Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 1467: Dense fog

A few of them escaped into the soil, and Yu Yu found a hidden place to hide and act as a guard. I was full of curiosity about this princess.

This woman, he thinks, the saint Han Duxue is very similar, magnificent, high-end, and hidden, she is the kind of real master, she definitely has amazing strength and background.

But does the monster clan have such strength?

He recruited Panshanxue and asked carefully, Panshanxue shook his head, not knowing. She is not a monster in Zhoutian Forest, and she has no idea about things there. Moreover, she is not a royal monster, and she also knows very little about that kind of high-level existence.

Yu Yu was a little bit murmured in his heart, and he was surrounded by people as soon as he came in, but depending on the situation of the opponent, it was not like a posture of concentrated firepower to eliminate them, otherwise why did they run, why the strength of those people was not strong enough to make people daunting Three points

Yu Yu guessed that there must be some young demon monks of royal descent in Zhoutian Forest, who would be no worse than himself in terms of cultivation status and ability. He never doubted that.

The Peng clan that has been entrenched in the sea and dominated one side for hundreds of thousands of years, since its birth, no one dared to touch them. Although the bloodline of the current Golden Winged Dapeng King is no longer in the ancient times, even in the ancient times, the palace lord was very afraid when he mentioned him.

It is rare for Yu Yu to see the Palace Master showing a look of jealousy towards someone, except for the mysterious Golden Winged Dapeng clan, who appear to be careful.

The Zhoutian Forest was a wild land left over from the Primordial Era, and the palace lord did not know what was going on inside. Human monks have never entered the core area of ​​Zhoutian Forest.

Dare not go

There can be said to be a restricted area for human monks, which is much more dangerous than some forbidden areas in the ancient dojo. Some unknown monsters never go out, but once they show off their might, they can show their monstrous power, making all human monks horrified and shocked.

So for that forest, human monks were limited to activities outside, looking for beads, the royal monsters inside, humans never dared to offend too much.

With this kind of existence, will their younger generation be good crops?

Therefore, in this trip to the Palace of Seven Kills, the princess's opponents and those who came in must have extremely difficult opponents. If it wasn't that the resources provided by the other party were too rich, Yu Yu could not refuse at all, otherwise he would not even want to help her.

Thinking like this, I don't know what kind of masters I will meet in the future. After a long time, Long Yanfei flew out of the soil.

Yu Yu hurried up and looked at Long Yanfei's appearance. It seemed that he hadn't gained much. He frowned and said, "Is there anything that I found, was it marked by someone, or was it tampering with one of your magic weapons."

Long Yanfei shook her head, "can't find out"

"Forget it," Yu Yu didn't say much after listening. When he flipped his hand, there were a few more pills in his hand, and said, "These are some pills I refined, which can temporarily evade your breath. I hope it's useful. , As long as we are far away from each other, I think unless he has a way to reach the sky, it will be impossible to find us."

Long Yanfei took the pill, looked at it, and said, "I forgot, you are a famous pill king. You made a big splash in this Shuiyuetian Great King Conference. But I didn't expect this kind of pill. Medicine can also be refined"

Yu Yu smiled, "Don't worry about eating, there will be no problem, I am afraid I will harm you"

Long Yanfei swallowed the pill indifferently. The others looked at Yu Yu and took the pill. Then Yu Yu smiled and said, "I didn't expect the Pill King Conference, you Zhoutian Forest also knew about it. "

Long Yanfei glanced at him indifferently, "Monsters and humans are already closely related, but you don't know it, let's go." Long Yanfei looked at Yu Yu.

Yu Yu shrugged and sacrificed the flying boat. Several people boarded the flying boat. Long Yanfei went to the cabin, and several others went in. Yu Yu sat on the bow of the ship alone, controlled the flying boat, and quickly flew in the direction set by Long Yanfei. go with.

According to Long Yanfei's request, it was actually Yu Yu's idea. The route he was flying around, he didn't even know what was going on. If you follow in his footsteps to find him, you will be fainted on the road.

Only in this way can it be possible to get rid of the other party's tracking. Now people don't even know their position by what means, and talk about fighting with others.

Besides, now it's not to fight the other side to the end, just avoid it. So Yu Yu didn't bother, and kept walking around.

This walk took nearly a month's journey. That day, Yu Yu called out Long Yanfei and others, then took the flying boat and stood in the void, looking ahead.

Can no longer fly with a flying boat. Because the high altitude ahead was filled with a thick gray mist, and the mist also gave off a strong stench.

What made Yu Yu a headache was that the mist was so high that there was no possibility of flying over it, only from below. It's almost impossible to go around here. After looking at it, he found that the mist was band-shaped and extremely long, but its width might be limited.

So in order to pass, you must walk underneath.

Long Yanfei nodded extremely calmly, and said, "Yes, passing through this fog belt, we are truly within the scope of the Palace of Seven Kills."

Yu Yu glanced at her, but he didn't know the news. It can be seen that the people who entered before Shui Yuetian didn't know this. He thought that after teleporting in, it would be the Palace of Seven Kills. The Palace of Seven Kills really knows a lot.

Flying at a low altitude, as low as only a dozen meters above the ground, at this altitude, it is impossible to fly fast in terms of flying speed. And the following is in the swamp, it is impossible to run.

Yu Yu had no choice but to take out the flying chariot he had seized. Naturally, they were the two fastest ones. He and Long Yanfei sat one, and the other monks sat one.

When Long Yanfei saw this car, she looked at Yu Yu in surprise, "Where do you have this kind of tank? I will order it with Is the price okay? If there is, I want a large quantity. purchase"

Yu Yu's eyes lit up, and then he smiled indifferently, "It's not impossible, but let's talk about it after we go out." Seeing Long Yanfei's expression, Yu Yu subconsciously found that he had found another way to make money.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shook his head. He established the sect in the past few years. Although he has made small achievements, many things have greatly affected his energy.

But there was no way. He took out the glazed mouse and put it on his chariot. The little glazed rat was lying on the side of the chariot, his two bean-sized eyes kept turning, carefully. Looking around.

Although the mist above is very stenchy, the swamp below does not seem to be so unbearable. The depression of water and many vigorous aquatic plants seem to be extremely lush.

The time to come in is not short. According to Long Yanfei, he has entered the Palace of Seven Kills. Yu Yu feels that he should start collecting resources. This is the fundamental purpose of his coming in. Protecting the other party is just one thing after all. Incidental things.

