Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 2643: Why not expressly

"It seems that you really found something" Yun Lan said at the top, but there was a touch of carelessness on her face, looking at the other party casually and slightly contemptuously "Lie Ye, you know. We, don't we know you?"

It turned out that this old man was called Liye, and it sounded more like Lixiaqing's direct seniors, but the demon race's generation and name were a little different from the human world, and he couldn't be determined at will. Δ┡E『Δ『Fiction WwㄟW. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

In the middle of the night, the old man still said expressionlessly, "I knew very early that you were coming for me. I know, no matter how good I hide, I can avoid your investigation very well, our world Devil, haven't many of them died in your hands?"

"Hahaha" Yun Lan suddenly laughed. "At midnight, you are too worthy of yourself. We wiped out you and your firefly clan, but it was just a matter of flipping hands. The reason why you still have you all these years is not you at all. As imagined, but you can’t even know our purpose, and I don’t need to tell you more."

"Yes." Li Ye did not get angry because of the other party's words that sounded arrogant. "I am a devil, you naturally don't care. Your ambitions are greater and more dangerous. You didn't do anything to kill us, the old man always felt that Strangely, I have communicated with some people back and forth over the years, and know some of your clues, including Nine Nether Palace and so on.

Later, it seemed that there were people behind you. You are not the real leader, and you are not qualified to be the leader. Frankly speaking, you are just running dogs of those behind you. Is that correct? "

"Lie Ye" Yun Lan's face suddenly cooled down, and two cold glows appeared in her eyes, staring at Li Ye.

But Yu Yu, Bei Xixue and others found it very strange. After saying the last sentence in the night, his gaze was not at Yun Lan, but at the void beside Yun Lan.

How is this going!

Yun Lan wanted to say a few more words, but the indifferent voice at midnight interrupted her. "Yun Lan, you can't even count as a running dog, shut up. Your Excellency has been watching for so long and hasn't shown up. Don't you feel bored? "

The expression on Yun Lan's face was distorted a few times, and the corners of her mouth moved, but she really stopped talking. Wen Yue next to her and everyone else looked at her in surprise. As if not knowing, there were others on the scene!

Yu Yu, Tianchangyuan, didn't feel that there were people on the scene. However, right next to Yun Lan, a person, to be precise, a young and beautiful woman, as if she had walked out of nothingness, came out, and appeared quietly beside Yun Lan.

As soon as she appeared, Yu Yu's body seemed to be overcharged, and a rousing spirit, a feeling that was so familiar that it could no longer be familiar, surged into her heart.

He felt a similar existence.

Everyone at the scene looked at the girl in pale blue palace costumes with stunned eyes, especially the few people around her, with a look of surprise.

A person appeared right beside him, and as the so-called mighty power, he was unaware of it. If this person slams a killer on himself, he only needs one move to kill himself!

Maybe to death, they don't know who started it. this is too scary!

Wen Yue's face is even more ugly! She didn't know why this woman suddenly appeared. But she didn't dare to show anger at all.

She glanced at Yun Lan secretly!

The girl in the palace costume is outstanding, with extremely delicate features and a graceful figure, but it seems that her figure seems to be a little smaller than the average girl, I don't know if it is an illusion or the truth.

Yu Yu knew that he had seen the same kind of mysterious woman in the foreign spirit world. At that time, he didn't even know what happened to the woman who appeared later, whether it was a human, a demon, or a foreign spirit. Later, after listening to Mu Lingzi's analysis, it was probably from the Yuhuang Heavenly Palace.

After a series of news were integrated, Yu Yu judged that what he saw at the beginning should be one of the four so-called nobles in the Yuhuang Tiangong.

But today, the one in front of him, not surprisingly, should be the other one of the four nobles. Except for taking away his mountain and river whip, the old man didn't have trouble for him, but he also took away his most valuable treasure.

He didn't know why that person didn't kill himself. Listening to her original tone, he seemed to despise himself at all. Maybe she doesn't like herself.

The woman in front of her seemed to have noticed Yu Yu's strangeness for the first time. After she appeared, she did not immediately respond to Li Ye, but looked at Yu Yu.

It’s different from the women I’ve seen before, they all have a common feature, calm, Yu Yu can’t detect any aura in them, like a pool of calm water, without the slightest waves, and it seems that there is no vitality. same.

Yu Yu knew that this was hidden. They should have hidden all the information that reflected their background and origin in themselves.

It seemed that she seemed to be more mature than the woman she had met.

"Have we met before?" the woman asked Yu Yu calmly and gently. The voice was extremely gentle, and could not hear the slightest hostility.

"No" Yu Yu said.

The woman frowned slightly, but she didn't mean to ask any more. Instead, she looked at him more and said, "Yu Yu, you really deserve to be Tianchangyuan. In such a short time, we can kill several masters one after another, you A human monk in this realm, I am afraid it is difficult to find a second one."

"You praised," Yu Yu couldn't help saying.

The woman thought for a while, and she seemed to be thinking about the same thing, and then she said, "If you can, I hope you can leave and don't participate in the following things. I still don’t need to pursue the matter just now. You...understand that I am here. What are you talking about?"

She did not go to see Li Ye ~ ~ Li Ye did not seem to be anxious, just listened silently, and at this time, Li Ye said, "Mr. Yu, do you know why she said that?"

I didn't feel it at first, but when Li Ye suddenly asked such a question, Yu Yu felt that he should think more about it and said, "I... really don't understand what she is talking about."

"Think about it, you will understand." Li Ye said slowly, "You killed so many of them. This woman's status and strength are not difficult to kill you, but she promised you that as long as you leave, you can forget the blame. This is very difficult to do! There must be a reason, a great reason!"

"Senior is suggesting something to me?" Yu Yu frowned. "Why didn't you say it clearly?"

"Explicitly?" Li Ye suddenly smiled bitterly. "Mr. Xiaoyu, no one will tell you clearly. Forget it, the old man will stop here. Do you know what this woman comes from?"

"The big man of the other party must be someone in a high position" Yu Yudao.

"High position...well, not bad" Li Ye nodded. "She is indeed in a high position, and a high position."

(End of this chapter)