Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 1693: Blood War God Body

When the two parties meet to understand the general situation and start their hands, they must concentrate their firepower to first destroy the nine people other than the leader. {Please go to the latest chapter:} Save the most difficult bones for the last.

This is a strategy that has long been set, and it runs counter to the estimation of the black youth. This person is also an extremely shrewd person, seeing Yu Yu abandon him and pounce on others, he immediately understood the meaning.

And Jiang Yanran's long sword made his heart stunned, and his face changed drastically. She hid in the black mist, she raised her hand with a crystal clear ink, and threw it at the little white fish. .

There was an explosion in the sky, and the sword net that Xiaobaiyu had just set up was smashed away by the treasures offered by this person. Xiaobaiyu's face sank. He didn't know well, and didn't even think about it. The Taoist stone in his hand was sacrificed.

In the face of this divine body, he no longer dared to hold big, and the opponent instantly destroyed his proud sword formation with his backhand. There is no doubt about his strength and the treasure in his hand.

Once Dao Shi shot, Xiao Baiyu was taken aback. Since I have never used this thing before, I don’t know how powerful it is. As soon as this thing can be stimulated, once it is let go, a wave of field energy fluctuates, and the little white fish is overturned in the air at once. After several somersaults hundreds of meters away, he was almost knocked off the ground.

He was frightened, and other people who were fighting fiercely not far away were also frightened. A huge force abruptly pushed everyone away, as if an invisible wave of air exploded in the air, directly over it.

The black-faced youth exclaimed, feeling bad, but it was too late. As they did with Xiaobaiyu before, he misjudged the situation and was killed by Xiaobaiyu by surprise.

This can be regarded as unintentional. He thought Xiao Baiyu was just procrastinating, but he never thought that Xiao Baiyu had a killer by his side.

Without thinking about it, this person slammed a mouth, spit out a black shiny bead from the mouth, and flew up to meet the Dao Shi, while at the same time he flew back desperately, trying to avoid it. A force he could not resist at all.

And he did another thing. In the process of retreating, the whole body became transparent, like the air, unable to figure it out, while flickering, the original short figure, only a flash With the effort of moving, it shrank to the size of a bird.

He was like a stone thrown out, ejected, and flew backwards, a black streamer shot out several hundred meters away instantly.

With a loud bang, Xiaobaiyu and the people around him shook his ears and followed the blood gurgling out. Yu Yu was no exception. He was directly shaken out hundreds of meters away, and his whole body was trembling constantly, and the sound of dragon chants continued to be heard from his body.

He knew that Xiaobaiyu's Taoist stone sacrifices had gone out, and the other party must have sacrificed treasures that he could not predict, which must have been given by the master of the teacher.

Otherwise it would be impossible to block the Dao Stone, it was Dao Bao's power. Although he didn't know what kind of Taobao this Taoist stone was imitating, he was definitely an offensive Taobao. Its power is far from comparable to Lingbao.

A scream came from the black-faced young man's mouth, and at the same time he screamed, "You are looking for death, I want your life!"

Little Baiyu knew it was not good, all the defensive measures were released, and he was searching to the extreme. He only felt that the sky was spinning, and there was a loud bang. The shield he was hit by was hit by the enemy. Shattered with one blow, completely disintegrated.

He didn't see the other party's existence, his body guard and sword aura was agitated, and the sound of dragon roar sounded, Xiao Baiyu took a mouthful of blood and blood spurted on his life.

A long sword!

It's going to kill you now. He can't find the opponent anymore, but his life creature is more agile than him, and can fluctuate along the opponent's field energy, find his traces, and then save his life.

He knew that he had to persevere no matter what, until Yu Yu and Jiang Yanran dealt with each other's nine people. At this time, Yu Yu was more nervous than him.

That divine body, he didn't see exactly what kind of physique, looking at it now, he should not only shrink his body, but also become invisible. This attack is fatal.

According to his cultivation base, relying on this ability, even without any treasures, how long Xiaobaiyu can last is unimaginable. He is crazy, swordsman, golden moon wheel, small tripod, spear, flying up and down, but any one that hits him will kill with one blow.

Completely equal battle. The opponent's number of demonic repairs is indeed very good, and it doesn't seem to be a pure demonic repair. Judging from the path, Yu Yu feels as if there is a shadow of evil repairs, showing a strangeness.

But the result of the huge difference in strength is the beginning of the killing. The other party hadn't had time to resist Yu Yu's crazy attack, and the three of them had fallen.

And Jiang Yanran also solved two of them. At this moment, she turned and rushed towards Xiao Baiyu.

The other party has four left, which happened to be distributed to Yu Yu and the other three disciples of the Excalibur Villa. She was so angry that she could no longer restrain her. The long sword on her head was raised to the sky, and there was a clear bird cry behind her, and a blue luan. The bird suddenly appeared. Following Luanniao, she rushed forward.

Jiang Yanran also tried desperately. The natal thing was originally used for cultivation, and very few people would really use it desperately, but she and Xiao Baiyu both fought for it at this time.

Around the little white fish, the body guard's sword aura was constantly being shattered by the opponent, the sword light was lingering, and the fragments were like snowflakes, screaming and flying away, unable to get close.

Jiang Yanran held up a long sword, aligned with Luanniao's positioning, and cut down desperately. Luan Bird went crazy too, with its wings spread out, its head like a chicken pecking at rice, aiming at one place, and constantly pecking away.

Inadvertently, Xiao Baiyu snorted, and his body turned upside down like a piece of paper and flew out. With blood in his mouth, Jiang Yanran was shocked, a flash, blocking the way Xiao Baiyu retreated. With another blow at this time, the little white fish will immediately fall and at this moment, her body also bends into a bow, and with a scream, the shield collapses, and even the body's gangway Qi also collapsed.

"Go to death for me!" Somewhere, suddenly there was the cold, long howl of the black-faced youth. But at this moment, a golden light flashed, only hearing a thumping sound, Yu Yu, who rushed over in time, turned upside down in the air and backed away.

As he retreated, he shouted, "You two get out of the way, don't come over!"

The next moment, the scene of dealing with that divine body in Shui Yuetian appeared. Behind Yu Yu, a piece of golden light appeared, covering the sky and the sun, and it was like a liquid, covering him and the entire world behind him.

"Yu Yu, this is what you forced me, you are all going to die today!" The figure of the black face youth suddenly appeared at this moment. It looks terrible.

The power of Dao Shi is still great. Your body is like being brushed by a brush. There are only rags left on your body, blood stains on your face, scattered hair, and it looks terrifying.
