Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 1982: sneak into

After staggering away for a while, Yu Yu found that the scenery around him looked like the outside world. A mountain peak appeared in front of him, not very high. He was walking out of a cave-like place. 】⑨八】⑨八】⑨Reading】⑨Book, .2≧3.o↗

"Have you been thrown out of Yangming Mountain by that force?" Yu Yu looked around hesitantly.

"Boy Yu Yu, this is a small world created by man. Hurry up and find a place to heal your injuries. This should be the place where the corpse of the fairy is hidden." Zhen Yuanzi's voice suddenly rang in his mind.

"A small world created by man?" Yu Yu looked around. "So big?"

"Don't talk nonsense, if you don't want to die, you can heal your wounds as soon as possible. There must be ancient strange beasts guarding it. Don't have any fluke ideas, and those people may come in after a while." It sounds like Mamotoko. A little excited.

Yu Yu looked around, shaking his shoulders and rushing towards a small forest, then used the earth to escape into the ground, quickly entered his ring space, and took a pill to start healing.

Fortunately, there are no internal injuries, just bone and flesh injuries, so the healing time does not last long. Yu Yu comes out again, and Zhen Yuanzi also comes out. Look around.

"Don't worry about what happened before. Although those people took advantage of you, they also sent you here by accident. If it weren't for them, you would stand in front of the steps and you would not be able to come in. First. It’s better to start, you come in earlier than everyone else, and you should search for treasures as soon as possible, especially the giant so-called celestial body."

"Senior, how long do you think it will take for those people to break through the steps? The field they play can be coercive, and I feel much stronger than my big brother." Yu Yu said.

"It won't take too long, but it shouldn't be possible within a day. The first one is to help them get under the pillar after you go in. The treasure will attack at close range. It will be much faster, but it won't work later." Mamotoko said.

"The first one is destroyed, isn't the entire array also destroyed?"

"Theoretically, this is the case, but I said this before. It has been reinforced or strengthened and made great improvements, otherwise you won't get in.

I can only see the big formation through your eyes in the ring space. I don’t see much, but I can also know some. This formation is not so easy to break. Not only is it defending against the monster race, I see human monks coming. It's also very broken. "

Zhen Yuanzi looked very enthusiastic this time, and Yu Yu looked behind him coldly, "I knew the cruelty of this world when I entered the monk world, I didn't expect it to be so cruel."

"Yu Yu boy, don't be sentimental!" Zhen Yuanzi said lightly. "Actually, how many years have you entered the monastic world, less than a hundred years. How much do you know? How many people have been counted by those people in their lifetime, and have been How many people have calculated? It's just benefits, nothing else, you don't need to think about it."

"Let's talk about it again!" Yu Yu mentioned Thunderbolt. "Senior, I don't understand the small world created by man. I have to rely on you. It seems that there is something like a secret world, isn't it?"

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head. "It's not like a secret realm. It's much smaller here. And I think the laws here are not complete. It seems to sacrifice something and strengthen the entire space. The energy that supports the entire space should be you. The outer array of runes seen before.

Okay, let’s not talk about it. There is little space here. Search as soon as possible. You will definitely get something. If you can find those things in advance, put them away, bring them in, you hide, and after these people leave without gain, you will be completely It's safe. But don't use spiritual sense to investigate, otherwise, it is very likely to attract ancient monsters that you can't deal with. One move can kill you. "

Yu Yu nodded, and Zhen Yuanzi said, "Don't worry too much. This place is a legacy of my time. Although it is very likely that there will be powerful monsters guarding this place, most of them are basically in a deep sleep state and it is not easy to wake up. Yes, try to use your martial arts true energy in case of trouble, don't use your skills, it can greatly reduce the risk, otherwise it will be really dangerous, and you must not be an opponent of those things."

After roughly counting in his mind, Yu Yu put away the thunderbolt, raised the spear, Zhen Yuanzi looked around, pointed the direction and the two went all the way.

The small world is very different from the secret realm. The space range cannot be too large. Even if the ancient powers are clever, it cannot be as big as a secret realm built with the power of a sect, and even less as a natural secret realm .

Following some basic laws, Zhen Yuanzi pointed Yu Yu out of the grove and ran in one direction. After walking less than fifty miles, there was a complex of buildings in front of him. The number of houses was not many. Fang, there are about hundreds of houses, like a huge courtyard, in the middle is a tall palace-like building.

Yu Yu's eyes straightened when he saw this building!

The tall, magnificent and exquisite buildings themselves are not to be mentioned. The three-story building group floating in the sky built for Doudou in his own ring space is very delicate. What shocked Yu Yu was the material of the building group .

The worst is the low-rise buildings on the periphery, all purple spar-like bricks built! This object is called feldspar, and it has many functions. The most prominent function is to gather field energy. Houses built with this object can automatically form a gathering field to increase the abundance of field energy and speed up practice. It also has an excellent effect on stabilizing mind, calming mood, and improving physical fitness.

"Don't be surprised, the things inside will be better!" Mamotoko said, "We cherished a lot of ore in our time, not comparable to now." He squinted and looked at it. There is a faint layer around and above the house. Light curtain This house is imprisoned by a formation method. You can't get in. From this formation method, there are some going in and out, and there is probably a monster sitting inside." Zhen Yuanzi frowned, as if What is thinking.

Yu Yu looked at him from the side, Zhen Yuanzi thought for a while and said, "Well, now you do what I said, first break the formation of this place, my method will try not to bring about fluctuations in field energy, then this place The monster beast shouldn't be aware of it. Once the formation is broken, go in again, be careful, and it shouldn't be discovered.

However, there is no guarantee. The stability of this space is excellent, but other aspects are so-so. It seems to be constructed in a hurry. It seems to be a precious place here. It is so exposed that there is no illusion. It must be extremely Awesome stuff. "

Yu Yu frowned, "Senior, you said so much, what should I do, didn't you mean that you didn't say it?"

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and said, "You know something, my cultivation level is very bad. It is reasonable not to see too much. This is one of them, and the other is that it is impossible to determine when this is the secret realm built. It may be from my time, or it may be earlier. It existed before the battle of the immortals and demons. It's hard to say that the owner's mind here is better to be careful."