Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 1966: Go straight to the inner circle

The middle-aged woman also sneered and said, "I just think that what the same people say in the building outside the building is reasonable. Why, don't you think that? You just said yourself that the Yuxianzong has been operating here for thousands of years and knows it well. Why not send fewer people there?"

Tian Jue in the outer building was indifferent to the head of Kun. Obviously, the two people from Xiandi and Yuxianzong had differences in terms of negotiation. Another old man of Yuxianzong said

"You don’t have to fight anymore. For that kind of place, I think we all know it well. I don’t wait for the existence of the gods to go deep into it, so as not to cause those taboos in Yangming Mountain. If this is the case, then it will be It's very bad.

So you and us, in my opinion, don't go. You might as well leave it to the people below. We have six people, two star fields, and four realms. And your two families have eight people each, which is also two star fields, but you can go to six. What do you two think about the world? "

The purple-robed old man and the others were suddenly startled. He frowned for the first time. Kun Shou and that Leng Zhen and the others were all startled. The Heavenly God Realm master beside Leng Zhen, the old man in a pale blue robe said.

"I'm afraid this is inappropriate, let the cultivators of the star field lead the team, you really don't worry? There is the inner core of Yangming Mountain, there are various dangers, without me, I am afraid it is wrong. But... "

He looked at Kunshou and Tian Jue on the opposite side, and fell silent. Tian Jue and Kun Shou looked at each other, Tian Jue said, "This taboo inside Yangming Mountain is really so powerful, even I have to avoid it?"

"It's not enough to retreat, but based on our years of experience, some of the taboos here are probably left over from ancient times. They have been entrenched in the inner circle of Yangming Mountain. They don't come out to do activities, but they don't care about me. I wait for the number. I don’t know, but if there are more divine scenes in it, I am afraid it will attract their attention, and my experience will not be worth the loss by then!"

The old Yuxianzong who was talking said with a serious face. Gong Mingyu, who has been cold-faced next to him, also said coldly at this time, "Elder Li Ge said that this is something that you all have crossed the forbidden area more than once, and you must have felt it.

Although the Yangming Mountain Forbidden Area is not as dangerous as other forbidden areas, it is definitely not easy to provoke. Moreover, we are going this time in a secret trip, we are there, not alone, looking for opportunities blindly walking around. The taboo that caused the inner circle was noticed, and it was absolutely wrong. "

The two people from Xiandi looked at each other and nodded.

Leng Zhen was silent for a while, and said, "Well, since you said that, I can't wait for anything to doubt. I don't think it should be too late, so I decided to go there. We have been there several times, although it is not as familiar to you. But there have been probes,

I think that there is no need to go with the company, everyone will go their own way, hehe, I hope Yu Xianzong will not do those unnecessary small actions behind his back, such as sending people to Riga, if I find out..."

In the following words, Leng Zhen replaced with a series of sneers!

The outside building didn't seem to oppose it, so I decided to make it!

It is almost impossible to walk together if it is not the same sect or someone who is absolutely trustworthy. If everyone is separated, the Yuxianzong naturally has no objection.

The inner circle is dangerous, but the goal of the **** field is too big, and it is easy to attract the attention of the mysterious existence inside, and if the cultivator in the star field leads the team, the strength is guaranteed, and the second is not too arrogant, so the three They all acquiesced, and the cultivator of the gods really did not go.

Yu Yu and Zhen Yuanzi discussed for a long time, and they have already started to go straight to the inner circle of Yangming Mountain. As Zhen Yuanzi said, this opportunity is rare. If you miss it, it's a pity that you can go and see it. If you really don't have room to start, you can quietly quit at that time.

It’s just that Yu Yu originally expected that the other party must have the idea that the cultivator of the Divine Field Realm had past, but it was wrong, but even so, the cultivator of the Star Field Realm is not something he can face directly at this time. If he encounters it, in addition to fleeing away, There is no other way to think.

According to the memory of that evil repairer, the so-called treasures and the corpses of the immortals were located in one place, the innermost ridge of Yangming Mountain, where Yangming Mountain was located. He even knew the specific location of this place.

In fact, Yuxianzong and Feifeng Villa have been jointly investigating this place for a hundred years. If it weren't for the taboo-like existence of the inner circle, they had already started it many years ago. I wouldn't wait until the building outside the building, Tianwaitian, I didn't know how to smell this smell from there, and then ran over, and I don't know why I actually fought in the firefly forest.

Yu Yu flew for days and nights, flying for three months in a row. There was no way to kill monsters along the way. With a face full of wind and frost, he arrived at the place of treasure, which is the tall Yangming Mountain. The outskirts of the 30,000-meter high mountain.

Resting for two days to regain his vitality, Yu Yu no longer uses the flying boat, but instead flies in the air and flies in from low altitude. At this time, it was only 500,000 miles away from Yangming Mountain.

However, down this road, Yu Yu also confirmed the previous statement of the palace lord. Yangmingshan is not like the Jieyaogu, where many methods are chaotic and the field can be rioted. Many monsters have lost their intelligence and bloodthirsty. .

This is different. The more you go in here, the more abundant the field energy and the better the scenery. A vigorous scene has become a paradise for monks, and it is very suitable for cultivating sects and establishing sects.

The monster beasts he met along the way were also normal in spirit and intelligence, no different from adults. The low-level monsters encountered Yu Yu's breath, and those who had already avoided far away, dared to go forward and fight with him, were all at level 6. Among the above-mentioned big monsters, there are also individual level five big monsters.

However, it seems that there are very few monsters here, and most of their bloodlines are not very good. They can't be compared with the places where monsters gather like Zhoutian monsters there, More often, it is called a demon repair, because it has already transformed. Even though it was a seventh-level big demon here, it still appeared on its own. Up to now, he hadn't seen a big demon in form.

The mountains are getting taller and bigger, and the vegetation is getting more lush. While flying at low altitude, Yu Yu paid attention to the surrounding environment from time to time. I couldn't believe that it was actually inside the forbidden area.

Looking at a gorge ahead, Yu Yu frowned. The gorge felt like a ray of sky. The distance seemed to be not short. To be less, it looked like thirty to fifty miles. The mountains on both sides were extremely high, about 10,000 meters. Yu Yu thought slightly. Still decided to pass through the canyon instead of skipping from high above. He worried that that goal would be too big.

In such an environment, the higher the altitude, the more obvious the goal.

The light flashed, a golden light flew into the canyon, Yu Yu flew straight forward, but the field energy in his body was slowly accumulating, and he could shoot at any time. Although this canyon is not particularly narrow, if it is attacked, there is not much room for maneuver.

Halfway to the distance, the danger did not happen, but his eyes were attracted by one place!

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