Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 1929: The true identity is questioned again

The old man nodded his head one after another, and his expression was obviously a little unnatural. The woman said indifferently, "People in the clan, some are fighting, some of their own little abacus, it is commonplace and unavoidable. You can just watch the elders. Don't overdo it, you can do anything. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest novel

Yuxianzong is a nail that we have penetrated into the super sect of the ancient dojo, and the islands outside the island are aimed at those immortal land and the Golden Winged Dapeng clan. These two places are very important.

It is not only a window for us to understand the world, but also an important means to contain the world, and we can sit here and look at Fenglin Pavilion. The three places are horns of each other and each has its own focus. This is our core strategy and cannot be missed.

Therefore, the secrets of Outer Island and Yuxianzong cannot be exposed, just as our identity cannot be exposed. Last time they fought Zao Wou-ki and revealed our identity, but they didn't see us through, they just thought we were spirit races.

On the one hand, it is a little disadvantageous for us. After all, this place is a gathering place for human cultivators. On the other hand, it also has its advantage, that is, the strength of one of our strong opponents, Feng Lin Pavilion, is also exposed.

Yu Yu and Zao Wou-ki are two people who are most likely to be confidant in the future, but their realm is still too low. Although Zao Wou-ki is in the late stage of the star field, he is nothing when he encounters God Hongli. As for Yu Yu, He is just a kid in the cave, what can he do?

It is not worthwhile to expose us too early for the two people who seem to be hidden dangers, because many things we have to do have not yet been completely successful. Of course the most important thing is that the form is strange at this time, and the holy city is surrounded by more and more cultivators of the gods, and this place seems to be a mystery in the cultivator world.

I think each family has its own calculations at this time, and this trip to the whirlpool makes them even more interested in this place. Fortunately, the secret we discovered is not something that ordinary people can easily discover. If there is no fairy power in the body, it is bound to be impossible to discover the real secret here.

Therefore, although there are changes at present, we don't need to bother about it. You must always keep in mind that our purpose is not to fight for territory. Our purpose is to open up the passage and lead the people into the immortal world.

And on this issue, if anyone dares to block us, then it is the gods blocking and killing the gods, the Buddha blocking and killing the Buddha, not tearing his face with them, because it is not necessary. If necessary, you can act decisively and annihilate it with thunder... …"

Speaking of this, she glanced at the bottom indifferently and said, "At this moment, our greatest threat is not the Fenglin Pavilion or the Golden Winged Dapeng clan, but the child who caused the vision. We must find her. , Find her, and then kill, kill her completely, so that she will be utterly destroyed, and she will never be superborn."

A fierce killing intent appeared sharply and directly in her beautiful eyes, and her hideous face was still displayed at a critical moment.

Everyone from below was silent, no one answered!

The woman said coldly, "Back then, she disappeared for no reason. I doubted what was going on. After I took her wind pill, I ignored it and asked you to deal with it, but you came back. Tell me, she is missing, even her brother is missing."

She stared at the bottom indifferently. "For many years, I have been thinking about this issue, always faintly feel that something is wrong, although I took off her wind pill, and cut off the possibility of her reincarnation success, but after all I did not see her personally. Death.

The recurrence of the vision now proves that my doubts over the years are correct. If I remember correctly, when that incident happened, it was also when the Wopanshan fire started? "

She pondered for a moment, and suddenly spoke of a holy city with a name that many people are familiar with, Wopanshan!

That was the place where the martial arts sect of the Great Western Gang, where Yu Yu’s mother and son lived, and was later wiped out by Chilong and the Li family. The fire burned Wopan Mountain. In fact, many people in the holy city knew about it. No one mentioned it until the eve of the battle between Yu Yu and Chilong.

The blue-clothed sister stared slightly and said, "Grandma, how did you remember this? There seems to be no connection between the two? When we dealt with that girl, in fact, the fire did not start, and the fire was in Panshan. The second day is still the night of the first few days."

The woman above shook her head. "Otherwise. This is my personal feeling. I always faintly feel that this matter and Yu Yu seem to have some secret connection, but so far, it is only my personal feeling, more like It's an instinctive induction."

After thinking for a while, she said silently, "Years ago, Yu Yu entered the holy city and caused more and more disturbances. I had this feeling at that time. For a long time, I did not compare this feeling with Yu Yu. The dolls are connected together, and I can't connect him to my feelings anyway.

It wasn't until later that he played against many young people in the Holy City, and when the golden dragon appeared, I faintly began to think whether my feelings came from this young man.

There are sacred beasts and martial arts. So far, apart from Yu Yu, I have never heard of the second person, a martial artist of the dragon and phoenix clan, but one or two will occasionally appear.

After this idea appeared in my mind, I have been paying attention to this person. I looked at him and many people around him, and tried to deduce him and many people around him with my own methods, and then I discovered that, The fate of this person is not clear. "

This woman's words finally confirmed from the front the incident that Qu Wan'er was harmed by a colleague and became unconscious. That time it was the people from Waidaodao, and the core members of Waidaodao were actually the Qingfeng clan of Feifeng Villa, although many of them might not even know their identity.

In order to keep it secret, Feifeng Villa has done enough homework!

"Can't see clearly?" Everyone was slightly The woman continued, "My deduction level is close to the girl in his house, but not as good as her. Even so, I can still know The result of your own deduction cannot be wrong.

Later, I tried to use various methods to deduct it many times, but Yu Yu found out that maybe he ran to Fenglin Pavilion to find the palace lord, and he had something that could conceal secrets on his body. I couldn't verify it. Don’t forget, the fate of the reincarnated divine beast is also unclear. "

"But it can't be Yu Yu? He, he..." The blue-clothed woman and the cultivator of the **** scene looked at each other.

"I didn't say that Yu Yu was the person I was looking for, but that there might be someone around him, which affected his fate. Later, I tried to deduce the people around him. Without exception, everything People who have been in contact with them for a long time are all blurred."

"Then he doesn't exist in our world!" Suddenly an old man said very confidently.

"Not bad." The palace woman said indifferently. "The reincarnated divine beast may affect some people, but it will definitely not affect so many people. He can have such an influence. It means that this child is not on this planet! Grid is not affected by the rules of this world, so I cannot deduct it."