Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 2334: Tomb of Xiyin again

Yu Yudao, "It's not too difficult. I can see from the treasures that the two took out, and I must have seen many of my colleagues. By the way, I don't know why the two came to me?"

At this time, another female cultivator said, “It’s true that we are here to participate in this trade fair. We originally planned to rush to Houshan to see Mr. Yu because of this incident. I didn’t expect to meet Mr. Yu here. It took us a lot of time."

"Oh" Yu Yu raised his brows slightly and said, "Are you planning to find me?"

"Yes," the female nun continued, "Just speak, we want to invite Mr. Yu to the Dead Sea and explore Xiyin's tomb."

"The tomb of Xiyin?" Yu Yu's expression changed slightly. "You came for this? Is this trend in the monastic world again? Isn't it blocked?"

"Mr. Yu, you don't have to pretend to be confused." The female cultivator spoke indifferently. "You are from Fenglinge, and you must know this very well. More than a hundred years ago, the entire monastic world was trying to keep quiet The tomb is all moving, and I'm naturally no exception in the overseas seas, but because of the obstruction of the demon cultivators over there, it hasn't really taken place, but everyone in the monastic world has never forgotten this matter?"

Yu Yu was silent.

In this matter, the entire cultivator world, especially the human cultivators, has actually been working hard, trying hard to talk to the demon cultivators over there, hoping to find a way to compromise, the battle was very big.

At that time, Yu Yu's realm was still very low, and because he went to the Southeast Sea and delayed his trip, he did not rush to the Sea of ​​Death at that time, but later on, what Zheng Lulu and others said was very detailed.

The monster beast entrenched there would not let it pass. An attitude of fighting the entire human monk to the end. If this is the case, then it is not worth it for a large tomb.

Dead Sea is a name given by mankind. The ancient name has long been remembered. According to Yu Yu's understanding and inference, as early as the ancient times, there should be a larger ocean, but because of the ancient fairy and demons war, the world collapsed and the geography changed.

As an inland sea, the Death Sea was still retained. Moreover, surrounded by a large area of ​​thorn bushes, there are a large number of monster races and countless monsters living in the vicinity, and in the Death Sea.

Together, these forces formed a relatively independent and closed circle, a separate sphere of influence, just like the current Golden Winged Dapeng clan, and the South Zero Sea is their sphere of influence.

These people will not give face to the monster race in Zhoutian Forest and ignore you at all, but they never cause trouble outside. Therefore, for a long time, these existences and other monks did not violate the river water. This was also one of the reasons why the human monks gathered last time but did not fight in the end.

Later, they gave the argument that within ten years, it is not allowed to pass. But ten years passed quickly, and the result was still no good, just not letting you live.

This is a problem.

Although this incident has been in the past for a long time, it has not been forgotten, and the high-level human monks have never given up their efforts. But even if there is no progress, Feng Linge has worked hard many times in the same way.

There is only one conclusion, and that is that the opponent's overall strength is enough to make the human monks in awe, that is to say, it involves such masters as Mu Lingzi, Golden Winged Dapeng King, and masters in the late stage of the God Realm.

Without such a master, the monster race over there is not capable of resisting the entire human cultivator world.

Until now, there have been monks passing by during this period, hoping to sneak through the thorn bushes and enter the deadly sea to see the tomb of Xiyin. If you are lucky, you may be able to enter.

But then few heard of anyone coming back alive. But even so, it couldn't stop the monks' enthusiasm and hard work. Only now did Yu Yu know that among the sneaky people, a considerable part of them were monks in the star field realm or even the **** field realm. Of course, the monks in the boundary field and cave field still occupy the absolute majority.

There is only one fundamental reason for them to go, and that is, there is not much lifespan, and there is no hope for further progress in this life. There is no other way but to find a place with the most hope, and see if they can make a way.

Similar to many forbidden areas in the monk world, such as the Jieyaogu. Although it was dangerous, no matter it was a human monk, he still had to cultivate, and he kept going to the forbidden place. Even if he knew that he might not be able to return, he still had no choice.

Danger often coexists with opportunity!

But now, Yu Yu seldom thinks about such a dangerous place anymore. At present, he doesn't lack anything, his life is more valuable than before. This is also true.

Poor boys may not care about their own life and death, but rich people will take their lives!

The current Yu Yu is a rich man, and also a very rich man. He is rich in value, has a long life, is not low, and has a good status. In all aspects, there is no need to take his own life and risk too much.

So desperate as a teenager is a last resort!

So now when the nun mentioned the sea of ​​death and the tomb of Xiyin, Yu Yu was silent.

"Why, Mr. Yu is scared?" The female cultivator said straightforwardly, but her smiling attitude didn't seem like a joke.

Yu Yudao, "It seems I am in the early stage of Star Field Realm. What can I do if I go there? Even if I get something, I can't use it now. Is Daobao still something? Me? Can it be used? There is a sea of ​​death. My master has to be very careful, and frankly speaking, his old man doesn't necessarily dare to take personal risks. Why should I take the lead?"

In the last moment of Huludao, he saw the distraction of a cultivator in the realm of God, and at that time asked about the tomb of Xiyin. This person said then that even if he could go, it would not be a good thing.

Xiyin is a cultivator of the late stage of the God Realm that is well-known in the monk world. It is famous, including the demon cultivator. The entire monastic world, whether it is from the demon cultivator, the Golden Wing Dapeng clan, or the land of the Buddha cultivator, There are many legends about this man.

He is not an ordinary character. Although Mu Lingzi, the Golden Winged Great Peng King, and two island owners such as Ming Dao were all in the late stage of God's Field Realm, they were not successful.

He is not a superb figure in the late stage of the God Realm. Yu Yu asked Mu Lingzi about this question, and Mu Lingzi said very clearly that Xiyin is the final stage of the gods, and logically, he should be a figure who has survived the catastrophe and waited for the ascent.

But the weird thing is that in this world, there is no news of the ascension to heaven. Yu Yu may have concealed a lot of people during the two previous trials. Whether it was his Thirty-Nine Tribulations or the Sixty-Nine Tribulations, it was not too big. The field energy fluctuation caused is also limited.

Especially after the Sixty-Nine Tribulation of Heaven was spent in another dimension, it did not arouse the attention of outsiders. But the Ascension Tribulation is different. Such a great calamity will inevitably trigger the flow of field energy in the entire world, and at least all monks in the star field and **** field in the world can sense it. It doesn't matter if the person who crossed the robbery succeeded or failed in the end.

Can't hide it! However, since the ancient war, there is no news of the ascension to the heavens in this world.