Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 2122: Feiming

This is the sister Yu Yu saw before meeting Lan Feng, and also saw some other Zhoutian forest demon cultivators. Yu Yu still recognized the ability of these three sisters to arrange the environment. Unexpectedly, I saw it here today. At that time, he saw that these people seemed to be not very mixed in Zhoutian Forest. They were somewhat depressed, but they all had considerable ambitions.

Although there are many auction sessions, Miancheng's arrangements are in place. The auction content at most auctions has been announced long ago. The target is those people, and there are instructions for what to auction.

The auction here is aimed at the monks of the life field realm. There are things that Ba Feiyan and Panshan Xue may need, but for Yu Yu, they don't need it at all.

Seeing the clothes of the three sisters, the faces of Ba Feiyan and Qu Wan'er couldn't help blushing, and Ba Feiyan even sighed softly, "How do you dress like this on such an occasion."

Panshanxue looked calm, as if he didn't feel inappropriate.

"It's also a way to increase popularity. To make money, you always have to think of something." Yu Yu echoed Ba Feiyan and said shallowly.

There was already a boil in the field, whether it was a human monk or a demon cultivator, they were extremely excited, even excited, at the appearance of these three stunning female demon cultivators.

In this conservative world, women dress very implicitly. Both humans and demon cultivators are very conservative. Fortunately, male cultivators are very excited to see such a scene, and hormones suddenly burst out collectively.

The three females looked at the audience with a smile, without the slightest timidity. They seemed to enjoy the greedy eyes of the male wolves.

The first item in the auction attracted a lot of looting, and the price was quickly added to an astronomical figure. The thing is good, it has a clear direction, an auxiliary treasure that can escape underground. This item is deployed, the escape technique is extremely fast, and it is not easy to be detected by the monks above.

This one surprised Yu Yu. The spiritual sense of a monk can penetrate the ground, although it cannot extend to the ground infinitely, but no one can escape too deep underground, so it is easy to not notice it. The same goes for his own earth escape technique, which is extremely easy to be discovered by masters.

This thing is used to escape, but it is an excellent choice, whether human monk or demon cultivator, have considerable attraction. Therefore, the basic quotation of one hundred thousand spar was quickly raised to six hundred thousand.

After six hundred thousand, the number of people who open their mouths is much less. After all, how many spars can be in the pockets of the Fate Realm cultivators, and then they are all cultivators with great backgrounds.

Qu Wan'er was really curious about this kind of scene. He looked at this place for a while, and looked at it for a while. Whether it was Panshanxue or Ba Feiyan, they were not interested in the first auction item, so they did not bid.

Soon this thing was bought at a price of eighty-five, and according to Yu Yu's idea, the price was a bit high, but it was still acceptable. After all, it is extremely difficult for anyone to refine this kind of thing now. Either it was an ancient treasure, or it was refined by a special sect or a monster race.

The auction opened quickly amidst the sultry words of the three sisters, and each auction item was sold smoothly at high prices, as if it was not a spar but a stone.

With the appearance of a guqin, Qu Wan'er couldn't sit still. She didn’t intend to buy something, and it’s useless to buy it. She doesn’t use it. She also saw a brief introduction of this guqin in the auction catalog before. She didn’t care about it at the time. Now she sees things, it seems Some ideas.

Yu Yu didn't see anything special about that guqin. I don't know if it is to reflect the ancient qin, or the people at the auction house are a little lazy. The two sides of the guqin are a little mottled, but they haven't dealt with it at all.

The banjo is very simple, with a purple-black body, and the head is carved into a sacred beast like a unicorn, but it is not a unicorn. It looks true for some years, but the faint field energy aura emitted from it is It really shows that it is an ordinary guqin, which is not attractive to monks.

In fact, it is not very attractive, but the basic price is not low, as much as 150,000. However, no matter how the three sisters boast about the violin, not many people are willing to participate in the offer.

They said that they had a background, and they couldn't confirm it.

The voices were all female nuns. Somewhat strangely, most of them came from the box. In the previous bidding, people in the box rarely shot, but this guqin has attracted the attention of many people in the box.

And those who spoke were also the voices of the sisters.

At this time, the price was just over 300,000 yuan, and Qu Wan'er quoted a price of 320,000 yuan. Yu Yu glanced at her with some surprise, and Pan Shanxue and Ba Feiyan also looked at her with some surprise.

"This piano...I don't care if I am wrong, if it is wrong, it doesn't matter." Qu Wan'er explained in deep thought, "I guess most of the origins of what they said were guessed. Actually, this piano is not very Ancient, of course, if I read it right."

"It doesn't matter if you read it right, what's your guess?" Yu Yu knew that Qu Wan'er didn't need to practice. For many years, apart from taking care of the teahouse and sect affairs, he was reading books and doing research.

In her room, there are all kinds of books that Yu Yu helped her collect. She is very interested in many questions. She is still studying the issue of the reincarnation of the beast.

So her accumulation of knowledge is very powerful.

"This piano should be the treasure of the former Zongmen named Feiyinfang, but I can't be sure." Qu Waner said puzzledly.

"Feiyinfang!" Yu Yu, Ba Feiyan, and Panshanxue were indifferent at the same time. I don't know, I haven't heard of it.

"A sect that is not very big is not very famous, and has disappeared for a long, long time." Qu Waner said. At this time, someone made another offer, raising the price of 320,000 to 420,000.

Yu Yu didn't think about it any more, and with five fingers stretched out, Qu Wan'er reported 500,000. Then he said, "I used to study some history of women's establishment of sects. This Feiyinfang, together with a sect called Qifenglou, was collectively called the "shuangshu" of the monks!

In fact, the struggle between the two clubs has been fierce, even though they are all women. At the beginning, Feiyinfang had a treasure of the Zhenzong called Feiming, which was rumored to be a piano. The practice of this door was special, and it seemed to have been passed on from ancient times. "

"Why did the two female cultivators fight fiercely?" The outside offer was still tepid, but it did not stop. The price of 500,000 has been surpassed, and Guqin was called nearly 600,000. Up. Ba Feiyan asked aloud at this time.

"Feiyinfang is a pure monk sect. Except for the practice of its own, nothing else is the same. Qifenglou is a brothel in the monk world, where the female cultivators all serve other monks with their colors The branch has a bad reputation, but it is very attractive to male cultivators, and they are in the same place as Feiyinfang, and it is normal for them to dislike each other."

Qu Wan'er explained lightly.