was hiding Yu Yu on purpose.

Yu Yuxu stood in the air and touched his chin. He was indeed worried about the safety of the rhubarb just now, but now he seems to be worried. This rhubarb should have been carefully considered.

Thinking about the origin of Rhubarb, Yu Yu didn't care about it any more, and looked around at no one. Then he took out the bead that Ten Thousand Demon Valley gave him, cast a spell, then his brows brightened, and a golden light fell into it.

This is to search for the whereabouts of the princess, check it, not far away. Putting away the beads, Yu Yu flashed light and flew to a place quickly.

The grassland below is an undulating hilly landform, not the flat land of Yimapingchuan. Viewed from above, the scenery is exceptionally magnificent and beautiful. Although Yu Yu has no intention of admiring the beauty of this place, but occasionally glances at it, he still feels a lot of openness. .

After flying for a while, Yu Yu flew down, and the expression on his face became a little weird. The princess of Ten Thousand Demon Valley is not fake here, and there are five companions beside her, but at this moment, there are a bunch of people standing opposite, there are more than ten people, it seems that the posture is not quite right.

But Yu Yu's arrival seemed to calm the original quarrel. Both sides seemed to be surprised, and the princess looked at Yu Yu vigilantly, as did the person on the other side.

At this time, Yu Yu had changed his appearance, not the original appearance, the princess did not recognize it.

"Ahem, that, princess, it's me, I'm late, I'm sorry" Yu Yu coughed dryly, wanted to get close to the princess, but was stopped by a young man with weird weapons beside her, with a look fierce.

Yu Yu simply escaped the bead and waved at the princess. The princess was surprised, but waved her hand and said, "Let him come over."

Yu Yu put the things in place, came to the princess, looked at the person opposite, whispered "Here, these meanings"

The princess has not yet answered, and the person standing opposite reacted. The feelings are not passing by. You were originally a group. A girlish monk smiled coldly at Yu Yu.

"You also came to die with her. I don't think you are like a monk from the monster race. The monks who come to visit will follow the muddy water. If you are acquainted, I will get out of here immediately. Otherwise, hehe"

The princess slowly said to Yu Yu indifferently, "You see, do you understand what it means?"

Yu Yu rubbed his forehead, feeling helpless and said, "When I first took the job, I knew it would not go so smoothly, but I didn't expect that you would be followed by someone as soon as you came in. Are you a rape?"

The princess glanced at Yu Yu indifferently, and said calmly, "Impossible, I brought in people who I absolutely trust."

"Yes, don't explain, I took care of them for you. The so-called take people's money and eliminate disasters for others." Yu Yu smiled and spoke, and waved his hand indifferently. A small print suddenly flew out of his palm. That Xiaoyin rose with the wind, and grew to a few meters in the blink of an eye, but the depressing thing is still behind.

Although Xiaoyin exuded a powerful pressure, after it rose up, it instantly turned into a fluorescent rune, which spread out at once, and rushed to the other dozens of people.

In such a confrontation situation, the other party was naturally prepared. The little girl-like demon girl who shouted at Yu Yu just now gave a cold snort, but she did not dodge. Light, that light was like ice in a very short time, forming a wide light curtain in front of the girl.

The fluorescent light that Yu Yu threw off burst out on the light curtain. After a few bursts, the girl screamed, and the whole figure flew like a powerful force, rotating and flying from the ground. High in the sky, blood raging in his mouth.

The other monster cultivators either avoided or resisted the fluorescence by other means, but this woman was the only one who fought hard and was directly shocked by the fluorescence.

Yu Yu was couldn't help but say "Huh, I didn't even die of shock"

The young man who stopped Yu Yu just now and the young demon cultivators around the princess looked at Yu Yu's gaze again, and there was obviously a sense of awe.

But at the next moment, the reaction of those people made Yu Yu a little puzzled. These people even fleeed away immediately after they took the shot, including the girl who was seriously injured. It seemed that there was no intention to stay. After the shock, they fled and flew away at an extremely fast speed.

Only one face, the enemy all ran away.

Yu Yu touched his chin and squinted to see the direction those people were escaping. It seemed that things had changed in his mind, as if the other party was arranging some game, waiting for them to sink in.

"Are you sure you don't have any insiders" Yu Yu turned to ask the princess.

The princess didn't even glance at Yu Yu, and said indifferently, "Let's go"

