Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 2682: 1 uncomplicated past

"Damn, this is a fierce man!" Yu Yu smacked, with infinite yearning in his heart. At that time, Feisheng was still able to do it. Imagine that scene...there were huge crowds, red flags spreading...

Zhenyuanzi nodded. "When my master mentioned this incident to me, that person had been successfully ascended for many years. As I just said, no one has ever figured out what happened to this person. Even if he was ascended. , And did not say the slightest information about him. It is said that this person has no friends either."

"If he really succeeded in ascending in six hundred years, wouldn't it be too bad?" Bei Xixue said, "Senior, your monk at the time, in the realm of God's Field Realm, could live for ten thousand years, right? His How big is the chance, why not leave it to posterity? He has successfully ascended!"

"Yeah" Zhenyuanzi blanked his eyes. "The human monks at the time were all saying this. Many people asked him. Before he ascended, many people had looked for him. Large forces were basically looking for him all over the world, but he Just leave it alone, what can be done?"

It will take a while to ascend through the catastrophe. This time is the mastery and use of the fairy power after adding the body. Otherwise, how can you withstand the pressure brought by the different interfaces during the ascension process, so before the ascension The monk is already a fairy, a real land fairy!

He went on to say, "Shortly after this person's ascension, a forbidden area burst out the big formation I just mentioned. At first it was like now. Now, not many people have noticed that big formation, and there are not many of you now. Has anyone noticed this holy mountain? Compared to the rumored news that the Tomb of Xiyin is in the Dead Sea, what we know about this time is only a very limited number of forces."

"I guess this matter will spread out soon" Yu Yudao.

"It's not an estimate, it will inevitably spread," Mamotoko said. "There must be a problem with the big formation that has been unable to attack. My master's situation was the same at that time. It was a long time before everyone knew that. Locally, the attention of all major forces has been attracted.

After that, I kept trying. The power at that time was unable to attack with all my strength. There is really no way. The parties cooperated, from the original state of melee, to everyone working together to end the fight between each other, and all the forces were concentrated on the big battle, but it still didn't work.

After that, the Array Mage came on the field, and it turned out that there was only one sentence, which was not good. That person doesn't seem to be very proficient in the battle, but he knows a little bit, but this person seems extremely wise.

My master said that the big formation he set up is, strictly speaking, a big formation, but it cannot be said to be a big formation... After hearing about the holy mountain, my first reaction was to think of my master. That happened.

This person has played almost all the array masters. He may not be intentional, but objectively, he has played all of them. The main manifestation is that as long as the matrix master at the time cracked one point, a bigger point would emerge later. If you follow the established path, you will enter a dead end and never get out.

But there are wise people, as I just said, at that time there was an array mage who stepped into the holy realm. They discussed a way to get through this large array. In fact, they gathered so many people and so much power. It is only a matter of time to crack the big array. There is no such thing as being unable to crack. People at that time also viewed it in this way. It is impossible to be unable to crack forever.

After a series of setbacks and difficulties, the big formation was cracked and they went up. However, what made them dumbfounded, and then unreasonably angry, was that the man's dojo on the mountain was indeed true, but it was empty. "

"Empty?" Bei Xixue was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"Meaning, they rushed for nothing, and they were also late."

"Late to go? Someone went up before?" Bei Xixue's eyes lit up. "Who, someone got his inheritance?"

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Bei Xixue, "That's natural, otherwise, I won't say what I just said, and I won't tell you a feasible solution. My thoughts are actually from that person. that matter.

After all, this kind of thing rarely happens, because very few people have the ability to do this. At that time, everyone was dumbfounded. It took decades to get such a result. One can imagine how annoyed and angry they were.

In the early stage of cracking the Great Array, millions of monks left their lives and forgot to die. They fell at the foot of the mountain. At the foot of the mountain, there were piles of bones. Not too much. There are too many dead people. Driven by desire, some monks in caves even want to fish in troubled waters. The result is a dead end, there is no so-called loophole. "

"This is probably unavoidable. If the matter of the holy mountain spreads out, it is estimated that this place will soon evolve into a **** struggle" Bei Xixue couldn't help saying.

"Yes," Mamotoko continued, "Under his anger, the big men at the time completely smoothed the mountain and made it disappear from the world."

"What then? It's not over like that, right?" Yu Yu asked.

"Of course not, otherwise, there is no reason for my idea of ​​breaking the formation." Mamotoko said, "About three hundred years have passed since this incident, and when people almost forgot it, strange things happened. The person who inherited Feicheng's similar cultivator, accidentally appeared in everyone's field of vision.

That person’s skills are very It’s easy to recognize, just like Yu Yu kid, your current sword bravery is easy to recognize, because there is Taiwujin fine gold, and yours Cuan Yun Jian Jue is also easy to recognize. It is different from others, and it can be recognized as soon as you do it.

This happened at that time. The man's practice reappeared in the world. Although it was just a glimpse, it was amazing enough. The lake water that had been calm for a long time was thrown into huge rocks, and waves were raised.

Later, this person who performed that kind of exercise was very similar to the previous person. They were all a glimpse of the dragon. Everyone guessed that this person may be the person who got the internal inheritance of that big formation. In other words, he got all the inheritance of that person at that time, because after everyone went up, the dojo on the mountain was all emptied and taken away. "

"Nothing left?" Bei Xixue smiled suddenly. "This person is really dark enough. Just leave something!"

"Yes" Zhenyuanzi said, "Even if you keep some basic medicine or other basic exercises, you can balance the mood of those big forces. After so many people die, it will be an empty place. , What's your mood? As soon as the news of that person came out, the entire cultivator world was boiling!"

(End of this chapter)