Huashan Gate

v3 Chapter 2805: Yuanku

If the palace owner of the Yuhuang Heavenly Palace was just questioning, then the immortal who came down was really in awe. He impatiently watched the disappearance of Murong Rong over and over again.

The restless heart slowly calmed down. From the first sight of this scene, he thought of the great event that happened in the fairy world. Overnight, two immortal emperors fell at the same time.

In the fairy world, two immortal emperors fell at the same time. This is impossible, but it happened! This kind of thing that people disappear without any power fluctuations is theoretically impossible, but it also happened.

So his first thought was that he couldn't be the master by himself!

"It seems that it's time to go to Houshan." The palace owner thought for a while, and finally thought that going to Houshan and seeing if Yu Yu was still there would explain everything. If Yu Yu was there, then he Maybe you can give yourself an explanation.

The immortal didn't pay too much attention to Yu Yu, because he looked down on Yu Yu's inferior existence, and instinctively ignored it. But the palace owner believes that the key point of this matter is still Yu Yu, at least Yu Yu is a breakthrough.

In fact, Yu Yu was also discussing this issue with Zhen Yuanzi, Zhen Yuanzi asked, "You have communicated so much with this Murong Rong, I don't think she will help much."

"Yes" Yu Yu said. "She may not be willing to help me, or she may not have the ability at all, but do I have other ways to think of it? She is my first breakthrough, in the current chaos, I can see The only breakthrough I have reached. I have to get a corroborated answer from her for many things. At least it is close to the truth!"

"Breakthrough?" Mamotoko frowned.

"Yes," Yu Yudao. "This matter is actually unsolvable to some extent. After fighting for so many years, the big sects like Guilan Temple have been destroyed. It is not wise to use force to fight temporarily. Before, I didn’t even know what to do, or even who we were facing, but now I have someone from the other side. This is progress and breakthrough. She is the only breakthrough point!"

"But, have you ever thought about it, you took her away, and at the same time, you also know that the other party was watching you at the time, and that Murong Rong also said that there is a picture of the water curtain. As soon as the spirit race has a unique method, you are not afraid that the other party will find On your head?" Zhen Yuanzi said, "I see, they may already be on the road. If this is the case, I don't think it is strange at all. Your identity is so easy to recognize!"

"Yes" Yu Yu said. "Most of the great monks in this world have heard of me, and have seen my information from all aspects, so they can easily recognize me. The question you said, although I have never wanted to Think about it, but you have to think about it. It is not a wise move to stay in Houshan."

"Then where are you going?" Mamotoko asked.

"Tribulation Demon Valley" Yu Yu said lightly.

"Where are you going? Your realm..." Mamotoko frowned. "What are you going to do?"

"One and a half years have passed. If there are no problems, I expect that the other party will be in awe because of Murong Rong's mysterious disappearance. For a short time, they dare not mess around. The palace lord may not be able to feel the mystery of Murong Rong's disappearance. , But the immortal who came down, he would definitely be wrong.

They stop temporarily and I have time. Jieyaogu is a good node. I'm going to the deepest point to see. Do you remember where I discovered a world? "

Yu Yu found the entrance to a world in the depths of the Jieyao Valley, which is on a mountain beam. Later, the palace lord and people such as Yinmiao Patriarch went there. Later, he saw Mu Lingzi and heard, Mu Lingzi also went there, and discovered where a large number of masters were left. He was worried about coming to this world, so he stopped exploring.

"Maybe it's a coincidence?" Mamotoko shrugged.

"Is this coincidence too big?" Yu Yu said, "That is the entrance to a world. If the space is not extremely stable, why can it exist for so long? And how does this world merge into our world. Very curious! Of course, this is not the most important thing!"

"Then what is the most important thing?" Mamotoko was taken aback.

Yu Yu glanced at him and said, "Before we were too arrogant, now I don't have this problem. We used to think that the discoverer of that world, the only person who knows, is us. Now I don't think so."

Mamotoko's eyes lit up, "You mean..."

"I mean, in that world, whether it is the high-level members of the Yuhuang Heavenly Palace or the high-level members of the Nine Nether Palace, they all know in theory, and I'm sure they know it, they knew it early. Because people in the fairy world can see Seeing our world through, would they not know the existence of such a world? A joke!"

Yu Yu has always believed that this is a secret that few people know, and now he doesn't think so. Since the battle of Guilan Temple, I heard that the palace lord was injured by the old monks, Yu Yu's mind has changed a lot.

Nine Nether Palace and Yuhuang Heavenly Palace are forces that have existed for more than two hundred thousand years. What is this concept? Even in the world of the spirit race, there is no such sect, and the power can exist for more than 200,000 years.

Not to mention the pressure from the outside, the struggle from the inside, that is, the inevitable internal fighting, it will drag down a seemingly huge force.

But these two forces have existed for more than 200,000 years. After this accumulation, the strength is amazing. Fighting, now it is impossible to fight, and its weakness must be found.

The accumulation of tens of thousands of years in Guilan Temple has cultivated a group of old monks. They wounded the palace lord, but only wounded the palace lord. In the end, Guilan Temple ended up completely destroyed.

Such forces, they may have noticed that someone has been in that mysterious world, maybe. At least, Yu Yu is certain that they know such a world, and they are likely to have their own forces in it.

And all this, Mu Lingzi might know it all, so he closed the entrance and prevented them from entering.

The entrance to that world has been blocked, and it was Mu Lingzi who did it. The reason they told Yu Yu was that it was not safe inside, and they were worried that an ancient demon would run out and harm the world.

Yu Yu felt that Jieyaogu, a place that could attract the attention of Yuanku that year, would not be as simple as Yuanku said to himself.

At that time, Yuanku only said that he had discovered the grievances of the ancient monks here, and so on. He didn't say much to himself. He just said what he was going to do when he grew up.

But when Yu Yu really grows up, he will have a new understanding of Yuanku's back then. At that time, I was just a hot-blooded young man, and Root hadn't been exposed to the world's high-level power and high-level dynamics.

Perhaps Yuanku himself came from Guilan Temple?

(End of this chapter)